NOTICE OF COMPLAINT against: ...the music that is being brought into the Church which is causing Christians to be offended and to stumble in their walk with the Lord. WITNESSES: - The witness of the victims - The witness of Scripture - The witness of the AMA "... it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 3-4 Special publication of Institute in Basic Life Principles Box one, Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 You are encouraged to share this report with others. You may reproduce it without charge, or order additional copies as follows: 1-10 copies: $3.00 per copy; 11-50 copies: $2.00 per copy; 51-100 copies: $1.50 per copy. Send your name and street address to: Publications Office Institute in Basic Life Principles Box One Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 (C) 1990 Institute in Basic Life Principles 4P 3P THE WITNESS OF THE VICTIMS ========================== Witness No.1 ------------ A Fifteen-year-Old Student from Pennsylvania "I was following the Lord wholeheartedly until we switched churches and I was invited to the new youth group. I had a conviction against rock music, but as I was surrounded by it, my beliefs were corrupted. This music eventually let to rebellion and moral failures. The Lord has gained victory in my life now, but the music still brings on rebellion if I listen to it. Please get rid of this music and play melodious, harmonious music!" Witness No.2 ------------ An Eighteen-Year-Old Student from Indiana "'Christian rock' had made me a shallow, rebellious young Christian. It made it easy for me to get into regular rock music. When I finally submitted to God and got the rock music out of my life, I was able to see the double standard that is lived out by 'Christian rock' musicians. "'Christian rock' does not praise God and it is worse than regular rock because I think it is hypocritical. Rock is wrong and addictive and has contributed to my moral failure. I praise God for His help in releasing me from it." Witness No.3 ------------ A Twenty-Year-Old Student from Kansas "About four years ago, a local Christian radio station began broadcasting 'rock' of the 'Christian variety.' At first, I accepted only the light stuff. Within months, I found myself listening to heavier and heavier stuff. I thank God that my parents and I came to an agreement on the music I will listen to. I can see how it has affected the lives of some who at one time were my closest friends. I still enjoy easy classical music, but they are into heavy worldly rock and the lifestyle that goes with it. Just a few weeks ago, God convicted me of what I once considered super-soft, contemporary music. I threw the tape away and thank God for the conviction that bought me to do it." Witness No.4 ------------ A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Oklahoma "I began to listen to 'Christian rock' without the blessing of my father. He told me that if I listened to 'Christian rock' it would open the door for Satan. I just laughed, and listened anyway. It totally deadened my Christian growth and let to terrible immorality, rebellion, and rejection of God. It then developed into secular, hard rock. Now all I can do is go back and pick up the pieces. But I still have a scar in my life that will never be removed." Witness No.5 ------------ A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Texas "When I got into 'Christian' and secular rock, I went out from under my father's protection. I lost sleep, was rebellious, had a rotten attitude, and made life miserable for my parents. I also had major impure thoughts. I no longer listen to that music, and life is so much more enjoyable and I have much more spiritual victory. Whenever I hear this music, I get uptight and am tempted to get back into it. Thank God I am not in it anymore." Witness No.6 ------------ A Twenty-One-Year-Old Student From Michigan "'Christian rock' has hindered my life because the only difference between 'Christian rock' and secular rock is the words. The beat, rhythm, and the melody are not different; they are the same. "It does not matter whether I listen to secular of 'Christian rock,' when the songs are over, I feel the same. I feel an emptiness in my soul, a heavy burden. Even 'Christian rock' sometimes makes me feel like going out and getting rowdy or even hurting someone else if they provoke me, and that is against all of God's teachings, and everything God stands for. So get rid of all rock!!!" Witness No.7 ------------ An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Oklahoma "When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I was given some 'Christian rock' tapes by my parents to listen to because they thought I was getting into secular music. The truth is, I was getting into some bad music. The 'Christian rock' dominated my life for over a year until I could not get the same satisfaction I received the first time I heard it. I went to secular rock music and kept this desire and sin from my parents. I started out on soft music and grew to pop/rock-type music. "It was not long until my desire grew to 'hard rock' and 'progressive' stuff. I started getting into drinking and going to dance clubs. Minor