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Wachenschwanz, LTD º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Filename: BBSMAG06.ZIP -or- BBSMAG06.TXT DISCLAIMER: This entire publication, known as CONNECT! Magazine (c) and The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) are U.S. Copyrighted properties of Connect! Communications Company, and David E. Wachenschwanz, LTD. (c) Copyright 1994 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WARNING: The unauthorized use, reproduction or editing of this publication is PROHIBITED. All information was confirmed factual at press- time; however we CANNOT be responsible for errors encountered due to acts of God, system malfunction or negligence on the part of any System Operator of any BBS listed in the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c). YOU MAY: Distribute this publication in its ENTIRETY, in electronic form, without any changes or modifications to any word, sentence or paragraph, without any special permission via FidoNet, Internet, BBS systems and any On-Line service. SysOps may display this publication, in its ENTIRETY, on their BBS system or On-Line Service provided NO charge is made specifically for viewing this publication. No editing or unauthorized reproduction (magazines, newspapers, etc) is permitted without EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. SysOps who wish to register with us can also receive a copy of The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) in ready to display format in ASCII (with extended IBM graphics). To register, send the following information via Fidonet or Internet: BBS NAME, SYSOP NAME, SYSOP VOICE PHONE NUMBER, AND A PASSWORD (up to 8 characters, case sensitive). In addition to displaying the list as created, we also require that you make available for download the entire CONNECT! Magazine publication. LOOK FOR: AUTHENTIC FILES VERIFIED IUL758 DAVID E. WACHENSCHWANZ, THE ATOMIC CAFE BBS when unzipping BBSMAGxx.ZIP. We are NOT responsible for any information obtained from a counterfeited copy of this publication. CONNECT! Magazine EDITORIAL ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û Dial 'D' for DIATRIBE! Û Û Û Û By Chuck Wharton Û Û Û Û Being a Diatribe against the infernal, Û Û fraudulent publication known as Û Û Û Û COMPUTER (non) CURRENTS Û Û Houston edition Û Û Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Once a month, as I stroll into a local copy shop or grocery store, I look once more anew on the piteous, haggard face of stupidity. The new Houston edition of COMPUTER CURRENTS is on the giveaway stand. This monthly magazine has many habits that irritate Houston BBS users and Sysops -- inconsistent editing and pictures of nerdy looking computer people -- but mostly it publishes a copy of the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) that hasn't been current since July, 1993 and WITHOUT PERMISSION. The bad BBS list isn't a new problem. Every volunteer guardian of the Houston Area 173 BBS List (c) has talked, then talked louder, then gotten into obscenity filled shouting matches with COMPUTER CURRENTS spokes-idiots about running the list that they work hard to put out once a month. How hard is it for computer people to take an ASCII file and run it in a dad-blamed magazine? Well, it's not for computer people. So what does that make the people at COMPUTER CURRENTS? That makes them NOT-Computer. And given the historical problems with the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c), they're NOT-Currents either. Surely, if you've ever tried to use the COMPUTER CURRENTS version of The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c), you've expressed frustration at getting so many bad numbers. But how'd you like to be someone getting a new telephone number that used to be a BBS, and because COMPUTER CURRENTS can't compute and isn't current, you get a lot of modem-calls? Or maybe 100 calls, one after the other, from the same modem? The new Caller ID will give people a chance to see what number the modem is hooked to, but then what do they do? It will be interesting. Thanks COMPUTER CURRENTS! I really feel for all the Houston Sysops who have tried to tell COMPUTER CURRENTS they need to update the list, and even though they wrote them a nice letter or made a fine, diplomatic telephone call -- they find there's nobody home, speaking in the sense of brains, at the offices of the publishers, Texas Computing Inc. in Dallas. On the one hand, I think these people must have been really blessed, speaking of publisher Susan Plonka and managing editor Angela D. Mitchell, to still be in business when they care nothing for the integrity of what they publish in their magazine. They absolutely do not care that the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) hasn't been accurate at all since July 1993. So they must hold their advertisers and readers in the same state of contempt. They must laugh at the cretins who pick up their magazine and patronize their advertisers. I figure these owners of COMPUTER CURRENTS must be living off their daddies, so it doesn't matter if they are competent business people. They really don't appear capable of pouring water out of a boot with directions on the heel. Because the encephalopods at COMPUTER CURRENTS failed to respond for so many years to pleas to keep up the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c), current list guardian David Wachenschwanz informed the people they could not use the list, and that the list had been copyrighted to protect against their continued abuse. Their response? They switched the contact point for the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) to a Dallas bulletin board called "Blues Cafe." Is it possible that the Blues Cafe might really be keeping the Houston list, just doing a bad job of it? Nope. We can prove that they've been pilfering the copyrighted new BBS items out of the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) and inserting them into the old, July list. How? Because they picked up bad BBS entries out of the list that we intentionally allowed to run for one listing. One of them you can see in the May 1994 issue of COMPUTER CURRENTS. Find 'Pink Triangle' in the list on page 34. The number doesn't work. What will happen to COMPUTER CURRENTS for intentionally violating the copyrighted Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) now that they've been caught stealing the information? You'll have to watch for another Dial 'D' for Diatribe to find out, here in the editorial section of CONNECT! Magazine. In the meantime, whenever you look at COMPUTER CURRENTS and consider what you read there, including the advertisers you're asked to patronize, please consider whether you really want to spend time and money contributing to this enterprise that places so little value in maintaining an accurate Houston list. Does COMPUTER CURRENTS and its advertisers deserve you? Until next time, if you want to write and tell them how negatively you regard their abusing the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c), not to mention stealing items from it, write: Susan Plonka, Publisher, COMPUTER CURRENTS, 505 Quorum Dr. Ste. 745, Dallas TX 75240, or send E-Mail to compuserve at 71023,1411 or on Internet at SPLONKA@ONRAMP (There usually is an extension after the system in Internet addresses, so if your first message doesn't go through, try ONRAMP.COM). You could also try giving a phone call at 214-663-3700. And now a word from editor/publisher David Wachenschwanz. . . --Charles Wharton, Associate Editor (charles.wharton@atomiccafe.com)Ü Charlie, speaking of BBS List thieves, there are others besides COMPUTER CURRENTS and one in particular is a non-existent outfit called Southeast Texas Area Computer Consultants...a would-be hobby club of teenagers with not much better to do than steal our work and place their name on it. Try to find a phone number for SETACC...there isn't one. How could any SERIOUS business operate without a telephone number? Besides bootlegging a BBS list, they also peddle a cheap imitation of CONNECT! MAGAZINE, and we happen to have a copy of the editorial displayed in the second edition of SETACC: First, their "copyright" notice: "This letter is provided monthly as a public service by SETACC and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Modification to this document without the express written permission from SETACC and Travis Kirton is strictly prohibited. Letters, opinions, and other items may not reflect the opinions of the staff of the Houston BBS NewsChat, SETACC, or Travis Kirton. SETACC and Travis Kirton is not responsible for the contents or actions of any BBS that is premiered on either this newsletter or the Houston BBS Directory." Well, what an original copyright notice. We've been stating that much for years but apparently SETACC can't read. If Travis Kirton can read, then he is in blatant violation of United States Copyright Laws by his admission of the following: "As the new changes to Connect! Communications take place, you may find this list in more and more spots. I don't know of many BBS operators that did download the Houston Area 713 BBS List from Atomic Cafe. Perhaps many BBS operators do not feel that they have the time to sort through the articles and advertising that incorporates the new Houston Area 713 BBS List (now called Connect! Magazine). If you do have time, and you don't mind sifting throught the materials, I would recommend downloading Connect! Magazine and reading it.' 