THE ROCK AND ROLL "NIGHTMARE" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ( Article taken from a publication of Thunder and Lightning Ministries New Buffalo, MI ----- The Gospel Truth: A publication of Southwest Radio Church P.O. Box 1144, Oklahoma City, OK 73101) As drugs and the occult continue to deceive and destroy thousands and thousands of young people, rock performers continue to encourage the youth of this nation to go deeper into the darkness. The Book of Revelation speaks of a final battle between the light and the darkness. The true light is Jesus Christ and the prince of darkness is a fallen musical angel named Lucifer (Isa. l4:9-17; Ezek. 28:l2-19). The Book of Revelation c1early shows Satan (Lucifer) the ultimate loser doing all he can to deceive and destroy mankind. "And there was war in heaven...and the dragon fought and his angels, And they prevailed not...And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Rev. l2:7-9). Did you pick it up? Jesus cast the devil down to earth because he was a rebel and a deceiver. The prince of darkness was cast out of Heaven and he landed on the earth. Because of God's love when He created people on this planet, they immediately became the enemy's target (Genesis 2-3). HIS STRATEGY Lucifer's ultimate strategy is to deceive people and he is very clever about it. Through rock groups, he tells young people of rock performers are into drugs and the occult. They are followers of Lucifer, and in like manner they are liars and deceivers. TWISTED SISTER This group is perverted and wicked. The lead singer, Dee Snyder, his face filled with anger and hatred, sings songs like ''Burn in Hell.'' He is characteristic of the god he serves, the twisted one himself, the devil. Unfortunately, the majority of current rock groups are being twisted and deceived by him, including Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, Judas Priest, Exodus, Venom, Blue Oyster Cult, AC/DC, Slayer, the Plasmatics, the Dead Kennedys, David Bowie, and Alice Cooper. WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE So declares Alice Cooper. He should know all about it. His real name is Vince Furnier and he admits he got his stage name from a Ouija board which told him that he would be a rock star if he changed his name to Alice Cooper. The Bible warns people not to get involved with tarot cards, Ouija boards, occult books, and astrology, some of which falls under the scriptural term ''divination.'' All of these practices are inspired by Lucifer and his hordes to deceive people into believing his lies. These evil powers mix an element of what appears to be truth with a lot of error. Don't get involved with the occult. It is a highway to Hell. It's no game. The Bible makes it very c1ear not to bring an accursed thing into your home or you will become a curse, just as it is (Deut. 7:26). Since music was originally created to glorify God and speak of good things, the twisted one has corrupted it. The music of this generation is literally corrupting and destroying the youth of America and the world. As Gene Simmons, the lead singer of the satanic rock group Kiss, says in his song "God of Thunder," "I was raised by demons, and I command you to kneel before the god of thunder, god rock and roll." Another satanic group by the name of Slayer sing songs like, "Ride the Demon Out," "Final Command," and "The Anti- christ." They wear inverted crosses and, like Kiss, practice satanic blood rituals in their concerts. VENOM Things are getting extremely wicked. Satanic groups like Venom are projecting more and more evil on the youth of this generation. On the back of one of their album covers any teenager can read these words of blasphemy: "Without any fear of God/ Were possessed by all that is evil/ The death of you we demand/ And sit at lord satan's left hand." We are living in the very last days and the spirit of Antichrist is reflected more and more in the music scene of this generation. AC/DC This is another satanic group singing songs of darkness and evil. They encourage young people to follow them on a "Highway to Hell." "Ain't nothin' I'd rather/Goin' down for the last time/ My friends are gonna be there, to/ I'm on a highway to hell/Hey, Satan, I paid my dues/ Playing in a rockin' band/ Hey, Momma, look at me/ I'm on the way to the promised land/ I'm on the highway to hell/ don't stop me." This song is just one of many current rock songs that call evil and good evil. KILLING CHILDREN The blasphemous rock group Dead Kennedys are anti-christ and anti-American. they encourage murder in their song "I Kill Children": "God told me to skin you alive (the god of this world, Satan)/I kill children/ I love to see them die/ I kill children to make their mothers cry/ I crust them under my car/ And I love to hear them scream/ I feed them poison candy/ And spoil their Halloween/ I kill children." This is just another song that the youth of this nation have turned to. It should be mentioned that the back of one of the album covers by this satanic punk rock group features a