Upgrading from any previous version to version 1.20: Delete all files with an .ANS extension. Go To "Upgrading from version 1.20" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading from version 1.20: Copy the TMASTER.EXE file over your old one. Erase the USER.DAT file. Version 2.00 uses a new record format which is incompatible with previous versions. If you are a registered user of Trivia Master and have added your own questions to the question data files you should use one of the question adding utilities (addques.exe or the sysop menu) and add the new questions (mquesn.txt,tquesn.txt,fquesn.txt) to your existing question data files. They must be renamed to (mques.txt, tques.txt, fques.txt, etc.) but make sure you do not overwrite any old files of these names or you will lose user entered questions. If you have not added any questions to the question data files or are not a registered user, then you can just copy the new question data files (mques.dat, tques.dat, fques.dat) over the old ones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- History 2.00 - Sysop configurable make-up days. Clear input buffer so Trivia Master doesn't mistake a late as an answer for the first question. Fixed problem that sometimes allowed players to play several times per day. Fixed error writing ascii bulletin with incorrect user data. Added a question adder to the the Sysop Menu! You can now add questions entered by the sysop or users to Trivia Master data files, or delete those you do not want added. More questions! 1.20 - Fixed problem with screen running forever when 10th user viewed the scores. Made a change in the way it handles RIP terminals. Trivia Master will now assume that if it detects RIP, you also have ANSI capability. Trivia Master no longer uses external files for its screens and menus. 1.11 - Release only to reflect new address and phone number after move. 1.10 - Fixed View scores procedure to not write the alltime scores for each screen of users, and put in a uit command so you do have to wade through all of them if you don't want to. A few other cosmetic changes were made as well. 1.02 - Fixed user database problem where under certain conditions a user could play more than once a day. 1.01 - Fixed problem writing wc bulletins and a few cosmetic things.