*** Table of contents showing topics *** ..... Hidden Messages in Rock 'n' Roll ..... Rock 'n' Roll O B S E S S I O N ..... Satanism and Rock 'n' Roll ..... Suicide and Rock 'n' Roll ..... The Fate of Rock Stars ..... Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll ..... Violence & Rock 'n' Roll HIDDEN MESSAGES IN ROCK 'n' ROLL For the past thirty years science has known that subconscious (subliminal) messages are recorded and understood by the human brain {1}. Even if these communications are garbled or spoken backwards (backmasking), with repetitive listening, they still pass on information that is remembered. The Devil, being acutely aware of this fact, is using Rock music to transmit messages which keep people in bondage to him. Some Rock groups have become open mediums for the Devil and therefore subconsciously receive satanic inspiration for their lyrics and music. Others have intentionally placed messages in their music which reveal the ultimate meaning of their songs. Remember, these words are brainwashing you whether you consciously hear them or not. Here is a cross section of hidden messages from assorted Rock groups. Michael Jackson: "Thriller" album Song: "Beat it" Forward: "They'll kick you, then they'll beat you, then they'll tell you it's fair, so beat it, but you want to be bad, just beat it, yea, beat it." Backward: "I do believe it was Satan (garbled), who's in me". Rolling Stones: "Tatoo You" album Song: "Tops" Forward: "I'm sorry for a breath of your sweet love." Backward: "I love you, said the Devil." Led Zeppelin: "Zoso" album Song: "Stairway to Heaven" Forward: "There's still time" Backward: "My sweet Satan" AC/DC: "Dirty Deeds" album Song: "Love At First Feel" Forward: "Why don't you let me in? Let's get something going before mom and dad get hom. Love at first feel, love at first feel." Backward: "We serve the Devil, enjoy it, sinners, we serve the Devil, whip it, we serve the Devil." In addition to these groups, "...The Doobie Brothers, Motley Crue,...Poice, Ozzy Osbourne,...Black Oak Arkansas, Styx, Queen, the Bee Gees, the Eagles and George Harrison - all have apparent backmasked messages in their music; all mentioning Satan or making reference to some occultic practice." {2}. If the Devil's worth following then why is he hiding? Because he's a liar, and he's trying to trick you into following him. The Bible calls him "the deceiver" {3}, and "the Father of all lies" {4}. Jesus doesn't have to hide because He's not ashamed of what He has to offer you. don't give yourself to music that is really out to rip you off. Experience the reality of God's love and power by letting Him be the Lord of your life. Then tune in to Christian music and hear the "out front" message about life, the way God intended it to be. For more information on Rock n'Roll, write to: Truth About Rock, Box 9222, North St. Paul, MN. 55109 Note: Since there is a constant turnover of new Rock groups some of those mentioned above may not currently be "hot". However, be assured that other groups have taken their place and continue to present a similar message. FOOTNOTES: {1} Science Digest, 9/82, p.28 {2} The Truth About Backmasking, Dan and Steve Peters, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 166-176 {3} Rev. 20:10 {4} John 8:44 by Francis Anfuso Christian Equippers International, P.O. Box 1600, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95706 (916) 542-1509 - for tracts ROCK'N ROLL O B S E S S I O N What does it take to be a famous Rock Star? Here's advice from someone who shoulk know. John Lennon said, "You have to be a bastard to make it, and that's a fact. And the Beatles were the biggest bastards" {1}. That's interesting! It appears "making it" is not really "making it" after all. Is the fast lane life style of a Rock Star all it's cracked up to be? David Lee Roth, confides, "You know what rock musicians are? They are hung up, neurotic, over-weight hippies with sex problems." {2} Even Michael Jackson, with all of his fame and millions reveals the pathetic truth about himself, "My life is a fantasy. I'm very lonely. Some nights I go for walks wanting to talk to someone and end up in my room crying." Bruce Springsteen as well admits, "I'm just a prisoner of Rock 'n'Roll. Now if that's what Rock Stars are, why are people so obsessed with wanting to be like them? On 14 year old boy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, was so consumed with trying to copy his Rock idol that he died while attempting to imitate Alice Cooper hanging himself. {4} After all of the above, it should come as no surprise that the biographies of famous Rock stars have such despairing titles as: Hellfire (Jerry Lee