NEANDERTHAL MAN . Neanderthal Man was first discovered at about the turn of the century in a cave in the Neanderthal Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. He was portrayed as a semi-erect, barrel-chested, brutish sort of fellow, an intermediary link between man and apes. . With the discovery of other neanderthal skeletons, it is now known, however, that Neanderthal Man was fully erect and fully human. In fact, his cranial capacity even exceeded that of modern man by more than 13%. . The old misconceptions about Neanderthal Man were due to two factors: first, the bias of pre-programmed evolutionary anthropologists who reconstructed him; and second, the fact that the particular individual on whom the initial evaluation was made was crippled with osteo-arthritis and rickets. Today Neanderthal Man is classified as Homo sapiens, completely human. From the book "The Collapse of Evolution" by Scott M. Huse Baker Book House Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516