recreational drugs came in and soon my life was going down the drain. "One night while drinking, I fell into immorality and my life was devastated. God used this tragedy to turn me around and bring me back to Him. I feel very deeply that if I had not started out in 'Christian rock' I would have been convicted about the bad music I got into. Maybe I would not have messed my life up so much." Witness No.8 ------------ A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Illinois "'Christian rock' was brought into my life earlier than my peers because of a weakness in my forefathers. I continually desired music that had a strong and fast beat. The music I started with was soft, slow, and contemporary, and it took over my life and I became dependent upon it rather than upon God. I did not realize it, but I was a lukewarm Christian, no matter how many times I sought God at the altar. Eventually, my parents saw the folly of Christian contemporary music and took it out of our home. After it was gone, the music took less precedence in my life, and God gave me the conviction not to listen to evil Christian contemporary music. He made me free in my soul!" Witness No. 9 ------------- A Fifteen-Year-Old Student From Florida "When I was twelve I began listening to 'Christian rock.' My friends listened to it and I felt pressured to listen to it, too. I became addicted to the beat and slowly progressed until I was into 'heavy metal Christian.' I was talking to a boy in our church about rock music. He told me I listened to the same thing in 'Christian rock.' I decided to listen and find out for myself. The beat was exactly the same, and I quickly was addicted to rock. I have been working on conquering this, but when I hear any 'Christian rock' I immediately feel guilty and stay away from my parents." Witness No. 10 --------------- A Nineteen-Year-Old Student From Ohio "'Christian rock' at one time really messed up my view of Christianity. I would listen to it and think, 'Look how Christianity is trying to blend in with the world.' But after attending the Basic and Advanced Seminars, I have totally avoided this music and have considered it ungodly and unscriptural!" Witness No. 11 --------------- A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Michigan "When I was thirteen, I had a friend who was in his twenties. He began helping my father, who was in charge of our youth group. The music he listened to was wrong, and as I became closer to this guy, I began to listen to his and began to get deeper into it. Finally, it was to the point that it no longer satisfied the flesh and I wanted more. So I then started to listen to regular, secular rock music, and it caused moral failure in my life. After this week's Seminar, I have purposed to get out of this music. I would warn anyone who would experiment with 'Christian rock' not to do so, or it is likely that the same result would happen to them. Thank you!" Witness No. 12 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From California "'Christian rock' was a big part of my life about six months ago. It totally consumed me. I lived in the bondage of this music and the bondage of the music of my friends' preference, which was not very good either, to say the least. I realized that this ungodly music did not glorify God and never will. The main things I learned this week are that we as Christians do not take drugs to witness to drug users, and we do not convert to worldly habits to identify with the world. So I saw no reason to use worldly music with Christian words so that I could minister to the world!" Witness No. 13 --------------- A Twenty-Year-Old Student From Oklahoma "When I used to listen to rock music it hindered my spirit and caused a rebellious attitude. I can tell you that when I hear 'Christian rock' music, it makes no difference what the lyrics are. It is the music that causes the poor spirit and rebellious attitude. Witness No. 14 --------------- An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Florida "I never listened to the so-called 'Christian rock,' but I did listen to Christian contemporary music. I realized that all day long, when I was dressing or getting ready for bed, the songs were in my head. The backbeat and the music that was full of soft, then real loud notes made my whole body move faster. When all this was going on, I could never concentrate on studies, much less the Bible. It was distracting, and I also realized that when I would go into a store that had rock playing, I liked it, and it was a lot like the tapes I had been listening to." Witness No. 15 --------------- A Fifteen-Year-Old Student From Texas "For many years I listened to 'Christian rock' and excused it because I was not listening to secular rock. I loved going to concerts and enjoying myself. Then I went to one 'Christian rock' concert, and one of the lead singers was dressed in a tank top and tight jeans. I was not sure what to do. I knew it was wrong, but I stayed anyway. When I got home my mom saw one of the pamphlets. She was shocked and said, "No more 'Christian rock'!" I was forced to obey, but later chose to obey, seeing how wrong the music was." Witness No. 16 --------------- A Fifteen-Year-Old Student From Missouri "I became influenced in 'Christian rock' from some bad friends I had made. Every free minute I had was spent listening to this music. I felt really proud that everybody else was listening to regular rock and I was listening also, but mine had Christian lyrics. One day as I was listening to this music I switched the station to FM and I was shocked to hear the same song on a secular station! I have done some searching in my life and realized that this music was controlling my thoughts, and that because of it, I could not conquer the giant of lust. This week I realized that I would have to give up 'contemporary Christian music' if I was going to have victory over the giant of lust!" Witness No. 17 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Missouri "When I got started listening to contemporary Christian music, I started out on 'mild' music, but it grew to harder music. It grew to the point where the music took the place of Bible reading. I was convicted of this at the Life Purpose Seminar and threw most of the music away, but it was addictive, and I held some back. Later, it was brought to my attention that when you cannot get rid of something in your life that keeps you from God, it is an idol. This music, which is supposed to promote Christianity, caused me to violate God's commandments about idolatry. I will throw the rest away when I get home." Witness No. 18 --------------- An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Florida "I grew up in a good Christian home where my father was a pastor. I have a fourteen-year-old sister, and when she was in the third or forth grade I remember her listening to the radio when my parents were away at the church. As I grew older I was constantly being convicted about my habits but could not get victory over them. As I grew older, I slowly grew from one type of music to another and finally to 'progressive' and 'new wave.' I despised myself secretly because of my music, but I took it out on my fellow Christians who listened to 'Christian rock,' because I could still get a 'high' from their music and it was supposed to be 'Christian.' Even now as I am finished with this unglorious music, I still have trouble with it when I hear it anywhere." Witness No. 19 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Missouri "When I began listening to 'Christian rock' my personal devotions were almost nonexistent. 'Christian rock' deafened my Christian 'immune system' (conscience) to rock music. When I listened to this music, I would fall away from and rebel against my parents. 'Christian rock,' in my opinion, distorts hymns. I can remember a 'Christian rock' beat to most of the hymns I have sung. I strongly encourage not getting into this music." Witness No. 20 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Pennsylvania "'Christian rock' and Christian contemporary music have, in my life, been stepping stones. Not stepping stones going up-but down. Just a few months of listening to 'Christian rock' and contemporary music led to a life of being controlled by acid rock. This quickly led to and encouraged rebellion, greed, moral impurity, and trying to protect my rights and hide from my parents. Now, however, I have become accountable to my father in this, and I am experiencing glorious victory over this satanic music. As I quit, however, I was tempted to get back into 'Christian rock,' because, after all, 'Christian rock' is better than heavy metal, I thought. The Lord in His grace, though, reminded me of the effects this music had on my life before, and I was able to overcome it. I thank God that He is leading me to victory." Witness No. 21 --------------- A Fifteen-Year-Old Student From Nebraska "When I started listening to 'Christian rock' I slowly started to listen to just regular worldly rock (soft rock). Then I was listening to something harder and harder. It not only led me into worldly rock, but I was getting rebellious toward my parents, and I was having sensual and lustful thoughts. I also could not memorize or read God's Word and understand it or retain it." Witness No. 22 --------------- A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Michigan "'Christian rock' has damaged my life in two ways. First, it ruined my Christian witness. The addictive beat and tempo were very hard for me to conquer. When I went to a friend's house, instead of being two friends together talking we would sit in his room and do nothing except allow the music to flow through us. Second, the beat and words are still a part of my life. Many times as I was listening to 'Christian rock,' my mind would go to the words of secular rock. Even now, after destroying all this wrong music and committing myself to God's music, I still have a rebellious attitude well up inside me. This will be a very hard habit to break." Witness No. 23 --------------- An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From California "I have only a few 'Christian rock' tapes, and since my parents did not like the music, I listened to the tapes only when they were gone. After a while this music got old and I wanted new, more exciting music. To get this