QUESTION: What benefits can I expect as a beginning Clipper programmer? We assume that Kit users have a solid command of programming concepts and that they are comfortable with single-user programming -- although you don't need to have much experience with Clipper. If you haven't had much programming experience, the Kit is probably too advanced for you -- but then as a novice programmer, you're probably not writing any multiple-user applications! Most data-based applications, including Clipper applications, must now be written for multiple concurrent users, so the Kit's course provides two services. First, it teaches you the theory of multiple-user programming which you must understand irrespective of your programming language or computing platform. Second, the course teaches you multiple-user Clipper programming in comprehensive and explicit detail, making reference as appropriate to the Kit's library routines and its support utilities. After you have worked through the course, you will be able to use the documentation, support utilities, and library routines in the Kit to design and develop stable and correct multiple-user applications in minimum amounts of your time. If you can write a simple and correct single-user program, the Kit will enable you to write a simple and correct multiple-user program. You will also be able to understand multiple-user applications written by others. As your experience with Clipper and multiple-user programming grows, you will understand the concepts in the Kit's course more and more as you learn how to solve even vexatious programming problems quickly and elegantly with the Kit's support utilities and library routines. You will eventually master most of the theoretical and practical issues of multiple-user programming -- a critical skill set in the Information Age! QUESTION: What benefits can I expect as an intermediate Clipper programmer? You may have dabbled in multiple-user programming using the toy functions in the vendor-provided Locks.PRG, or multiple-user programming may be somewhat mysterious to you. Now it's time to learn what this sort of development is all about. Every Clipper command that references a file or data in a file has a single-user as well as a multiple-user dimension. The Kit's course will teach you the multiple-user aspects of each of these commands. As an intermediate Clipper programmer, you will have a little experience with the productivity gains you can get from exploiting subroutine libraries and utilities for programmers. Working with the Kit will teach you as never before how to exploit libraries and utilities to boost productivity. You will learn this in the context of producing useful and stable multiple-user applications in remarkably small amounts of time. QUESTION: What benefits can I expect as an advanced Clipper programmer? You will burst through every bottleneck of understanding and programming power which previously limited the QUALITY and the QUANTITY of your multiple-user applications. First, you might think that you don't need a multiple-user course if you have been doing multiple-user programming for several years, but customers and reviewers report the Kit's course is full of "Eureka!" revelations even for experienced programmers. ("So THAT'S how that works!") You're going to understand multiple-user Clipper programming issues like never before. You are going to be crystal clear about what you MUST do and what you MAY do. Second, you're going to solve your network-independent programming problems easily and elegantly with the Kit's source code subroutines and its support utilities. The Kit reduces implementation to a SCIENCE so that YOU can concentrate on the ART of the programming and NOT THE DETAILS! Third, you're going to manage the network-independent aspects of your Clipper applications easily and elegantly through the capabilities of the Kit's subroutines and support utilities. Need to add accounting or automatic auditing to your Clipper apps? It's EASY with the Kit. Last, you will implement TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT with the Kit's technology, which includes implementation instructions and checklists. The Kit's course and standardized framework for developing multiple-user applications means that quality is maintained even when there is staff turnover or reassignment! QUESTION: What benefits can I expect as a master programmer or software publisher? The Kit's completely-integrated components provide a development framework in which you can produce publication-quality multiple-user applications in the minimum possible amount of programmer time. Whenever you meet a network-independent problem in multiple-user programming, you will find that WE HAVE BEEN THERE FIRST! The Kit was developed with the same intense and almost obsessive dedication to detail which you will find in the designers and crews of Indy-class racing cars. Although its docusoftware design makes it useful and accessible to Clipper programmers at all skill levels, in the hands of a master programmer, the Kit howls like a Formula One race car in fifth gear at red-line.... No compromises. Results or else. Unconditional money-back guarantee.