picture of Jesus hung on an American dollar bill in the form of a cross with the number 666 over His head. This is total blasphemy. Parents, think about what your teen-ager may be listening to. The majority of rock and punk rock music is inspired by the prince of darkness and his sole purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy(John 10:10). The music scene of this generation is reflecting his intentions boldly and without reservation. MUSIC THAT MURDERS Space does not permit a listing of all the songs that encourage suicide and murder. Songs like "Suicide Solution" by Ozzy Osbourne and "Don't Fear the Reaper" by the Blue Oyster Cult have encouraged the death of more than one young person. As Elton John sings: "Yea, I'm gonna kill myself/Cause a little headline news/Like to see what the papers say/On the state of the teenage blues." The Police have recorded a wicked song that promotes murder entitled "Murder by Number." Pay attention to some of the lyrics: "Now if you have a taste for this experience/ And you're flushed with your very first success/ Then you must try a twosome or a threesome/ And you'll find your conscience bothers you much less/ Because murder is like anything you take to/ It's a habit-forming need for more and more/ You can bump off every member of your family/ And anybody else you find a bore." Exodus, another satanic group, released a song entitled Boned by Blood. This song deals with a satanic blood pact and has the following lyric in song: "Whip out the chains/Get the knife and some innocent fool/Bloody corpse makes me feel great." Other groups like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and Motley Crue have also influenced the death of more than one teenager in America. The heavy metal group Iron Maiden have an occultic mascot they use on album covers and in their live concerts called Eddy. He is a symbol of evil. As reported in the Toronto Sun, November 1, l980, the trial of a 14-year-old boy accused in the savage murder of three members of a Scarborough family heard tales of devil worship, heavy metal rock music, and an evil alter ego nicknamed "Eddy." The article goes on to say how this teenager was directly influenced by Iron Maiden and the influence of their occultic symbol and mascot Eddy in the murder of Arthur Irwin, his wife Joyce, and daughter Kelly. THE ROARING LION As the children of light become more Christ-like, so the prince of darkness is transforming his followers into his image. Consider the picture of occult rock star Ozzy Osborne. He is seen on the album Blizzard of Oz with long, lion-like hair and teeth. Revelation 9:8 says, "And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions" This chapter of Revelation is full of symbols, but this army of evil that he describes includes the faces of men who had hair like women and teeth like lions. In his album, The Ultimate Sin, Ozzy is clearly seen on the cover in the process of a total transformation into the image of the devil himself. In Hit Parader magazine (Jan. l983) Ozzy said, "Nothing I do is an act." It's not all just a bunch of show business, it's occult business. HIDEOUS ALBUM COVERS Take a good look at the majority of rock album covers and you will see snakes, dragons, pentigrams, hexigrams, lightning bolts, satanic hand salutes (index finger and little finger raised), and other symbols of the occult. Uriah Heep, another satanic group, have released an evil album called Abominog. The face of a devil on the cover is so evil that it defies description. The group admits to being into the occult (Hit Parader, Jan. 1983). Just as the Lord inspires people to write, draw, and sing, so too does the prince of darkness inspire his followers. The majority of rock album covers are drawn, inspired, and symbolized under the influence of the evil one. A lot of artists who draw these kinds of pictures are on drugs and their spiritual inspiration comes from demonic powers. The enemy is very clever. He wants to get his signature or picture on those things that he inspires. Think about it. HOTEL CALIFORNIA Anton LaVey is the high priest of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco California He played the part of the devil in the movie Rosemary's Baby and he also works with a lot of popular rock stars. He has inspired books and music, including such compositions as the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil." He has also influenced the Eagles, who are also into the occult. On the Eagles album cover Hotel California, there is featured what the Eagles refer to as Hotel California, but in reality is a picture of what was once the First Church of Satan in San Francisco (it has reportedly re-located). When you open this album cover and look on the left side, Anton LaVey can be seen standing in an upper window. His arms are outstretched, as he mocks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. IRON MAIDEN The satanic rock group Iron Maiden has a wicked album out entitled The Number the Beast. It has been an album played over and over again by thousands