'Now, you're probably saying, "Travis, aren't you going too far by plugging your competitor?" Not at all. If it wasn't for Connect! Communications, this newsletter and this list wouldn't exist (or would've existed later on). Besides, they still produce a very good BBS List, and they still allow BBS systems that require new user passwords to be on the list (I honestly think they don't want those types of boards, but the disadvantage of being big is that you don't necessarily have time to check on all the BBS systems). And with the new magazine in place, they do have some great articles. I don't see why people just can't download both newsletters." We quote: "If it wasn't for Connect! Communications, this (SETACC) newsletter and this (bootleg bbs) list wouldn't exist. . ." Of course it wouldn't Travis. You had to steal yours from somewhere, so why not steal it from the OFFICIAL BBS list of Houston, The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c)? Connect! Communications does all the work, and this jerk copies it and puts his name on it. Real class act Travis. Besides being a plagiarist, Travis is also very mistaken in his comments when states "I don't know of many BBS operators that did download the Houston Area 713 BBS List from Atomic Cafe." We had over 400 calls last month alone just to download Connect! Magazine, which now contains The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c). Connect! is also distri- buted via net 106 Fidonet network, is requested daily through the world-wide Internet (the strangest place that's requested our publication thus far is in South Africa) and appears on a dozen out of state BBS systems, although I really don't understand why anyone outside of the Houston area would be interested in it. Each and every BBS listed in The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) has been done so at the request of its system operator...we have megs and megs of documents to prove this. Where are your documents Travis? You'd better steal a few because you'll need them in court. Charles Wharton and I spend about 8 hours each per month confirming the existence of the BBS systems listed herein. We don't take our responsibility lightly, and we pride ourselves on maintaining the most accurate list around. Connect! didn't copy someone else's list and place our name on it...we have the ONLY original compilation work in Houston. Its real easy for someone to copy ours and then place their name on it. All of our hard work being taken credit for by someone who hasn't a clue as to what they're doing, or the laws they're breaking. But honest people wouldn't do that. Only criminals would. Its interesting to note that one of the primary distribution points for Travis Kirton's plagiarized publication is THE KNIGHT STUFF, a board started by felon Shawn Quinn, the then 17 year old computer nerd who attempted to hire a hit man to knock off a fellow student at Elsik high school for the grand sum of 7 video games and five dollars and some change in cash. Quinn offered this large payoff for murder to an undercover district attorney's aide, and was placed on probation for ten years with deferred adjudication which means after ten years IF HE KEEPS HIS NOSE CLEAN, there will be no record of his conviction of a felony. Quinn couldn't keep his nose clean, however. Late last year he threatened a Houston BBS SysOp in a public mail forum over the FidoNet, and his judge ordered him off to "boot camp" where last we heard he still remains to this day. He should be in Huntsville making license plates, and the thought of that felon getting off scott free is enough to gag a maggot. In Quinn's absence another delinquent has been running THE KNIGHT STUFF, and I have had at least 3 complaints about him...one from the sweetest little ole lady in Houston who never says anything bad about anyone. Marilyn Barone, SysOp of THE PLATINUM RBBS, a Houston system catering to those in their golden years was at the brink of tears when she told me of this Cyberhoodlum logging on to her system and hacking his way into her SysOp area where he destroyed the BBS. This guy is a friend of Quinn's, and an associate of Travis Kirton. Marilyn is in her 70's and helps senior citizens learn to use computers, and volunteers her time to teach those who want to learn about modems, software and BBSing. Anyone who would take advantage of a senior citizen should be worked over with a rubber hose. You keep good company Travis. Hope you have a good attorney. Mind you I don't care if everyone publishes their own BBS list, as long as they don't steal from us. This time we intend to do something about it besides idle threats, even if it costs us a fortune. Someone's ass is going to be in the sling this time. Let's see what else Travis has "borrowed" from Connect!: "Edition #1 Volume #2 Publication Date: May, 1994 The following holidays are within this month: 8 - Mother's Day (Don't forget to give your mom a gift) 16 - Travis Kirton's Birthday (It's not a holiday, but it is my birthday, so I thought I would plug it away.) 23 - Victoria Day (Canadian holiday) 30 - Memorial Day" Almost word for word. And this kid has the audacity to include his own birthday. What a jerk. And also: "Remember, most Sysops take their boards down during thunderstorm activity. It is encouraged throughout the BBS community for sysops to place their modem or phone "off-hook", thereby "busying" their line. Though not likely, it is possible for a board name to be taken off the list because of the system being turned off for bad weather conditions." Another original idea Travis. What else do you steal besides words from me? Cable TV? Books from the library?. Candy from babies? Fruit from the local grocery store? Ash trays from motels? Some people will steal anything... Ü --David Wachenschwanz, Editor (david.wachenschwanz@atomiccafe.com) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Checking the calendar... This month. . . * Children's Day June 12 * * Flag Day June 14 * * Father's Day June 19 * * First Day Of Summer June 21 * If you have story ideas, or would like to submit an article for publication in CONNECT! MAGAZINE, contact us at 713-530-2709. Deadline for publication is the 25th day of each month. --Advertisement-- ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Let CONNECT! COMMUNICATIONS put you in the TBBS SysOp Seat. . . º º º º "We don't care about making money; we just LOVE to sell eSoft products!" º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º TBBS 2.2M(2)..............BBS 2 Line System......................$225.00 º º TBBS 2.2M(16).............BBS 16 Line System.....................$645.00 º º TBBS 2.2M(32).............BBS 32 Line System....................$1075.00 º º TBBS 2.2M(64).............BBS 64 Line System....................$1450.00 º º TDBS 1.2M(2)..............Data Base 2 Line...................... $289.00 º º TDBS 1.2M(16).............Data Base 16 Line......................$709.00 º º TDBS 1.2M(32).............Data Base 32 Line.....................$1284.00 º º TDBS 1.2M(64).............Data Base 64 Line.....................$1704.00 º º SYSOM 1.1.................SysOp Option Module.....................$89.95 º º TIMS 1.1(M)...............Fidonet Integrated Mail Module.........$119.00 º º FLAME 1.0.................FidoNet Mail Utils (included with TIMS).$40.00 º º QSO 1.0...................QWK Support Option Module...............$89.95 º º IC10......................Interchange Data Switch Module.........$119.00 º º UC10......................UltraChat Option Module................$175.00 º º SYSTEM DESIGNER...........Creates TBBS Menus easily!.............$139.00 º º PC/4 or MC/4 Digiboard with 16550 Uarts (and cables).............$335.00 º º PC/8 or MC/8 Digiboard with 16550 Uarts (and cables).............$551.25 º º PC/16 or MC/16 Digiboard with 16550 Uarts and Cables............$1023.95 º º REPLACEMENT cables for use with the PC/16 and MC/16...............$25.00 º º Modem/4 4 Port Modem card (includes 2400 bps modems)............$920.00 º º Modem/8 8 Port Modem card (includes 2400 bps modems)...........$1530.00 º º 16550 Uarts (needed for high speed serial ports and cards)........$20.00 º º TIPS, TRAPS & TECHNIQUES FOR TBBS (Book)..........................$32.95 º º Texas residents add 6.25% sales tax. Prices do not include shipping. º º Visa, MasterCard, Carte Blanche, Diners Club International cards accepted. º º For more information, call Connect! Communications at 713-530-2709 7 Days º º a week. If we're not in, be sure to leave a voice message. We'll return º º your call as soon as possible. Ask us also about the eSoft upgrade program.