* Lasers Small Laser (SL) - A light weight laser for small damage and quick turnaround. The most common weapon in Mek Arena. Medium Laser (ML) - More powerfu than a small laser, with more range and damage, but takes longer to recharge. Large Laser (LL) - Slow in turnaround but strikes well and is still relatively cheap. Common weapon for larger Meks. Laser Cannon (CL) - Extremely powerful laser with very long turnaround. The longest range of any weapon. Pulse Laser (PL) - A ‘phased’ form of the ML, more expensive but strikes with a bell curve. Particle Cannon (PC) - A very poweful weapon which shoots solid particles (neutrons) instead of photons. Long turnaround time but great range and damage. Fusion Cannon (FC) - A monster on the battlefield, very expensive, very powerful. The Fusion Cannon releases raw nuclear energy at its target, spilling for a great deal of damage. Takes a while to recharge. Weapon Name Dmg Recharge AD Acid Thrower 1d4 2 MG Machine Gun 1d4 0 SL Small Laser 1d6 1 ML Medium Laser 1d8 2 LL Large Laser 1d10 3 CL Laser Cannon 1d12 4 PC Particle Cannon 2d6 4 PL Pulse Laser 2d4 2 M# Missile Pak 6 Missile SD Scud Missile 8 Missile MX Mix Missile 12 Missile IF Inferno Missile 20 Missile FC Fusion Cannon 2d10 3 RG Rail Gun 2d12 3 Combat ------ Regarless of how a player enters into mek combat, combat is generally run the same way. Some meks take the field, and start blasting at one-another. The player sees the map surrounding his mek, as well as a status report on his mek. Combat then begins and continues until the player wins or loses, generally by blowing up his enemies or getting blown up himself. * The Combat Screen The left portion of the screen is the combat screen, which shows the terrain surrounding the mek, as well as meks surrounding the player. The range of this overhead view is determined by the number of SC components the player has in his components grid. This range cannot exceed five clicks out. * The Mek Screen The right portion of the screen is dedicated to the mek display. The armor, hull, and components of the mek are displayed here. If you are scanning an enemy unit (using the SC), that unit is also displayed here. * Movement A combat turn is broken into twenty phases. During this time, each mek may move the number of times equal to their movement total. This is figured by the number of engine components each mek possesses. (EN provides one movement, EX provides two movement). Movement will not exceed twenty. When the player is allowed to move his mek, a key-menu is displayed underneath the mek display. The player can then use the numeric keypad to maneuver his mek around the playing field. (The walls are barriers and cannot be passed). * Targeting To target an enemy mek, players must use a SC. Hit the 'activate' button (Enter) to select a component to activate. Then select a SC. A display of the current enemy is provided, along with an option to target here, or to select another mek. Select which mek you wish to target, then click 'Target Here'. Your weapons will then be trained on that opponent.