Lewis), Hit and Run (Jimi Hendrix), Buried Alive (Janis Joplin), and Dance With the Devil (The Beatles). Many years ago Jimi Hendrix emphasized the supernatural power of music when he said, "...music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can hypnotize people with music, and when you get them at their weakest point, you can preach into their subconscious whatever you want to say." {5} Don't kid yourself! Your subconscious has been brainwashed for years. The reason you're obsessed with Rock 'n' Roll is because Satan wants you to be. Rock 'n' Roll is harmless you say? It wasn't harmless for the 14 year old in Canada. You see there is a war going on for your soul and Rock music is being used to keep you a prisoner. The Bible says, "...we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies - the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty Satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world..." {6}. Why waste your time worshipping "...hung-up, neurotic, over-weight hippies with sex problems," {2} when you can worship the most wonderful person who ever lived, God Himself. Why follow someone who is obviously confused, when you can follow someone who has never led anyone astray. Ask Jesus Christ, to come and take control of your life. I did it a number of years ago, and I've been free ever since. Why don't you pray right now, and experience what it's like to be really free. Jesus said, "If the Son...sets you free, you are really free!" {7}. For more information on Rock n'Roll, write to: Truth About Rock, Box 9222, North St. Paul, MN. 55109 Note: Since there is a constant turnover of new Rock groups some of those mentioned above may not currently be "hot". However, be assured that other groups have taken their place and continue to present a similar message. FOOTNOTES: {1} Johnathan Green, The Book Of Rock Quotes (New York: Omnibus Press, 1982) p44. {2} Creem magazine, Vol. 13, no. 5, 10/81, p.34 {3} People magazine, 6/17/85, p.50 T95 {4} Key, Media Sexploitation New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976, p.209 {5} Quoted form Backward Masking Unmasked, pg 13. {6} Eph. 6:12 (LB) {7} John 8:36 (Phillips) by Francis Anfuso Christian Equippers International, P.O. Box 1600, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95706 (916) 542-1509 - for tracts SATANISM & ROCK 'n' ROLL "You expect me to believe that Rock groups are promoting Satanism? Isn't it just a gimmick to make money?" Motley Cru's song "In the Beginning" preaches, "Those who have the youth, have the future, So come now, children of the beast, be strong, and shout at the Devil." Wrong! Those who have God have the future, but those who have the Devil have no future at all. AC/DC sings "Highway To Hell", plus "Hell's Bells" which says "I'm gonna take you to hell...Satan got'cha/ If God's on the left, I'm on the right/ If you're into evil, you're a friend of mine..." That's a joke, Satan doesn't have the power to send anyone to Hell. God's condemned the Devil to Hell and anyone who is foolish enough to follow him. Ozzy Osbourne blindly imagines that reincarnation is real, saying that in one of his previous lives he "...lived as a servant of the Devil." {1}. That's bizarre! It seems like he's already one of Satan's slaves right now. He implied as much, when he said, "At first, all this Satanic business was funny...But it has become like a nightmare...you can't turn it off" {2}. King Diamond of Merciful Fate says, "Satanism isn't dangerous at all...it's a sound life philosophy" {3}. whereas KISS in "God of Thunder" reveals the truth, "I was raised by demons... The spell you're under will slowly rob you of your virgin soul.../and I command you to kneel before the god of thunder, and rock and roll..." That's absurd! Why yould anyone want to do that? No one who has ever lived for the Devil, has ended their life happy! Iron Maiden, admits that their albums are "forged in the fires of hell" {4} and have songs entitled "Children of the Damned" and The Number of the Beast". Some of Grim Reaper's songs are, "Burn In Hell" and "See You In Hell". But they are not going to see me in Hell. Because of Jesus, I'm going to Heaven. Venom's album "Welcome To Hell" states, "We're posessed by all that is evil. The death of you God, we demand. We...sit at Lord Satan's left hand." Now why would they say that, if it wasn't a major issue? It is! Because Satan is committed to deceiving people, he is going to be tortured in Hell forever, and so are those who follow his errand-boys. "Satan promises the best, and pays the worst; he promises pleasure and pays with pain; he promises profit, and pays with loss; he promises life, and pays with