º º º º 7 1 3 - 5 3 0 - 2 7 0 9 º º C O N N E C T! C O M M U N I C A T I O N S C O M P A N Y º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ CONNECT! Magazine CYBERSPACE SPOTLIGHT: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û Spotlight on Sysops and Users Û Û With Nina Irwin, SysOp InfoQuest BBS Û Û (713-320-9163) Û Û This issue: Wayne Lowry: Û Û Vision Impairment No Blockade to BBSing Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This month's spotlight is on Wayne Lowry. Wayne doesn't run a BBS, but he calls a lot of them daily to get his fix of Legend of the Red Dragon and Trade Wars -- to name a few of the on-line games he plays. What sets Wayne apart from the average BBS user is that he was blinded in 1979 in a 28-foot fall from a fire escape, just 10 days before he turned 12 years old. He landed on the back of his head crushing his visual cortex. He was in a coma for 19 days and in recovery for another month and a half. Amazingly he not only survived the fall, but had no broken bones. A sixth grader at Spring Branch Junior High before the accident, he was then required to transfer to Spring Woods Junior High because that was the only school in Spring Branch Independent School District at that time to deal with the vision impaired students. At Spring Woods, Wayne and the two other vision-impaired students attended regular classes and also took special classes such as Braille. Around age 16 Wayne went to boarding school in Nashville, Tennessee. Nina: Waking up at age twelve to find you can no longer see had to be a very traumatic experience for you. Quite an adjustment to make. Do you remember your feelings? Your attitude at the beginning? Wayne: Certainly......I was pissed! It was like yeah......why me! What did I ever do to you, God? But it got better. When I first woke up I couldn't see anything. Now I can see well enough to get around, but not well enough to drive or anything like that. Nina: Do you see shapes or shadows? Wayne: I can see people are there in the room but I usually can't tell if they are male or female unless they speak. Now maybe if it was Dolly Parton, then I might be able to tell. Nina: (laughing) now that's a typical male response. Wayne: No, (laughing) that's not supposed to be a chauvinistic remark. It's just supposed to emphasize that is just about the only way I could tell if they were quiet. It would have to be like something really pronounced...(laughing again). Nina: So then you can see me sitting here? Wayne: I can see you are there but I can't see what you look like. Nina: Did the accident cause you to become an introvert or a loner? Wayne: It made me an introvert to some extent. I was probably the "best- read" 13-, 14-, 15-year old that I knew as a result of the accident. I did still hang out with people but I would hang out with individuals rather than run around with a group. Of course that was the beginning of the gang problems we have today so I guess it was a good thing; kind of like a blessing in disguise type of thing. Nina: You are saying "best-read" so when you were learning braille I guess they concentrated a lot on teaching you to read literature. Wayne: No that's not what I meant. I read by way of taped books. I don't usually read braille. Well rather, not starting out with braille...my primary use of braille is to label CD's. All those things up there (pointing to shelves on the wall behind his computer) are CD's and I would not know what they were unless I put them in and listened to them to find out. I started to learn braille in 6th grade but I didn't really learn it till 8th grade cause I wasn't very interested in learning it anyway and it's very difficult to do. I use braille mainly in Trade Wars to write down sector numbers because I can't access someplace else on my computer while I'm in TW, and also to write down phone numbers and program names when I'm going to download something. Nina: Is this your braille machine? How does it work, it only has about 13 keys on it. Wayne: Take a look at this .................. You will then be at the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Center. Select <4> to add a system or to change your system. Select <5> to remove your system from the list. In either case, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire for EACH line you wish to list. The service is FREE. We reserve the right to refuse to list any system that we feel may be inappropriate to list. Here are a few other things to keep in mind ... *FidoNet BBS systems dedicate one hour a day to mail exchange. That hour is normally from 4-5 a.m. central time, or 3-4 a.m. central daylight time. Most FidoNet nodes will not accept a call from a human user during that time, but does allow other computers on the network to connect to exchange mail. *Numbers that ring constantly over a period of a few days are removed from the list due to the fact that the system may have been de-commissioned and that number may now be a voice line. We cannot take a chance on that. *If you encounter a human voice on a line listed herein as a BBS, please let us know. Send the number and the name of the system to: Houston Area 713 BBS List (c), P. O. Box 720894, Houston Texas 77072. Or send Internet email to d.wachenschwanz@atomiccafe.com; FidoNet email to David Wachenschwanz @ FidoNet node 1:106/235; or call 713-530-8875, The Atomic Cafe BBS and register as a new user. *There is no charge for accessing The Atomic Cafe to do this. We do very much appreciate your assistance in keeping the Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) up to date and as accurate as possible. *Houston is a VERY VOLATILE BBS market. Systems up one day may be down for good on the next. For every system to goes down, there are usually 2 or 3 to replace it. Therefore, it is vital that you always do your BBS dialing from a RECENT list. Ü CONNECT! Magazine DIALING ON DOWN THE ROAD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û Dialing Down The Road Û Û Û Û With Chuck Wharton Û Û Û Û "Experiencing the Strange and Wonderful Û Û in Houston BBSing" Û Û Û Û "Ordinary Stuff, Too, When Available" Û Û Û Û Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß I want to thank everyone for the overwhelmingly positive response to my first two reviews of computer bulletin board systems (BBSs). Your encouragement spurs me on to find more unique examples of BBSing in the Houston-area to explore and target for your BBS exploration. ********************* Special note before we begin this latest adventure: Congratulations! to the oldest continuously-operating BBS in Houston -- ZACHARY*NET (R). This board has been on-line since December 1982! Give them a call and congratulate them at 933-7353. The thing I really enjoy about ZACHARY*NET is that, while the BBS has upgraded here and there through these nearly 12 years in Houston -- the most dynamic BBS market in the world -- you can call this board and see pretty much what I've seen since my first call 11 years ago. It was a fine experience then and it was just as fine when I called last week. Thanks Sysops! ********************* This month I got a little selfish. I am in the market for a deer rifle and wanted to find a good BBS that would discuss these weapons, especially with a local, Houston-area emphasis so I could hear about prices, service and maybe even weapons training. I also wanted to check for the Chinese-made SKS rifles, which several gun owners told me was a superior weapon for a very low price -- although the price is climbing with the government's consideration that this rifle represents a borderline assault weapon. Listening to the radio one morning, I heard on Mike Richards' show on KSEV-AM someone call in and suggest checking out FREEDOM! RBBS for this and other discussions. I checked our very own Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) in CONNECT! Magazine and found the number at 997-6633. I called it and here's what I saw: =========================================================================== Welcome to FREEDOM! RBBS - Currently in Pearland, TX / USA Welcome to FREEDOM! RBBS (713) 997-6633 14,400 bps and lower... Hi! Thanks for calling FREEDOM! RBBS. This is a completely FREE service dedicated to the protection of our Second Amendment Rights. If you are a new member, please know that aliases (names other than your real name) are okay to use. We only require that you be willing to reveal to SysOp who you really are. You must, however, use at the most one I.D. on this system. Do not register under more than 1 name. Thanks again for calling and remember, If you trade FREEDOM! for security, you get neither. =========================================================================== Immediately, I saw that I would get my weapons discussion, but the emphasis on Second Amendment rights suggested I would get more. And indeed I did. While FREEDOM! in its two message areas -- MAIN and WEAPONS ROOM -- centers on gun owners rights, the Sysops and users enthusiastically join in discussions of the various encroachments on individual liberties by all forms of government, from federal to local. One on-going discussion even considered whether one Houston-area user had suffered some sort of wiretap on his telephone: =========================================================================== Has anyone been experiencing unexplained line noise, are symbol burst lately. I ve been doing some modem\fax work, and since signing on here,it seems I keep getting these burst of symbols now and then. I was wondering. What does a phone tap look like over this media ? I don't want to sound like a paranoid and alarm folks, but I wouldn't put anything past this government of ours. Hummmmm......anyone a good teckie out there that could check on this?................ =========================================================================== And among many enthusiastic respondents was a FREEDOM! Sysop: =========================================================================== Well a tap would have to be pretty primitive, or be seriously mal- functioning to put up line noise. Why bother tapping this line when the board is totally open and anyone who feels like it can dial in and look at anything they want ? Also a tap on a line that involves two modems talking to each other is a bit more complex than a simple voice tap. Now if you're worried about the tap being on YOUR line that's another story. And I don't put anything past "our" government either. Mike Mashburn, Co-SysOp, FREEDOM! RBBS (713) 997-6633 Life, Liberty, Property and the means to defend them ! =========================================================================== FREEDOM! supports off-line message-reading and posting by Blue Wave/QWK version 2.12. While this BBS doesn't offer yet the kind of echoes such as FidoNet or the Internet, the WEAPONS ROOM conference offers a lot of patriot- and freedom-related postings from all-over, and users in the MAIN message area post many updates from a National Rifle Association service called GUN-TALK. Here's an example: =========================================================================== CYBER EAGLES: WHERE POSSIBLE, PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS TO YOUR LOCAL MEDIA OUTLETS - NEWSPAPER, RADIO, TV... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For Further Information, May 17, 1994 Contact: NRA Public Affairs 703-267-3820 BACKGROUND CHECKS UNDER BRADY ACT DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL NRA Chief Lobbyist: "NRA said all along that mandatory background checks under Brady were a ruse and a sham -- and a federal judge proved NRA right." WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Siding with law enforcement officials and the National Rifle Association of America, U.S. District Judge Charles C. Lovell of Montana declared today that so-called mandatory background checks under the Brady Act are unconstitutional. In one of several suits brought by chief law enforcement officers supported by NRA, a federal judge found that the "mandatory" background checks under the Brady Act constitute a "commandeering" of state police officials by the federal leviathan. "The federal government is not the lord of local law enforcement, " said Mrs. Tanya K. Metaksa, chief lobbyist of the NRA. "Brady Act proponents advertised that the 'reasonable effort' background checks called for under the Brady Act were mandatory. Today, th ey were found guilty of false advertising and they were thrown out of court along with their rhetoric. "Once upon a time, the NRA-backed, state-administered instantaneous background checks -- truly fair, effective and mandatory where implemented -- were labeled 'a ruse and a sham' by U. S. Rep. Charles Schumer (D-NY, a Brady Act sponsor). Today, a federal judge has declared the very centerpiece of Mr. Schumer's law a ruse and a sham." Mrs. Metaksa commended Montana's Ravalli County Sheriff Jay Printz for "courage in supporting city hall by taking on the White House." Mrs. Metaksa noted that the lawsuits filed by Sheriff Printz and law enforcement officials in other states focused on the constitutionality of the federal government gun control mandate from the peace officer's perspective. "Requiring from on-high that state authorities expend a 'reasonable effort' to conduct a background check on handgun purchasers violates the officers' due process rights under the Fifth Amendment," Mrs. Metaksa said . "It also violates the primacy of common sense and local control. What is reasonable? Pulling officers off homicide investigations? Reducing patrols of high crime areas? Hardly." The law enforcement officers' suits also successfully argued that the federal government cannot regulate states to implement a federal regulatory program -- a violation of the Tenth Amendment. The court in Montana concurred. "The real tragedy is we're diverting local law enforcement resources to check honest citizens rather than go after criminals directly," said Mrs. Metaksa. The court enjoined the Government of the United States from requiring not only Sheriff Printz but any other law enforcement officer from conducting the background checks. - nra - Downloaded from GUN-TALK (703-719-6406) A service of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action Fairfax, VA 22030 =========================================================================== And here's a fascinating report posted in WEAPONS ROOM: =========================================================================== The following information is taken from "Taking Aim", The Mili- tiaman's Newsletter, April, 1994 (MOM, C/O P. O. Box 1486, Noxon, MT 59853, 406\847-2246 - voice\fax). 2 month subscription $5; 6 months - $15; 1 year - $25. INTEL. REPORTS (Editor's Note: Some of these reports may appear to be a little on the extreme side or as some people would say "Hype". This is not the case. As was stated in last months issue of "Taking Aim" we give you the reports as we receive them. This way you can make your own conclusion without an opinion from MOM. Even if some of these reports are not confirmed we may elect to bring them to you, so you will know what to look for. This way we can continue to generate the evidence needed for confirmation. I must stress we need good reliable and accurate intelligence reports. Thank you and keep up the good work.) UPDATE ON 540 RUSSIAN MILITARY VEHICLES NEAR BILOXI, MS In last months issue of "Taking Aim" we reported that these vehicles were being stored on an "International Biosphere Re- serve" and guarded by foreign troops who could not speak English. After further investigation MOM has discovered that this compound is not being guarded by foreign troops and this property is not an "International Biosphere Reserve." MOM has received video footage and also an audio report of this compound. These reports reveal: 1. There are now approximately 730 vehicles in this compound. 2. This compound is owned by the U.S. Customs, Blue Lightning Customs Office. 3. These vehicles came from the East German Block, in Germany. 4. Bill of Lading on vehicles marked "UN" (United Nations). 5. Vehicles at this time are being marked on their bumpers UN with personal I.D. numbers (Example: UN 439). 6. Vehicles are equipped with and for: Gas (chemical warfare), assault troops, latest Communications equipment, anti-scattering infrared devices, survival in nuclear--biological contaminated areas. 7. All vehicles are less than 2 years old and have no more than 1,000 miles on their odometers. 8. The Director of Maintenance in this U.S. Customs compound stated: that these vehicles are attached to the UN and were to be used outside of the U.S. for purposes other than peaceful. He also stated that these vehicles were quarantined in this com- pound. 9. These vehicles have had their fuel tanks topped off and are ready to roll at any time. They are combat ready. 10. This compound is restricted and is being guarded by doberman pinschers as of the first week of April. It appears that these vehicles are being transported up the Pearl River after being unloaded at the NASA compound. Our intel. reports show that heavy dredging has occurred in the Pearl River, which flows through NASA, allowing for sea going barges entrance into the compound. January 21, 1994, two men (one who works in the medical field) were fishing in the bayous of the Pearl River when they were asked to leave by a strangely clad individual. These men had observed heavy river traffic before, so they returned to their vehicle to get a camera and they also had taken a SKS rifle with them. They returned to their fishing boat to continue fishing. After an unspecified amount of time went by they noticed a number of boats coming up the river toward them. The lead boat fired warning shots over their boat. While one of the men was taking pictures the other man fired numerous shots over the lead boat. The lead boat at that time riddled their fishing boat and the vehicle they were traveling in (which was parked next to the shore) full of holes with what they believe to be an M60 machine gun. The van was not drivable, so they fled on foot. They returned that night to retrieve the van to find that it was confiscated by the local police department. They still have not had the van returned to them. This story is very familiar by other people in this area who all claim it to be true. We are expecting pictures at any time. =========================================================================== While this BBS doesn't offer Internet, users are tipped