of teen-agers. This album encourages young people to take the mark or number of the beast in the future. This is the vote of Lucifer speaking through the songs of this group to deceive and manipulate a generation of young people. This album includes a song by the same title. Vincent Price who is deeply into the occult is also featured in this song. This song begins with Mr. Price saying the wicked introduction. Then the following lyrics can be heard: "666 the number of the beast/ 666 the one for you and me/ I'm coming back/ I will return/ And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn/ I have the fire/ I have the force/ I have the power to make my evil take its course." Vincent Price was also featured on the occult Thriller album by Michael Jackson and on Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare. ALEISTER CROWLEY Aleister Crowley was a well-known satanist from England who was involved in hideous satanic rituals which encouraged all manner of evil, including animal and human sacrifices. He was in league with Lucifer, who showed him how music could be used to influence young people into satanic worship through secret messages written or recorded backward. For example, Led Zeppelin has used the teachings of Aleister Crowley for quite some time by encoding secret messages in their songs. When their song "Stairway to Heaven" is played backward, the listener can clearly hear these words: ''I sing because I live with Satan." Jimmy Page, a member of the band, is presently living in Aleister Crowley's mansion in England and he has opened up an occultic bookstore. Other satanic groups that use satanic messages on their records, in what has been termed "backward masking" include Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Queen, AC/DC, Styx, and the Beatles. The satanic rock performer Ozzy Osbourne has a song out entitled "Mr. Crowley." It's not all just a bunch of show business, it's occult business. Remember the words of Ozzy: "Nothing I do is an act." SEANCES ON STAGE The majority of rock stars are into drugs and the occult. A lot of these groups openly worship the devil in the lyrics of their songs and on the concert stages of large auditoriums throughout America.This should not be, but nevertheless it's happening. The group Black Sabbath often tell young people to surrender their lives to Satan in their concerts. And Stevie Nicks works with the Welch Witch Publishing Company. She dedicates her songs in live concerts to all the witches in the world. The Plasmatics features Wendy O. Williams as their model of evil. She comes across as a sensual snake poisoning the minds of her victims with open satanic worship and pornographic exhibitionism. The occultic pentigram hangs in the background of their stage performances and, like Rush and other occultic rock groups who use the pentigram, the Plasmatics are out to corrupt the youth of America. PRINCE His evil music encourages sexual perversion, incest, homosexuality, and an immoral lifestyle. Prince mocks and blasphemes the Lord Jesus in song and in concerts all across America. He has gone so far as to even tell young people to consider him their messiah. Not only does he dedicate each of his albums to "God," on his album 1999, he blasphemes God in his song "Let's Pretend We're Married": Whatever you heard about me is true/ I change the rules and do what I wanna do (rebellion)/ I'm in love with God/ He's the only way/ Cause you and I know we gotta die someday/ You think I'm crazy/ You're probably right / But I'm gonna have fun every (expletive deleted) night/ I'm goin' to another life/ How 'bout you?" Prince is unfortunately controlled by the evil one. He is following the prince of darkness and leading multitudes of young people and adults in the direction of Hell! Don't be fooled by the religious overtones in his music. The motivation is evil and blasphemous. MADONNA She comes across like a female Prince. Her music is all of sexual immorality and she has unfortunately become a model to tens of thousands of impressionable teenagers. Her harlot image coincides with her life history. She has played in pornographic movies and her switch to the rock music scene has not changed her "anything goes" philosophy. Madonna admitted that the reason she wears a cross is because she always liked the appearance of a naked man. Madonna is an ungodly woman who needs the Jesus she blasphemes in her words and actions. She is like Prince, anti-Christ and blasphemous in her words and actions. ROCK GROUPS WHO HAVE THE SAME NAME AS A DEMON When Lucifer rebelled against the Lord, he was cast out of Heaven with a third of the angels who then became demons. We must remember that these beings have distinct personalities. These spiritual powers and rulers of darkness are evil. Their current mission is to deceive and destroy as many people as they can. They do not want people to come to know Jesus Christ because their father is now the devil and he is opposed to God. One-third of these fallen angels are with Lucifer now, but two-thirds are still in