death" {5}. The Bible admits that sin is fun for awhile, but after that comes endless pain {6}. Don't be deceived by Rock groups who have sold out to the Devil, or are unconsciously being used as pawns in his hands. The awesome God who created the Universe will one day destroy all that is evil. He alone can fulfill your needs. If it's power you want, why don't you open your life to Jesus and let Him release you from the second rate power of the Devil. If you ask Him to, He'll do it right now. For more information on Rock n'Roll, write to: Truth About Rock, Box 9222, North St. Paul, MN. 55109 Note: Since there is a constant turnover of new Rock groups some of those mentioned above may not currently be "hot". However, be assured that other groups have taken their place and continue to present a similar message. FOOTNOTES: {1} "Rock Music! What Is Spiritual Adultery?" Onward Christian Courier, 11/83, p.14 {2} Los Angeles Times {3} Grafitti; Vol #5 {4} Peter's Brothers Hit Rock's Bottom, p.63 {5} Thomas Brooks; {6} Heb. 11:25, Matt. 25:46 by Francis Anfuso Christian Equippers International, P.O. Box 1600, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95706 (916) 542-1509 - for tracts SUICIDE AND ROCK 'n' ROLL Why is suicide the second leading cause of death among youth? {1} Why has it increased over 200% in the last 20 years? Why do over 500,000 young people, between the ages of 15 and 19, attempt suicide every year? {2} It is now becoming evident that one of the primary influences encouraging them to take their lives is Rock music. One teenager who unfortunately succeeded in committing suicide was 14 year old Eric Anderson of St. Louis Park, Minnesota. His favorite groups were Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Quiet Riot, and Motley Crue. Eric's mother said, "He watched it (MTV) day and night. He... watched intil six o'clock in the morning." Eric and his friends were so obsessed with the rock scene that, the very night before he died, they held a seance and attempted to contack the spirits of dead rock stars. At 2:30 the next afternoon, with his eyes filled with tears, he said to his father, "Dad, I just can't cope with the pressure." He then went into his room, took his .22 rifle off the wall rack, and killed himself. Apparently, he had followed the deranged advice of one of his favorite rock singers, Ozzy Osbourne, who preaches in "Suicide Solution", "Suicide is the only way out/...Why don't you kill yourself 'cause you can't escape the Master Reaper..." {3} Though Ozzy preaches such deadly lyrics, he defends himself saying, "Parents have called me and said, 'When my son died of a drug over-dose, your record was on the turntable.' I can't help that. These people are freaking out anyway, and they need a vehicle for the freakouts." {4} Pathetically, Rock Stars themselves are being caught in the devastating grasp of suicide. Peter Townshend, formerly of The Who, acknowledged, "Rock is going to kill me somehow. Mentally or physically or some thing, it's going to get me in the end." {5} I myself spent 6 months contemplating suicide every day. The influence of Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll had almost destroyed my life. Until, with a knife in my hand, after trying to cut my wrists, I cried out "God help me!" From that moment on He began to change my life, and a short while later I became a 'born again' Christian. Whether you like it or not, you are in a battle for your life. The Devil wants to destroy you and he is using Rock music as a primary agent. But God has not given you life, only to have it choked out by the demented obsessions of Rock musicians. There is only one solution to your problems. Begin to live for God and not for yourself. Because Jesus loves you, He came to Earth to give His life in your place, so that you wouldn't have to die for your own sins. If you give your life back to Him, He will give you the peace you're looking for. For more information on Rock n'Roll, write to: Truth About Rock, Box 9222, North St. Paul, MN. 55109 Note: Since there is a constant turnover of new Rock groups some of those mentioned above may not currently be "hot". However, be assured that other groups have taken their place and continue to present a similar message. FOOTNOTES: {1} National Center For Health Statistics {2} Aurora Mackey, "The Frightening Facts About Teen Suicide"< Teen, 10/83 {3} Truth About Rock Report, June/July '85, p. 6 {4} "Heavy Metal Mania", Anne Fadiman, Life magazine, 12/84, p.112 {5} Time magazine Dec. 17, 1979, pg. 94 by Francis Anfuso Christian Equippers International, P.O. Box 1600, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95706 (916) 542-1509 - for tracts