on what is available on services in their interest on Internet and other services, sometimes in how-to files in the download area. Then users can go to other services such as Houston's Atomic Cafe and get Internet Mail-Lists such as FREEDOM INK described here: =========================================================================== Some new files ...... PATRMOVE.ZIP "The State of the Patriot Movement" by Lee Crites Keynote Address at the 5/14/94 Utah State Convention of the Independent American Party. FREEINK2.ZIP Information on the Internet-based FREEDOM INK service which contains lots of RKBA and related pro-freedom, anti-big government information. If you have Internet e-mail you can use this service. -------Standard Disclaimer---------------------------------------------- Please note that when files are uploaded to FREEDOM! RBBS the sysop must manually check them and move them to the download area. If the file(s) noted above are not immediately available try again in a couple of days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========================================================================== In other messages, users are informed of Houston-area politicians' attitudes toward gun ownership, as well as attitudes of politicians toward patriot groups, gun owners' groups and other organizations. Several users post frequent meeting notices and updates of one civic organization, Take Texas Back. For specific interests, such as my searching for discussion on SKS rifles, RBBS permits typing in desired text for search at the message-read prompt. The FREEDOM! Sysops put as much work into their BBS as any Houston-area operators. They get a great deal of mileage out of their message and file areas. Give them a call, give them a chance and, if you find yourself informed and entertained, give them your support. Until next time, this is Chuck and I'm dialing down the road. . . =========================================================================== Now: 05-28-1994 at 10:38:50 On for 5 mins, 3 secs 60 minutes left Today Banked Time: (none) Thanks for calling FREEDOM! and please call again! =========================================================================== Ü Chuck Wharton will review a different Houston BBS system here each month. If you have comments, leave email for Charles Wharton on THE ATOMIC CAFE, or send to him via FidoNet at 1:106/235, or via the Internet as charles.wharton@ atomiccafe.com CONNECT! Magazine THE HOUSTON AREA 713 BBS LIST (c) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß DCE BPS Rate (BR) Key: *=300 a=1200 b=2400 c=9600 d=14,400 e=16,800 f=19,200 g=28,800 NOTE: DCE is the speed of data down a telephone wire. DTE is the speed of data from your modem to your computer and vice versa. We do not list DTE rates as it is pointless to do so. ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß PLATFORM KEY: ALT=Altos COC=Tandy Color Computer AMG=Amiga Computer DOS=MS-DOS/PC-DOS operating system KPR=KayPro APL=Apple Computer OS2=OS/2 2.0 ATI=Atari Computer TIA=Texas Instruments 99/4A CMD=Commodore Computer UNX=Unix WNT=Windows NT CPM=CP/M MAC=Macintosh ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SOFTWARE KEY: NAME: SUPPLIER: Auntie BBS....................................W. J. Meier dba W&W Associates 1988 Via Appia Walnut Creek, CA 94598 510-937-0156 C-Net Pro.....................................Perspective Software 313-537-6168 (Voice) 313-537-5942 (Fax) 313-255-2466 (BBS) DLX...........................................Baudtown 818-894-4150 (Voice) 818-893-7600 (BBS) EXCELSIOR! Pro BBS............................Sycom Design Software 313-774-2153 (Voice) 313-772-5802 (Fax) 313-772-6442 (BBS) FirstClass....................................SoftArc, Inc. 416-299-4723 (Voice) 416-754-1856 (Fax) 416-609-2250 (BBS) GT POWER......................................P&M Software Co. 3104 East Camelback Road #503 Phoenix Arizona 85016 Hermes II.....................................Computer Classifieds 206-643-2316 (Voice) 206-643-7830 (Fax) 206-643-2874 (BBS) Major BBS, The................................Galacticomm Incorporated . 4101 SW 47th Avenue . Suite 101 . Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33314 . 305-583-5990 (Voice) . 305-583-7846 (Fax) . 305-583-7808 (BBS) . ......................................PPL Networks . Authorized Galacticomm Dealer . 1400 W. Sam Houston Parkway N . Suite 230 Houston, TX 77043 . 713-464-4256 (Voice) . 713-597-1090 (BBS) . ......................................4D Communications Authorized Galacticomm Dealer And DC-NET Distributor P.O. Box 58002 Houston, Texas 77258 713-326-7755 (Voice) 713-326-2818 (BBS) 713-326-2735 (Fax) PCBoard.......................................Clark Development Company Inc P.O. Box 571365 Murray Utah 84157 801-261-1686 (Voice) 801-261-8987 (Fax) 801-261-8976 (BBS) Powerboard BBS................................NUIQ Software, Inc. 914-833-3479 (Voice) 914-833-3623 (Fax) 914-833-1479 (BBS) ProBoard......................................ProBoard International 612-537-8655 (Voice) 612-537-8613 (Fax) 612-537-8659 (BBS) RemoteAccess..................................Wantree Development 108 West 3rd Street Bonner Springs, Kansas 66012 913-441-1336 (Voice) 913-441-0596 (Fax) 913-441-0595 (BBS) RoboBoard/FX..................................Hamilton TeleGraphics Inc. P.O. Box 633 Aylmer Quebec Canada J9H6L1 800-363-7626 (Voice) 819-685-0994 (Fax) 819-682-7771 (BBS) Searchlight...................................Searchlight Software Inc. 6516 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44102 216-631-9290 (Voice) 216-631-9289 (Fax) 216-631-9285 (BBS) Spitfire......................................Buffalo Creek Software 913 39th Street West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 515-225-9552 (Voice) 515-225-8496 (BBS) Synchronet....................................Digital Dynamics 714-529-6328 (Voice) 714-529-9721 (Fax) 714-529-5313 (BBS) TBBS (The Bread Board System).................eSoft Incorporated . 15200 E. Girard Avenue . Suite 3000 . Aurora, CO 80014 . 303-699-6565 (Voice) . 303-699-6872 (Fax) . 303-699-8222 (BBS) . .................Connect! Communications Co. Authorized eSoft Dealer SALES, SERVICE, SUPPORT DISCOUNT ESOFT PRICES P.O. Box 720894 Houston TX 77072 713-530-2709 (Voice) 713-530-8875 (BBS) TurBoard......................................TeleMedia P.O. Box 566491 Atlanta, GA 31156 404-395-6525 Wildcat!......................................Mustang Software Incorporated P.O. Box 2264 Bakersfield, CA 93303 805-873-2500 (Voice) 805-873-2599 (Fax) 805-873-2400 (BBS) Are we missing YOURS? Send us the information: P.O. Box 720894 Houston Texas 77072 or via Internet at: sysop@atomiccafe.com. We'll add yours next issue! Systems listed as "LD" or "L-D" or "Long Distance" may or may not be a toll call from your area. If the number is a toll call from the Connect! offices, then it is so annotated and the caller is advised that a toll charge may be assessed by the phone company. ²²²²²²²²²² *********************************************************** *ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸* ²²²²²²²² *³ Presenting Houston's 24 Hour Bulletin Board Systems: ³* ²²²²²²²²² *ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ;* *********************************************************** ²²²²²²²²²² ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Software System System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 001-Science Fiction...778-0239 a Ivory CMD 123 BBS Club..........556-1654 d GT Power WNT FIDONET CHESS GAMES 4D CommunicationsNetwk326-2818 f DC-NET DOS Photo Database Applications 8UP BBS, The......713-424-2739 d TAG DOS LD GAMES,FILES,FILES... 69th Street BBS.......926-8714 c SkyLine AMG A1-Texas Badlands.....353-5907 g PCBoard DOS An Old Favorite Back for Good! A-Mega BBS............488-6077 d Wildcat! DOS 8 Plus Gigs of Online Files!!! A-Mega BBS............488-2032 d Wildcat! DOS 10,000+ Adult Files - No Ratio A-Mega BBS............488-3096 d Wildcat! DOS 11 National Nets w/400+ Confs A-Mega BBS............488-3174 d Wildcat! DOS Over 200 Online Door Games A-Mega BBS............488-2401 g Wildcat! DOS Hayes 28.8k for Members Only! A No B.S. BBS.........998-8430 d Wildcat! DOS CD-Rom, Wildnet! FREE ACCESS! A Shot In The Dark....864-9553 f Wildcat! DOS Worst BBS in Houston VGAPlanet A Womyn's Line BBS....647-9057 d Maximus DOS Alternate Lifestyle for Womyn Aardvark Park.........664-7799 d RBBS DOS FIDO, FILES, FUN!! Abend BBS.............771-2802 d PCBoard DOS Abstract Realities II.998-2337 d RoboBoardDOS VGA Graphics Online Abyss, The............324-2233 c RBBS DOS Host 4 Houston RBBS Net Mail;fls Access BBS........713-424-4420 d Powerbrd DOS LD Files/ Messages/ Games ACiD RAiN.............347-6131 d Renegade DOS Filez,Msgz,BRE,SRE,PIT,LORD! Acid Rain BBS Node 1..893-1541 d Wildcat! DOS 1.2+ Gigs on-line! Doors, Msgs Acid Rain BBS Node 2..893-0648 b Wildcat! DOS 1.2 Gigs, Doors games, nets Acid Warp BBS,The.....496-7702 f Wildcat! DOS Files, Doors, Files, Messages After Hours Night Club937-0504 d RBBS DOS Adult files,messages,games Agency's Outpost,The..477-5403 d Vision-X DOS Lots of stuff! Check us out!! Alcatraz