HOW DOES GOD SPEAK TO US "God hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds;"(Hebrews 1:1,2). One of the fundamental differences among professed believers is over how God communicates His will --whether He whispers it in our ears, plants it miraculously in our hearts, reveals it through living men, delivers it through a church, writes it in a multiplicity of contradictory books, reveals it through nature or offers it through one book --The Bible. So long as some claim God speaks only through the Bible, others through present or recent prophets, others through personal communications by way of dreams, visions or an inner voice there can be nothing but confusion as to what the will of God is. How does God speak to us? How He speaks -- the channel He uses, will determine in a very real sense what we believe He is saying. Each of the channnels say something different. God cannot be the author of confusion (1 Cor.14:33). While God has never communicated His will through false prophets (Deut.13:1-5; Isa.8:19,20; Jer. 23:28-32) He has spoken to men in various ways.(Heb.1:1,2): 1. God once communicated to men directly: a. Adam (Gen.2:16,17; 3:3,9-19) b. Cain (Gen.4:9-15) c. Noah (Gen.7:1-4; 9:1-17) 2. He once communicated to men through dreams: a. Abimelech (Gen.20:3-6) b. Laban (Gen.31:24) c. Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-15) 3. He once communicated to men through visions: a. Abraham (Gen.15) b. Nathan (2 Sam.7:4-17) c. Daniel (Dan.2:19) 4. He once communicated through angels: a. Hagar (Gen.16:7-14) b. Abraham ((Gen.22:11-18) c. Balaam (Num.22:31-35) 5. Even in New Testament times He communicated through dreams, visions and angels:(Matt.2:12,22; Lk.1:11-20;26-28; 2:9-15; Acts 8:26; 12:7-10; 27:23,24; 9:10-16; 11:5-9; 16:9;) The question is not what God did in Bible times, but whether He speaks to us today through dreams, visions, angels and living inspired men? Consider the following: 1. All of God's will harmonizes. a. God's prophet Moses, delivered the Old Testament law. From that time until Christ all who spoke had to harmonize with him. To fail to do so was proof a man was a false prophet.(Deut.4:2; 13:1-5). b. God's Son Jesus, delivered the New Testament law (Heb 1:2; 9:15). From that time till the end of the world no one is to speak to the contrary. To do so is proof that man is a false prophet (2 John 9). Any dream, or claimed vision or revelation in our day must be rejected if it contradicts what Jesus taught. 2. All of God's truth was revealed through Christ and the apostles. a. Everything pertaining to life and godliness was revealed.(2 Pet. 1:3) b. The scriptures completely furnish us to all good works (2 Tim. 3:16,17) There is no place or need of more scripture. c. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). He is the author of salvation to all who obey him (Heb. 5:9). d. He promised the apostles they would be guided into all truth (John 16:13; 14:26). The word they delivered was the word of God (1Thes. 2:13). e. If Christ and the apostles spoke the truth then every claimed revelation since that time must agree with their statements. f. If all truth was given pertaining to life and godliness in the first century there is nothing left to be revealed pertaining to life and godliness (2 Pet.1:3). g. THE faith was once and for all time revealed (Jude 3) 3. The visions, angels and dreams mentioned in the New Testament helped in preparing for and delivering the good news announced by Christ and the apostles. The Bible reveals all there is to know about Jesus and all there is to know about salvation and about serving God. There isn't anything more that God has revealed. 4. We have the scriptures. They give all the guidance God has given. God doesn't send us a knowledge of His will today through dreams or visions or self-proclaimed prophets. he revealed His will through Jesus and the apostles. We have that revelation in the Bible. If Jesus and the apostles do not teach a given doctrine or practice then we must have nothing to do with it. The first step in learning God's will would be to turn back to see what God's Son says, for God has "spoken unto us by His Son"(Heb. 1:2) - Delton Haun -