______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Does your organization have any standards for multiple-user programming? (The Kit provides a library of routines which are used in a standard and documented way to handle the multiple-user part of an application.) 2. Does your organization have any quality control measures for multiple-user applications? (The Kit provides explicit, step-by-step instructions for converting single-user code to multiple-user code using standard Clipper commands and Kit routines. These same instructions also cover developing multiple-user applications from scratch.) 3. Does your organization have any way to train Clipper programmers to produce professional-quality multiple-user applications? (The dMILL Network Course for Clipper, available separately or as part of the Kit, offers a university-level treatment of the theory and practice of multiple-user Clipper programming which is especially suitable for self- study. The Course costs a small fraction of a seminar and no time is lost from work!) 4. Does your organization have any way to ensure that all its multiple-user Clipper programmers have a professional level of competence in this speciality area? (Having all programmers work through the dMILL Network Course for Clipper means that they all have a professional level of competence in multiple-user Clipper programming.) 5. What is a competitive advantage worth to your company or your career?