RBBS-PC......450-3870 c RBBS DOS FidoNet/Paul Revere Net/RBBS All About Kids........485-2354 b WWIV DOS Homeschooling/kid to kid All Rights Reserved...530-8875 d TBBS DOS (c) 1994 by David Wachenschwanz Alluvium Mist.........451-3989 e TAG DOS CandyNet, SGANet, CD-ROM An Ice Cube In Hell!..937-8010 d Maximus DOS Messages, files, hardware ANIMAL BBS Node 1,The.941-8299 d ExcaliburDOS Windows GUI envir Bi/Xfers ANIMAL BBS Node 2,The.910-5705 d ExcaliburDOS Windows GUI/ Graphics & Utilis ANOTHER BBS Node 1....334-2115 d RBBS DOS Games, GIFs, Music, Utilities ANYTHING GOES! I......661-0917 d Wildcat! DOS GAMES,FILES,CD-ROM,ADULT ANYTHING GOES! II.....661-7833 d Wildcat! DOS GAMES,FILES,CD-ROM,ADULT Apparitions Appear....491-0467 f TAG DOS 1.7 gig games, adult access Fido Archives BBS..........896-1721 d Synchnet DOS Internet Email made easy! RIP Archives BBS..........896-1581 d Synchnet DOS UseNET, New Files Daily, QWK Archives BBS..........896-6951 g Synchnet DOS Sci,Med,Pol,Comp,Adult,Soc,Inv Armadillo Ranch.......550-7918 g TAG DOS Adults Only! - 21 and over Armchair Athlete,The..457-0444 c TAG DOS Fido 1:106/444 Sports Oriented Atari-OH..............480-9310 c Forem ATI ATAS Computing........837-8003 d Spitfire DOS Circuitnet, FIDO, BRE IP ATC-BBS...............464-5074 g Synchnet DOS Trading Card Marketplace ATOMIC CAFE, THE...1..530-8875 d TBBS DOS* TBBS/TDBS software/hardware now ATOMIC CAFE, THE...2..530-8918 d TBBS DOS* available from The Atomic Cafe. ATOMIC CAFE, THE...3..530-0258 d TBBS DOS* Call our business office at 713 ATOMIC CAFE, THE...4..530-0357 d TBBS DOS* 530-2709 for pricing & details. ATOMIC CAFE, THE...5..530-0558 d TBBS DOS* Authorized eSoft(Tm) dealer for ATOMIC CAFE, THE...6..530-0651 d TBBS DOS* Houston Metropolitan Area... Attic Light BBS.......488-7760 d PCBoard DOS Now 14.4 both lines - NEW CD's Attic Light BBS.......488-7779 d PCBoard DOS BRE & 40+ doors / RIP soon... Aztec Gold............367-0155 b TAG DOS Games, chat B4-U-BUY Node 1.......975-2424 b Custom UNX FREE - Sourcing Databases B4-U-BUY Node 2.......975-2418 b Custom UNX Cal of Events - Restaurants B4-U-BUY Node 3.......975-2416 b Custom UNX R/E - Mortgage Rates - Calc B4-U-BUY Node 4.......975-2417 b Custom UNX Boating to Vacation Packages Back To BASIC.........470-8844 d PCBoard DOS BASIC Programming QB/PDS/VB B A R D's Tavern,The..729-7938 f RemAcess DOS adult,shareware,games,hardware Bayou Bend BBS........894-0574 d Maximus DOS Fido,CDROM,Genealogy,All Ages BBS List of Houston...530-8875 d TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world Bears Den BBS, The....550-9243 d Wildcat! OS2 Fido,Pridenet,Internet,Adult Beginner's RBBS 1.....666-0035 d RBBS DOS *New User Help Beginner's RBBS 2.....666-5552 d RBBS DOS *Discount hardware prices Beginner's RBBS 3.....666-2599 d RBBS DOS *Houston Newz (satire) Beginner's RBBS 4.....666-7536 d RBBS DOS *Win $100 playing Trad Beholder's Lab!.......333-8318 b TAG DOS Role-Playing and PARANORMIA Bell, The.........713-292-2815 d Wildcat! DOS FidoNet- 1:106/435 BHA & Associates BBS..320-0197 d TRIBBS DOS General interest, Novell Bill's Little BBS.....835-3400 f TAG DOS Ham Radio BBS With CD ROM Bit Bucket, The.......496-9670 d Spitfire DOS Over 100 FidoNet conferences! BitBucket ST..........729-7555 b Forem ATI Bits and Pieces.......537-0702 d ProDoor DOS Multi-Node,1.2Gigs,Gifs,PD,etc Bits and Pieces II....537-2219 d ProDoor DOS Adult,CD-ROM online,everything Black Box.............480-2686 d SCO UNXv32b/v42b,FTP,InterNet,games,news Black Gold............437-1101 d TAG DOS Files,Games,Message,Fido,CDrom Blue Ribbon, The......463-8656 d TAG DOS BRE,Pit,TW,SRE are registered Boundless Mallorea BBS481-8422 d TAG DOS Games Messages Fun Brain Storm Learning..550-8105 d RoboBoardDOS "MISSING CHILDREN" Education Brewers' Witch, The...272-7350 d Waffle DOS Pagan Issues, Internet British Intelligence..476-9735 g Vision-X DOS RPGS!! FiLeS, MSGS!!, dOOrs!! Bulldozer's BBS.......242-6370 f Wildcat! DOS 10+ gigs online,Multi-Line Bulldozer's Two BBS...242-8363 f Wildcat! DOS Online Games,Fidonet Bulldozer's BBS.......242-7235 d Wildcat! DOS Files,Messages,Online Shopper Byte Busters..........852-4541 b PCBoard DOS BBS Chess - Home base Byte Source BBS, The..495-1161 c Spitfire DOS V.42bis;Games,GIFs,Graphics CCI BBS, The..........331-0860 d WildCat! DOS Engineering/Linux/InternetFAQs C.E.R.N...............558-5342 c QuickBBS DOS UFOs, paranormal C.W.P. UNDERWORLD.....360-3594 d TAG DOS FILES, BRE, SRE, TW2002,ANIME! Cadillac BBS..........939-0709 d Wildcat! DOS WildNet echos, Files, Games Call of the Wild......453-2405 g Vision DOS 9600-28800 only,files,messages Canadian Connection...699-1010 d Wildcat! DOS Files, Messages, Info, Fun Canadian Connection...699-1012 d Wildcat! DOS Node 2 of Canadian COnnection Castle of Dreams,The..781-3875 d Maximus DOS Fantastic Adventures Await You Caverns BBS, The......438-0229 d MajorBBS DOS TWars,FantFootball,Nostradamus Cell Bio BBS..........798-4955 d Maximus DOS FidoNet, HAMs, RPGs, 300Mb Chairman of the BORED.947-1456 d ExcaliburDOS Windows true BBS Chameleon.............526-1434 d GBBS APL Houston's oldest Apple// BBS Chat Link Houston BBS.837-8200 d MajorBBS DOS Adult-oriented, 21 & Over Chatterbox BBS........597-3500 b DLX DOS Social,Chat 32 lines Chatterbox BBS........597-3523 b DLX DOS Social, Chat, Files Chatterbox BBS........597-3529 d DLX DOS SOCIAL,CHAT,FILES,MATCHMAKER Christian Chat BBS....451-8406 d TAG DOS 100% Christian; FIDONet City of the Ancients..664-6824 d TAG DOS RPG Headquarters of Houston CityScope BBS 1.......477-6424 c TBBS DOS 4-Line chat,GIFS,Products,msgs CityScope BBS 2.......477-6520 d TBBS DOS 4-Line chat,GIFS,Products,msgs Cliff Lee Consulting..558-3336 d Wildcat! DOS Soundblaster and Ray Tracing Cloud Nine BBS........856-2599 e PCBoard DOS 15 Gigs; 30 nodes; InterNet Club Amiga BBS........528-7511 e Dialog AMG Amiga User's Group HQ, Echos Club Commodore........437-6230 a Ivory CMD Cobra BBS Node 1......996-8762 d TAG DOS Games, Echos, Files Cobra BBS Node 2......996-0604 b TAG DOS Games, Files, Echos Coco Loco.............923-6809 b Rainbord COC English/Spanish Bilingual Com Port..............437-0483 b GT Power DOS BBS Chess Comm Port, The........293-9104 b RBBS DOS Computers,Information,Files COMM Port One.........980-9671 c Opus DOS FidoNet Community BBS.........472-6009 d GT Power DOS Home,Family,Community Chat Community Pride BBS...662-3738 b Maximus DOS Gay/Lesbian and/or friends Comp.Liv.F'ndation....444-2927 b Spitfire DOS DisABILITY, ADA, ADAPT, friend CompuSearch BBS.......579-1204 b SALZE DOS EMPLOYMENT,FOR SALE,REAL EST. Compu-Sys Internationl464-0786 b TAG DOS Games,Msgs,Files,ADULT & Reg. Computer Buy/Sell.....446-5194 d PCBoard DOS Echomail, SmartNet Computer Post ShopMall565-1498 d MajorBBS DOS Technical Info & Buying Stuff Computer Room,The.713-420-5725 d PCBoard DOS LD Games Computer Scorephone...837-8235 e Wildcat! DOS Sports, Files, Gif's, Fidonet Confusion Central.....367-7391 b RBBS DOS Confusion, door games, and etc Connect!Communications530-8875 d TBBS DOS Full eSoft SALES,SERVICE,SUPPORT Conservative BBS......579-8161 d Wildcat! DOS WildNet, UseNet Conservative Hippi,The331-8009 d TAG DOS Fido Net-Registered Trade Wars Corner Stone, The.....344-0815 d Wildcat! DOS CHRISTIAN BASED BBS Cowboy's..............726-0385 d TAG DOS Files, msgs, games Cross Town Connection.820-1136 d TAG DOS Games, Message Base, Files Crusader Software.....530-5144 c PCBoard DOS General BBS system Cuddly Place, The.....956-1374 a UCBBS CMD Voting booth,files,friendly Cutting Edge, The.....466-1525 g PCBoard OS2 Usenet/Internet/Ilink/Intelec Cyber Chat Node 1.....682-5600 b MajorBBS DOS Multi-line Chat/Games/KYRANDIA Cyber Chat Node 2.....683-5959 d MajorBBS DOS 3.5 GIG Files, Family BBS CyberPUNK's Playground988-6525 f RBBS UNI formerly Matrix & Coolworld CYBORG BBS, The.......641-3877 g TAG DOS Games, Messages, ADULT Areas Cyclone BBS!, The.....271-7881 d Wildcat! DOS STARTREK,MSG,ALLFILES,MISC! cypher.com............683-9981 e SCO Unix UNX Internet Access,Usenet,FTP,IRC Damage, Inc...........980-7385 d Hermes MAC Mac filez and subs! Lotsa fun! Danzig Platz BBS......444-3423 d Renegade DOS 70+FilesBases/5000+FilesOnline Dark Dragon's Hideaway433-3684 b Renegade DOS Online games Dark Horse 1, The.....487-7278 g Wildcat! DOS Internet E-mail,Newsgroups Dark Horse 2, The.....487-7308 g Wildcat! DOS 5 cdroms online!+ 2.5gigs H/D Data Warp Premium BBS.355-6107 d PCBoard DOS Usenet, multi-network, 2.4gig Database Connections..980-3234 e Spitfire DOS dBase & Clipper help; FidoNet David Wachenschwanz...530-8875 d TBBS DOS (c) 1994 by David Wachenschwanz Dead Parrots Society..437-8858 d RoboBoardDOS Activists, Radicals & Events Debate Place..........451-6066 b Opus DOS FidoNet Deep Space Nine.1-713-251-5889 b TAG DOS L-D; 30 megs files, 25+ doors! Deer Park Connection..479-2184 b TAG DOS DEiCiDE...........713-292-1880 d Oblivion DOS LD VGA/ANSi/MOD/TEXT/MESSAGEZ Delta Board...........358-2524 d Renegade DOS File oriented. 