* Activating a Weapons Weapons are also used by 'activating' a component (see above). The player selects which weapons to use by moving the highlighter over the weapon and hitting 'select component' (Enter). The weapon is automatically fired at the targeted opponent, possibly striking for damage. Most weapons will require a turnaround time for them to recharge before being fired again. Missiles are expended permanently and cannot be used again. * Damage Damage from a weapon must pass through defensive components, armor, and then the hull before destroying the mek. Defensive components include shields, reflectors, and anti-missile systems (their effects are described on the preceeding page). Generally speaking, only one defensive component per type is used per attack. This means that if two S3 components are on, only one will be active. The best, and most appropriate, defense against a weapon is automatically selected per each attack. What damage that does pass through defensive components strikes the armor, the outer skin of the mek. The total armor of the mek is brought down with each hit against it. Once armor is depleted, then the hull starts taking damage. When the hull is depleted, the mek is rendered useless. * Critical Hits Sometimes, a hit will strike the interior of the mek, beyond both armor and hull, directly into the components grid. (This is particularly true once a mek's armor has been destroyed.) There is a chance that some of the components in the grid will be destroyed. These components can only be regained by replacing them at the chop shop. Note: If the last cockpit is destroyed, the mek loses the battle, regardless of how well protected the mek may be. More than one powerful mek has been taken down by the loss of its only cockpit. It is HIGHLY recommended that backup cockpits be added to each mek as soon as they can be afforded. That then, are the major points of combat. Players will have to learn survial tactics on their own. The arena isn’t an easy place to make a living, but it can be most rewarding. Happy Fragging!