music, I started listening to 'soft rock' on the radio. At first my brothers condemned me, but I soon found them listening to the radio, too. They got tired of 'soft rock' and went on to harder rock as I did. Now, music is an addiction and I have tried and failed many times to break the habit. I am going to try to break the habit again - this time using principles I have learned in ATIA. I pray that I will gain victory this time." Witness No. 24 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Florida "When I started listening to music I listened to 'Christian rock.' what got me into this was my friend who accidentally left a tape behind. I picked it up and listened to it. I was immediately hooked and listened to it constantly. About two weeks later I started listening to 'rock and roll.' I knew I shouldn't have listened, but I was hooked. I became rebellious toward authority and stole a Walkman from my dad. I then became a stumbling block to other Christians and made them fall into the same sin. I knew I had to give up this music, so I purposed to. I told my dad and asked him to hold me accountable. Since that time I have been freed from this wicked sin and I feel great now." Witness No. 25 --------------- A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Texas "I listened to rock music for about four years and it was not 'Christian rock' because I always thought it was so hypocritical to listen to Christian rock. At least I was honest about it and I did not pretend to be somebody I wasn't. So, after the first couple of times I was already addicted to it. The reason I started is because everybody always thought I was, 'goody-goody.' They would say, 'Hey, did you hear that song?' or 'Have you ever heard this group?' I would say, 'No, I don't listen to rock.' I began by listening to 'soft rock' and progressed to heavy metal. It really had a strong effect on my life. Now my church plays 'Christian rock' and I see it ruining many kids in our youth group. It is so sad. It has ruined kids that were so sweet." Witness No. 26 --------------- A Nineteen-Year-Old Student From Texas "I am very intimate with music. I was brought up in a strict Christian home, but I rebelled and moved away from home. While in the world I got into dance and choreography. All was very sensuous! The music we used was rock music, of course! After a while my body was so in tune with the music that it controlled me. After I gave my life back to God I was discouraged one particular day, so I turned on the local Christian radio station for some encouraging music. Well, I don't remember one word except 'exalt.' All I know is that my sensuous feelings all came back with the beat and the spirit of the music. I can now say there is no such thing as 'Christian rock,' and this type of music should not be in one's house, much less in God's holy house of worship!" Witness No. 27 --------------- An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Indiana "I can honestly say that secular music does have a negative aspect to it. I had never really listened to or heard a pop rock song until I was about fourteen years of age. I was going through a really hard time in my life. We were moving again, on top of everything else. So I gave in and started listening to it every once in awhile. Immediately I noticed a change in my spiritual life. The music stunted my spiritual growth and my heart was becoming hardened. I realized that I must get away from it. As soon as that music leaves, you can feel an immediate change in attitudes and actions. You see, I believe God designed the world to conform to Christianity, not Christianity to the world. Please, please, don't pollute your minds or your spirit life with this awful music. the same applies to Christian rock' music." Witness No. 28 --------------- A Nineteen-Year-Old Student From Texas "I began with a high standard of music in my life. Through my youth group, that became watered down, I gradually began to build a collection of contemporary artists who professed to be Christians. As I collected more tapes and the music's beat became stronger, I became more rebellious. I believe that the so-called 'Christian music' led me into rebellion. During the Seminar, I was convicted of having wrong music influence my life. When I got home, I threw away all of my bad music tapes, which made up virtually my whole collection. I am relearning now how to have only Godly music in my home and not compromise in that area any longer." Witness No. 29 --------------- A Seventeen-Year-Old Student From Georgia "'Christian rock' music has divided my youth group. It has kept me in bondage spiritually, and my relationship with my sister has been deeply hurt. I see the rebellion in both of us after we are exposed to rock. Whenever I walk into my youth group, rock is being played. I feel Satan's control start to tighten. One of my closest friends has remarked about the difference in my countenance after I have listened to this music. I find it almost impossible to have beneficial, reverent quiet times when the sensual beat pops into my mind. I pray that the Lord will change my heart and my sister's heart before our witness is hurt anymore"