1200 Mods, More Deminsional Nexus,The.376-2023 f Vision DOS Gamez (not pd!) call 4 nfo Desktop Overdrive.....859-0513 d Renegade DOS Fido, GT, TW, BRE, 50mb files Destination Imaginatin849-7490 b DLX DOS Social chat, SF fans Dickinson Night Light.337-1452 c TAG DOS FidoNet Digital CounterCulture337-3535 d ProBoard DOS DCc - CLF HQ 14 - DeadNet Digital Dreams........579-0580 d TAG DOS TAG Alpha_Support Fidonet Digital Solutions.....992-7347 d Waffle DOS Digital Vortex, The...441-1635 d WildCat! DOS Fido 106/501, CD-ROM, TW-2002 Dignity/Houston 1.....499-4828 f Spitfire DOS Doors, Files, CD-Rom, Msgs Dignity/Houston 2.....499-2002 b Spitfire DOS Doors, Doors, & Lots More Drs Dimensional Shift.....482-5848 d Renegade DOS FREE Online CD-ROM, 3 nets Dimensions of Eternity466-0872 d TAG DOS UseNet;400+Mod;ClassyAdultGifs Dimensions of Infinity682-6609 g TAG DOS Messages, Fidonet, ClassyAdult Dive Connection, The..463-2873 c Auntie DOS SCUBA,games,Internet,quikmail DogHouse PCBoard......837-1103 d PCBoard DOS Long distance from some areas Dos Lords Dungeon.....681-1779 d TAG DOS Files, Messages, Echomail Double Bogey BBS......575-0397 d Renegade DOS Shareware & Adult sections Dreamer's BBS.........540-8166 d Spitfire DOS ALOT OF FUN Dynasty 2.............856-8893 d TAG DOS Files, messages, online games Eat Flaming Death.....447-1927 b Searchlt DOS Wargame board Enchanted Forest,The..493-6018 c Maximus DOS Messages/Utilities/PCHelp End Adult BBS, The....363-1231 g TAG DOS Adult, Games, Files Eosia.................355-5861 b TAG DOS Lots of Messages and Doors Eternity, Inc.........452-7008 d Renegade DOS Family/Christian/Mental Health EZ-Host BBS...........280-8180 d MajorBBS DOS 9600 MNP, 38400 v.42bis Fairlane BBS..........489-4580 f RBBS DOS Files, games,PR-NET,FIDO-soon Fantasy Party Line BBS596-7101 d DLX DOS Adult/Parties/32ln/Cpls/Singls Fido Partner..........458-7410 c DOS FidoNet Final Approach........463-2960 d TransAmg AMG Flynet, Fidonet - Aviation BBS Fireside..............496-6319 d Maximus DOS USR DS V.32bis/V.42bis FidoNet Fish Bowl,The.........894-6062 c QuickBBS DOS Shining Light in Darkness Fox Micros Computing..859-9105 b PCBoard DOS dBase/Windows conferences Freedom Base One......895-8812 b DLX DOS Chat, Files, Adult !FREEDOM! RBBS........997-6633 d RBBS DOS Guns;Right to Keep and Bear'm Freelancin'...........522-2629 c TBBS DOS Fringe, The...........996-6866 d 1stClass Mac Files,messages,autoimmune supt Fulcrum's Edge........350-6284 c Opus DOS FidoNet G's BBS...............586-7751 d GT Power DOS Support for GT (G's) Utils G Spot Node 1, The....932-7573 g RemAcces OS2 3 Gigs Adult/Share-9 Mail Nets G Spot Node 2, The....932-8456 d RemAcess OS2 1000's of Adult Files/Msgs Galactic WarZone, The.498-4231 d Spitfire DOS 20 doors,adult area,Fido soon Game Board BBS, The...353-2706 b RBBS DOS GW,scrabble doors,transfers Game Palace, The......458-2085 d ProDoor DOS Games,Adult,Kid's,Doors,Fun Gamer's Guild.........479-8193 b Telegard DOS MSG base RPG's, DOORS & FILES! Gas Station, The......947-1629 d Wildcat! DOS games,fido,doors,adult Gateway Houston..USV..526-5330 b TBBS DOS Minitel Terminal support Gateway Houston.......522-2629 b TBBS DOS SF/Fantasy games Gavel, The............785-5877 f GT Power DOS ANSI Art, Chess, Legal, QWK General,The...........438-3156 g Pcboard DOS 5+ Gigs files/msgs 14.4-21.6 General,The...........437-0723 g PCBoard DOS 5+gigs files/msgs 14.4-28.8 General,The...........437-0706 g PCBoard DOS 5+ gigs files/msgs 14.4 - 28.8 Genus BBS.............870-0601 d TBBS DOS Graphics Toolkits Support/Info Golden Coco BBS,The...941-1542 b RiBBS COC Fido 1:106/941 EchoMail, OS/9 Gold RBBS, The........662-0844 d RBBS DOS Files and messages Goose's Nest..........492-7929 g Maximus DOS 28,8 FILES,OVER 70+ DOOR GAMES Grasshopper Nest......980-0998 c TAG DOS Files, Messages and Many Doors Grimmy's Doghouse BBS.494-7365 f TAG DOS 20+ DOORS!/MESSAGES!/FILES!!! Grusome Graveyard,The.556-1014 g TAG DOS games, files, msgs., New T-Net Guitar Board, The.....442-1525 b TAG DOS Houston's Guitarist Connection GUNSHOP, The..........472-6577 d Wildcat! DOS GUNS/AMMO AVIATION ADULT PHOTO HAAUG Heaven..........955-2626 d TBBS DOS Mac/Apple 2;HAAUG membrs only HACE BBS..............458-9923 b Express ATI HAL-PC BBS 1..........963-4100 d TBBS DOS 25 lines; FidoNet 1:106/10000 HAL-PC BBS 2..........963-4101 d TBBS DOS 120+ Echos; largest PC users HAL-PC BBS 3..........963-4102 d TBBS DOS group in the world; HAL-PC BBS 4..........963-4103 d TBBS DOS Members get all this and more HAL-PC BBS 5..........963-4104 d TBBS DOS free: Internet; 6.5 gigs DOS, HAL-PC BBS 6..........963-4105 d TBBS DOS Windows, and OS/2 files; use HAL-PC BBS 7..........963-4106 d TBBS DOS of chat and public conference; HAL-PC BBS 8..........963-4107 d TBBS DOS access to 70+ different SIG's HAL-PC BBS 9..........963-4108 d TBBS DOS a month; over 100 experts you HAL-PC BBS 10.........963-4109 d TBBS DOS can call for technical help on HAL-PC BBS 11.........963-4110 d TBBS DOS anything; online help; contact HAL-PC BBS 12.........963-4111 d TBBS DOS with 4,000+ PC users Ham n' Cheez's BBS....879-6039 b TAG DOS Swapshop; TAG files; Messages Ham Shack, The........463-3062 d Waffle DOS Internet, Usenet, Fidonet, HAM Hard Disc Cafe........589-2690 d RemAcess DOS Adult CDROMS, QB/VB Programing Harf!.................351-1753 c TAG DOS Insanity, Intelligence, Hair Harry's Asylum........471-6503 a Image CMD SIGs, Online games,voting,85megs Health Center, The....620-6834 c Maximus DOS Public/Personal Health Topics Heartattack and Vine..488-6786 d WWIV DOS Many message, net, adult area Heaven Sent Ministries691-7130 b TriBBS DOS Christian BBS Heavn BBS.............996-5352 d TAG DOS A little something for us all Hi-Tech Guyz..........370-0123 e Maximus DOS Games, Narcotics HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE,The242-0504 d WildCat! DOS 2 lines;Intelec;PEN;Deep Echo Home Brew U/Houston...923-6418 d RBBS DOS Homebrewing and BEER info!! Homo Sapiens Club,The.855-7289 d SBBS DOS Mental Health,Addiction etc. HOOPLA................975-4142 b Wildcat! DOS Object Oriented Prog. User Grp Horde, The............469-9589 d TAG DOS ÄÄFILESÄÄDOORSÄÄMESSAGESÄÄ Hot Pursuit BBS! Nd 1.852-7060 f Wildcat! DOS FIDO/PoliceNet/NLEMS/WildNet Hot Pursuit BBS! Nd 2.852-7061 f Wildcat! DOS Public Welcome - CDROM Online! Hous.Altern.Lifestyles530-7500 d DLX DOS Gay/BI Adults Only over 18 Houston After Dark....530-7722 c DLX DOS 24 lines Houston Area 713 BBS..530-8875 d TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world Houston Catholic......837-8455 e GT-Power DOS CANDLEü,RESHET,Catholic Files Houston Chat Channel..575-1010 b DLX DOS 31 lines Houston Connection....523-4120 b RiBBS COC OS/9 system assistance Houston Game Designer.955-8920 b Maximus DOS C/C++ GFX CODE,VIRTUAL REALITY Houston Inline Preview265-4000 f TBBS DOS Classifieds, Letters to Bill Houston N/W Z-Node....937-8886 c Wildcat! DOS QWK mail door, files, Zcpr3 area Houston READ BBS......649-3530 d Custom VMS Messages/Adult Literacy Houston Windows.......996-7439 d PowerBBS DOS Windows ONLY files/messages;Fido HOWL!!................862-1415 d Spitfire DOS Life! Files! Words! Soul! I.D.I. BBS............339-2273 b CMD I.F.H.C.A.............948-9906 b TBBS DOS Pipe,valve,fitting database Ice Castle, The.......722-5400 b MajorBBS DOS chat lines/e-mail/cd databases Ice Lair BBS..........694-1522 b MajorBBS DOS Houston's Hottest Chat House!! Ice Lair BBS..........694-2173 b MajorBBS DOS Chat,MatchMaker,Games,Files!!! Ice Lair BBS..........694-2365 d MajorBBS DOS Worldlink!,More Lines SOON!!!! Ice Palace, The.......591-7939 b TAG DOS FidoNet Ikonoclast............721-1538 d WWIV DOS games, philosophy InfoQuest BBS.........320-9163 d Wildcat! DOS Games, files, CD-rom, FidoNet Inner Sphere Node 1...893-4919 d Renegade OS2 OS2 and battletech Support Inner Sphere Node 2...893-0923 d Renegade OS2 battletech and os2 Insider, The..........784-8823 b Wildcat! DOS Real Estate Assistance Intercont'l Airways...661-7360 c Spitfire DOS AutoDial String 6617360,,77,77 Isle of View BBS......771-2261 g TAG DOS Anti-viri, Games-online&files JW's BBS..............680-1296 d Wildcat! DOS Fidonet / CD Rom online Jackson's BBS I,The...849-4022 g TAG DOS 3Gigs,Adult,Echos T-Net Jackson's BBS II,The..849-4083 g TAG DOS Coming Soon Online Games! Jagged Edge...........499-9730 d RemAcess DOS Files Games Fido Message Areas JAMWAR BBS!...........462-6629 g TriBBS DOS user friendly,instant access Jason's BBS...........361-3169 b Renegade DOS TW103d, TW2.00!!! Nets soon.. Jim Dandy's BBS.......476-9709 d TAG DOS FidoNET/onlineGAMES/Adult File Joe's Bar and Grill...674-4640 b TAG DOS FidoNet Jose Cuervo Clipper...787-9658 b Wildcat! DOS dBASE/Clipper users group JunkYard, The.........458-0552 d ProLogon DOS Keefer's Keep.........484-3485 b TAG DOS Nancon Team AD&D staff King's Corner BBS,The.550-2661 d Spitfire DOS CD-Rom,Circuit Net,LOD,TW2002 Knowledge Transfer....370-5804 b Spitfire DOS Education;CBT;AI;Entrepreneurs Komputers for Kids!...286-7800 d GT Power DOS Universal Law/Edu/Wolves Labyrinth.............440-4869 f TAG DOS files,messages,stuff. LAN Connection #1.....690-2851 e Wildcat! DOS 45k msgs/24k+ files/games/gifs Land Of Dreams........461-3748 d TAG DOS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FREE!! Larry's