the kingdom of light (Rev. l2:4). There are more angels of light than demons of darkness. However, we must not take lightly the reality that there are literally tens of thousands of evil powers in this universe, most of whom are directed by Lucifer to influence and control people and lead them into deception and eternal damnation. According to a report by Dale Griffis, a police investigator in occult related crimes for 20 years, in the satanic black mass a number of occult books are used. He discovered that some of the actual names of various demons worshipped in these evil masses had the same names as a lot of the current popular rock groups. In other words, some of these rock groups had taken the name of one of the demons they worshipped. A few of the names he listed were AC/DC, Rush, Kiss, and Heart. Think about it. This is proof again that there is a direct influence between current rock groups and the demons they are serving. THE BEAST We are living in a wicked and rebellious generation. All Hell is breaking loose because the enemy knows that his time is short. He is working day and night to draw as many people into his web of destruction as he can (Rev 12:12). We are living in the very last days. As the return of Jesus draws near, the Scriptures make it very clear that in the generation of the Lord's return there would be those living on the planet that would be for Christ, but there would also be those who would be given over to the lies of Lucifer(2 Tim. 3:1-l0; 1 John 2:l8). Although this condition has enlisted for a long time, the Scriptures make it clear that as we approach the final chapters of prophecy, evil men and seducers will was worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Tim. @:l@). A wicked occultic ruler will eventually emerge on the scene who will encourage a cashless society controlled by marks to be placed on the right hand or forehead of people. This wicked system and coming dictator is known in the Scriptures as the beast. Revelation l3 speaks of the rising up of such a wicked system in the last days. The stage is being set. The satanic rock group Motley Crue has a song out entitled "God Bless the Children of the Beast." There are a lot of rock groups who are singing songs about the beast. Lucifer has lied to them and told them that this coming beast system is good. The enemy is a liar and he is deceiving a lot of rock groups and their fans. Once again, the Scriptures make it clear that any one who takes the mark of the beast will be eliminated from any hope of Heaven and will suffer the judgments of Almighty God and have their place in an eternal lake of fire (Rev. 14:9-11; 19:20). A lot of these rock groups make Lucifer sound like he is the one young people should follow and that Hell is going to be one big eternal party, but in reality this place called Hell is no party. As a matter of fact, it is a place so horrible that words cannot adequately describe the horror and terror of going to such a place. 666 A lot of rock album covers feature this series of numbers. The satanic rock group Black Sabbath have the number 666 over the bedpost of a naked man circled by demons on one of their album covers. Other groups sing about this number 666. Space does not permit all that might be said about this number sequence, but it is mentioned clearly in Revelation l3:l8. The Scriptures make it clear in this chapter speaking of the last days and the rising up of this beast system and its occultic dictator that some kind of mark would be utilized in controlling the money systems of the world. The stage is obviously being prepared for the emerging beast kingdom and its dictator that the Scriptures warn about. This wicked ruler who is also known as the Antichrist is most likely living right now. The return of Jesus is near, and so is this wicked ruler. There is a war going on between the light and the darkness. The enemies of the Gospel will ultimately be defeated and cast into an eternal lake of fire. This includes the beast, every false prophet, the wicked ruler (the Antichrist),the children of darkness, and Lucifer himself (Rev. 19:19-20; 20:10). CULTURE SHOCK "Culture shock" is a term used to express the unpleasant feeling of suddenly finding yourself in an environment that is totally foreign to what one has become accustomed to. A lot of us are beginning to feel this way about America. In the not too distant past, abortion was looked down upon and discussed only occasionally. The majority of Americans knew abortion was wrong; they knew it was murder. Drugs were discussed in medical terms, but now it is a social expression and daily way of life for a large part of the American people. Homosexuality was shunned as a disgusting perversion. Pornography was an unthinkable consideration for the majority of citizens of this country. Rock concerts that openly encourage the youth of America to take drugs, be immoral, perverted, rebel against their parents and country, and serve and worship Lucifer in their concerts throughout America was not a concern. There was a time when