@echo off rem This sets up a local environment. You may remove this if you don't need a rem local environment. I have it here so that your aliases in your master rem environment will not be affected. setlocal goto init ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 4DOS BATCH UPLOADER v1.2, by John Meskew ³ ³ March 10, 1994 ³ ³ ³ ³ You do not have to license this software - just use it and ³ ³ modify it to suit you. Just don't remove any of the ³ ³ credits contained herein. This file is for use with Telix ³ ³ v3.15. I don't know about the later versions of Telix or ³ ³ other terminal programs. I don't have them and I really ³ ³ feel this batch uploader is easier to use than the one ³ ³ supplied with the later versions of Telix. This will allow ³ ³ you to upload from any drive:\directory any where on your ³ ³ system. Further, it will allow you to maximize your ³ ³ uploading by allowing you to install any protocol beyond ³ ³ what Telix can internally support. Further, you can upload ³ ³ virtually any number of files. You will have to modify ³ ³ this file and recompile it with the batch compiler that ³ ³ comes with 4DOS before using it unless you feel it is good ³ ³ just the way it is. ³ ³ ³ ³ When you ask Telix for an external protocol using a batch ³ ³ file Telix will provide the following variables in the ³ ³ order given: %1 = Port connect speed, not the baud rate; ³ ³ %2 is the port number and %3 is the upload directory with ³ ³ the file specification. I have included a file called ³ ³ TEST.BTM which you temporarily install as an external ³ ³ protocol in your particular term program. When invoked it ³ ³ will echo the parameters passed to it from your term ³ ³ program. This will aid you in getting this batch uploader ³ ³ to interface properly with your term program. Then merely ³ ³ make the changes to the BATCHUP.TXT source file, and ³ ³ recompile it with the BATCOMP.EXE batch compiler as ³ ³ follows: ³ ³ ³ ³ BATCOMP BATCHUP.TXT /o ³ ³ ³ ³ NOTE: YOU MUST PROVIDE EACH AND EVERY PROTOCOL DRIVER ³ ³ CALLED BY THE ALIASES IN THE COMMANDS GIVEN IN THE ³ ³ BATCHUP.TXT FILE. IF YOU DO NOT THE PROGRAM WILL EXIT BACK ³ ³ TO THE TERM PROGRAM AND NO UPLOADING WILL TAKE PLACE. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ :init cls bright white on black ctty nul if exist upfiles.lst del upfiles.lst ctty con :start rem Telix v3.15 passes the upload directory as variable %3 set updir=%3 if "%updir" == "" quit select df (%updir%) >> a:upfiles.lst if not exist a:upfiles.lst goto prtcl :prtcl cls bright white on black if exist protalia alias/r protalia text ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Choose your Protocol º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º (H)S-Link - Bidirectional º º (M)pt - Unidirectional º º H(y)per - Unidirectional º º (Z)modem - Unidirectional º º Ymodem-(G) - Unidirectional º º (8)k Zmodem - Unidirectional º º (V)Fast - Unidirectional º º (A)nother Directory º º (E)dit Batch º º (Q)uit º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ endtext inkey /C /W60 /K"HMYZG8VAEQhmyzgvaeq" Protocol Choice: %%protocol if "%protocol" == "" goto prtcl if "%protocol" == "H" .or. "%protocol" == "h" bathsl if "%protocol" == "M" .or. "%protocol" == "m" batmpt if "%protocol" == "Y" .or. "%protocol" == "y" hyperbat if "%protocol" == "Z" .or. "%protocol" == "z" batdsz if "%protocol" == "G" .or. "%protocol" == "g" batymg if "%protocol" == "8" batzed if "%protocol" == "V" .or. "%protocol" == "v" batvfast if "%protocol" == "A" .or. "%protocol" == "a" goto seldir if "%protocol" == "E" .or. "%protocol" == "e" goto edit if "%protocol" == "Q" .or. "%protocol" == "q" quit :edit rem X is a text editor. Substitute your favorite text editor here. x upfiles.lst goto prtcl :seldir input /C /W60 Upload Directory: %%updir if "%updir" == "" goto prtcl select df (%updir%\*.*) >> a:upfiles.lst goto prtcl