MUTATIONS: "MAGIC WANDS" OR MENANCE? MUTATION: in nature, a very rare, sudden, random alteration in the DNA code; mutations are mistakes -- accidental, random rerrangements of the programmed code. Mutations become the new supposed "magic wand" to overcome the barriers between the different types of plants and animals. To put it simply, Evolutioniists commonly thought that: "Amoeba" + MUTATIONS + Time + Energy + Chance can equal man. this formula reminds some scientists of the fairy tale in which a frog turns into a prince. Evolution says in effect, the same thing - but the process takes longer MACRO-MUTATION: a theoretical and extremely large mutational change, the sudden appearance of a major new type of structure. No such mutation has been scientifically observed or been proven to have ever occurred. Why do mutations occur? One cause is radiation. The effects of atomic bombs and nuclear generator accidents have made people justifiably wary of radiation. Radiation can produce bizarre, malforming mutations. Even without such weapons and accidents, Earth's inhabitants are presently exposed to rediation from the sun and the stars, plus radiation from various Earth minerals. Scientists have used x-ray radiation to deliberately cause mutations in African violets and fruit flies so that they could study the effects. Fruit flies reproduce very quickly Therefore, a single scientist can observe the effects over a host of generations. What have scientists found? Do mutations improve living things? Millions of dollars in research have proved that they do not. Most mutated animals would easily die in nature because mutations are almost invariabley damaging in one way or another. Random rearrangements of information always results in loss of information. Therefore, when mutations produce random rearrangements in the complex information stored in DNA, the result is loss, not improvement. "There is no single instance where it can be maintained that any of the mutants studied has a higher viability than the mother species." (p.1212) "A review of know facts about their ability to survive has led to no other conclusion than that they are always constitutionally weaker than their parent form or species, and in a population with free competition they are eliminated...Therefore they are never found in nature (e.g., not a single one of the several hundreds of Drosophila mutations), and therefore, they are able to appear only in the favorable environment of the experimental field or laboratory..." (Famed Swedish Evolutionist Heribert Nilsson of Lund University,p.1186).