laws were enforced and drugs would not be allowed to circulate to the youth of this nation in our city auditoriums as various concerts took place. But all this has changed over the past 30 years. During this interval, the plague of drugs, venereal disease, immorality, abortion, and occult practices are spreading like a plague of Hell throughout America. This corruption is literally destroying the home of the brave and the land of the free, as thousands and thousands of people continue to worship false gods, welcome Eastern philosophies, experiment with drugs, and practice an "anything goes" humanistic approach to life. A lot of changes have taken place in our country over the past 30 years. The traditional acceptance of prayer in our public schools is now forbidden by the occultic elite, while the theory of evolution is exalted and the facts of creationism are dismissed. Our country is under attack and the only hope for America is Jesus Christ. The American people need to return to the Lord, repent of their sins against God, and turn from their false gods. The Word of God brings hope to a people and a nation that have gone astray, but we must obey and hearken to the Word of the Lord. "And if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and prey, and seek my face and turn from their wicked was; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land"(2 Chron. 7:l4). This is a message of hope to America, but there is also this written warning from the Lord: "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" (Ps. 9: l7). A lot of us are feeling the effects off the culture shock right here in America, and we haven't even gone anywhere. We need to turn back to the Lord individually and collectively before it is too late! The rock group Culture Club has blended into the culture shockwaves felt throughout this nation. This generation is plagued by marijuana, cocaine, crack, and drugs of all kinds. The lead singer of this group, Boy George, has taken on the appearance of a woman and encourages a homosexual lifestyle. The name of their group is characteristic of their motivations. In others words, "Come on and join the club. We are encouraging a new culture." This present culture is plagued by drugs. Boy George is a victim of drugs himself, with a reported addiction to heroin. The plague of AIDS and other forms of venereal disease is taking its toll on this generation and yet rock performers like Boy George, Prince, and Mick Jagger, encourage sexual perversions in their music. Although rock music is not the only channel of communication to this generation in the promotion of rebellion and immorality, nevertheless, it is a major channel of influence to the youth of this nation. All Eastern religions and most false cults promote the philosophy of reincarnation. This is just another lie of Lucifer. The Bible says that there is no such thing as reincarnation (Heb. 9:27). There is a Heaven and there is a Hell, and that is a reality (John l4; Rev. 21; Luke l6:19-31). Reincarnation is another lie of Lucifer, a deception, and an error in philosophical opinion. The Beatles released a song called "Instant Karma" that reflected the Hindu philosophy of reincarnation. Their song "My Sweet Lord" was dedicated to the demon god Krishna and not Jesus. The Beatles studied and followed the teachings of Maharish Mahesh Yogi and his occultic philosophies. They were forerunners in spreading transcendental meditation, drugs, and anti-Christ messages in their music. Transcendental meditation, also known as TM, has captured the attention of thousands of people in America. The Beatles helped in promoting these Eastern views that have spread and poisoned the minds of thousands, young and old alike. Those who become involved with TM are given a mantra. This mantra is a few words that are chanted repeatedly. The public is informed that this is to reduce stress, when in reality the mantra is actual1y the name of a Hindu deity. As people chant their mantra, they often receive unusual visions or revelations. This experience is not God; it is of the devil. Lucifer has deceived multitudes of people into believing another of his lies. The public is told that TM is purely scientific and that it is not a religion. This is a lie. It is not scientific, it is occultic. The Culture Club has recorded and released a song called "Karma Chameleon." We must remember that a chameleon changes its color in order to adapt to its environment, and then it cleverly blends in. Boy George has obvious1y changed his appearance to a colorful, gay image; and karma is an Eastern philosophy that holds a belief in reincarnation. This belief system is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. Since Lucifer is a fallen musical angel, should it really surprise anyone that he would use and twist music in order to twist and destroy lives? Rock and roll music is the major communication channel to the youth of this generation. Music can be used for good or evil. Unfortunately, the majority of rock, punk rock, and heavy metal music is satanic.