Playhouse.....444-4535 d Wildcat! DOS Alternate lifestyles; Gay RPGs Last Call.............523-8366 d Maximus DOS 2-lines; Alt. Lifestyle, FidoNet Last Chance BBS 1-713-576-2795 d Wildcat! DOS LD PD & Lots of Gifs,CD-ROM Door Latino BBS............531-9980 e RemAcess DOS 1.5 Gigs/Fido/Bilingual/Games Launch Pad............498-7996 c TAG DOS FidoNet Learning Curve BBS,The933-3510 d PCBoard DOS Night Owl CD v. 12 Shareware Lee College BBS...713-425-6866 d Wildcat! DOS L-D General BBS DOS/Novell Supt. Leisure World.........859-0902 e CNET AMG FIDO,CLINK,AmiNet,ADS,SAN Lifestyles BBS Node 1.331-5512 d RemAcess DOS Alternative Lifestyles w/chat Lifestyles BBS Node 2.331-5602 d RemAcess DOS Files, Games, GIFs, Matchmaker Lifestyles BBS Node 3.331-3609 d RemAcess DOS General, Adult & Teen Msg Ares Lifestyles BBS Node 4.331-8279 d RemAcess DOS High Speed modem number Lighthouse BBS, The...431-1825 c GT Power DOS NetMail, SIGEchos, adultareas Linear Logic BBS......561-0702 d Maximus DOS messages, tech, netmail, files Linx..................440-7364 a PCBoard DOS List Of Houston BBS's.530-8875 d TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world Livewire BBS..........821-4749 e Spitfire DOS FidoNet,CircuitNet..Zyxel 19.2 lost boys bbs.........975-7943 d Maximus DOS Alternative lifestyles Macaw's Roost Node 1..495-3730 d PCBoard DOS INTERNET/USENET, Intelec, Fido Macaw's Roost Node 2..495-0555 d PCBoard DOS ADULT Areas, THROBNet, HOTNet MacCentral............452-2193 d 1stClass MAC GUI interface CD-ROM online MacEndeavour..........640-1298 d TBBS DOS Mac msgs, files; Fido, UseNet MacLair...............286-2540 g 1stClass MAC Internet, OneNet, 2 gigs Magic Window Node 1...351-9948 d Maximus OS2 File Echos, full access on Magic Window Node 2...351-9186 d Maximus OS2 first call - NO RATIOS Mailbox, The..........331-1753 c TAG DOS Mask Removed Nd 1,The.947-3062 b Wildcat! DOS doors, messages,files Mask Removed Nd 2,The.947-6062 d Wildcat! DOS 70+ doors, messages, 345 Megs Matchmaker............480-4466 b Homemade UNX 36 lines Maximum Overdrive.....470-9165 d Spitfire DOS 760 Megs,Adult,Games,Gifs,Msgs Media One Studios.....271-0024 b MajorBBS DOS 3.1 GIGs, 32 lines, Live Chat Media One Studios.....272-5527 d MajorBBS DOS 5 14.4KBps Lines in operation Media One Studios.....272-5529 d MajorBBS DOS Live Games/Celebrity .GIFs Media One Studios.....272-5500 b MajorBBS DOS Chat, Games, Files, ADULT Media Bank............748-2420 b RBBS DOS MediaSys..............797-0527 c Wildcat! DOS Media/Photog/Writers/Services Mel's.................896-1545 d GT Power DOS Genealogy;Shareware;Religious MELTiNG POT, THE......787-9327 c TAG DOS BASHemNET -/- MESSAGES Merlin's Enchantment..975-0713 f Renegade DOS Assassin-BRE-SRE-LORD-GW-PLUS! Metal Shop, The.......992-3939 d Maximus OS2 OS/2,DOS,Windows,Atari Support Michael's Place.......946-8606 d VBBS DOS Fido Echo/NetMail;Internet Micon Co., The........947-8185 c Maximus DOS Fido 1:106/8185 EchoMail Micro Archives........449-2775 d PCBoard DOS cd-roms, ASP BBS Mike & the Boys' BBS..996-9776 d TAG DOS File Transfer, Adult Sections Mister Ed's BBS.......580-8105 b Spitfire DOS Mont Belvieu BBS......385-2001 d PCBoard DOS 1.2Gigabytes online USRHST Mont Belvieu BBS......385-2689 d PCBoard DOS 2 gigs online/ Matchmaker door Morning Train BBS,The.860-0751 b Spitfire DOS Mostly Harmless.......376-9178 d TAG DOS Messages&Nets, conservatism Mouse's Nest BBS......661-6368 b Opus DOS Rodent pets and owners Mr. Ed's Corner.......447-6119 d Renegade OS2 V.32/V.42; Programming Munsta-Gator's BBS....890-4229 d TriBBS DOS Lots of files Will Take Reques Music Connection, The.240-0105 d TAG DOS FidoNet Musician's Guild......242-4927 a 128-Net CMD Music, Sprites, Animation MYBBS.................364-8241 d PRO! ATR Science, Politics, Star Trek My New BBS............726-0445 c Maximus DOS Zoom 12,000 Turbo My Lil' Corner........575-1470 d Wildcat! DOS Online games, messages, files N.H.C. BBS............443-5782 d Wildcat! DOS Education/Star Trek/Info New Ware Club.........558-9420 d Wildcat! DOS Virus;Games;Windows Nexus Probe, The......690-0155 b CNet CMD OnlineMusicAnimationSprites Nocturnal Madness.....499-5468 c Wildcat! DOS No Ratios,Adult Files Non-Violent Alts......452-2114 d Maximus DOS peace NORMAL PLACE II, THE..861-0007 d RBBS DOS 2400/14.4 On-Line Games & More NovelConcepts BBS.....729-7555 d Forem ATI FNet, Doors, Now 14.4k Nuclear Exposure......463-2854 b GT Power DOS Games,messages,matchmaker! Nuts and Bytes BBS 1..997-9867 d GT Power DOS Doors, Files, GTPN, FIDO Nuts and Bytes BBS 2..997-1324 d GT Power DOS Files, games, messages Open System BBS.......497-4453 d TAG DOS files, messages,online games Optical Delusions.....772-2209 d Wildcat! DOS Latest files/adult areas/more! Out of the Fog BBS....668-9392 f MajorBBS DOS 12-STEP msgs,forums,games,etc. Outpost, The..........354-2975 d Prodoor DOS Technical Support PACHYDERM PWR BBS,THE.464-7429 d GT Power DOS RUSH,FILES,GAMES,ECHO'S,POLICE Paradise Play Line....597-1090 d MajorBBS DOS World Wide Link,Romance & love Paradise Play Line....597-4000 d MajorBBS DOS 26 lines,chat,social activities Paradise Play Line....597-4021 d MajorBBS DOS Fun Loving, Bi-weekly Parties! Paradise Play Line....597-4014 f MajorBBS DOS Live world wide Chat linkups!! Parrots Cage, The.....270-6323 b GT Power DOS Good games,chess SRE,TRDWRS Passions Place........355-6172 b TAG DOS Files, Messages, Games Paul T's Place........941-6112 d GT Power DOS Mail,files,games,local chat PC Prescription.......729-6654 f Wildcat! DOS Great computer Prices!! Files! Pegasus II............337-5349 d RemAcces DOS Adult areas, Two CD-Rom, 2 Gig Pentecostal BBS,The...641-3058 b Spitfire DOS Christian, Doors,Message,Files Perry's BBS...........466-5349 b Renegade DOS Files,Messages,Games,All Ages Phantasia BBS.........457-6669 b Spitfire DOS SciFi/Fantasy/Anime/CircuitNet Phantasy Star.....713-427-2334 d Telegard DOS LD Door games & RPG's Phone Booth BBS,The...820-2223 b RBBS DOS Info shairing and files Photo-Play............467-0032 d Wildcat! DOS 8-Line Adult,nude membrs, Gifs Phunny Pharm, The.....474-5420 d Spitfire DOS Megamail,Medical,Aviation Pianist's Domain,The..835-0412 d Renegade DOS cool board! Check it out!! Pit Road..............568-0814 d JetBBS DOS door games,files,subs,e-mail Platinum RBBS, The....667-4215 e RBBS DOS USR DS-Validation Required Playline Magazine BBS.568-4400 b MajorBBS DOS Adult dating, sexual areas Pleasure Dome, The....526-6032 b TAG DOS Message Base, Online Games Pogo's Sunday Punch...910-5610 d Wildcat! DOS General File and Mail areas Power House BBS, The..852-7028 a Image CMD Christian support; games Power Plus BBS........550-9944 e GT Power DOS On-line computer store Prime Concepts BBS....937-4872 c TAG DOS Comic/Cards - Tech Support Private Line, The.....933-0499 d Maximus DOS HIV+ Support Programmers Attic,The.894-4429 d Wildcat! DOS Programming: all languages Programmers' Palace...242-4708 f GT Power DOS FidoNET, ZyXEL 19.2 v.32bis Project X - I.........356-7368 f RoboBoardDOS Dedicated to files - free ser. Project X II..........351-2524 c RoboBoardDOS Games/util over 1.2 gig Promised Land, The....992-3324 d DLX DOS Chat/Matchmaker service PSL Online............442-6704 d PCBoard DOS Public(software)Library online Psychodrome BBS.......488-6817 d PCBoard DOS HUFON-VGA Planets-Hack -Solves Quest 86..............480-0703 d TAG DOS Fun, files, online games & CD! Quick Draw BBS........448-2853 c Telegard DOS R/C Connection, The...339-1277 d GT Power DOS Games/Mail/ Files Rachel's Children.....495-0485 d TAG DOS PRO-LIFE Rage, The.............432-1612 d Hermes MAC Mac Files, CD ROM, Adult Areas Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-9343 d MajorBBS DOS FILES, CHAT, GAMES, FAX ONLINE Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-8920 d MajorBBS DOS " " " Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-8010 d MajorBBS DOS " " " Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-9239 d MajorBBS DOS files, games, chat triva Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-9210 d MajorBBS DOS CHAT, FILES, GAMES Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-9089 d MajorBBS DOS ADULT XXX, Games, Chat Ragged Edge BBS, The..660-9531 b MajorBBS DOS ADULT XXX, Games, Chat Ragnarok..............621-8252 d 1stClass MAC 1.7GB/CD/ADULT/MSG's/MAC FILES RAM-Rock BBS..........662-0060 f TAG WNT Adult files and Entertainment Rangers F.U.B.A.R.BBS.992-3860 e Wildcat! DOS 9600 + only, files files files Ravenloft:BBS of Fear.392-7406 b TAG DOS Games, Files, Msg bases, DND!! Really Big Board,The..873-0131 f Spitfire DOS EFF member,mail,doors, FREE!!! Recovery Room I.......242-9674 c Oracomm DOS Addiction/12 Step recovery Recovery Room II......242-3750 b Oracomm DOS Gay/Straight AIDS/HIV+ Support Remote Control, The...324-3931 f TAG DOS Files-Games-Messages-Fidonet Request Line BBS......728-3775 d RoboBoardDOS Now with CD ROM - EGA-VGA MODE Ringworld Node 1......681-6634 d Wildcat! DOS Roller & Inline Skating Info Ringworld Node 2......681-5091 d Wildcat! DOS 50,000 Files, online games Right-Wing............479-3404 d Telegard DOS For all CONERVATIVES!!! Rivan Warrior.........324-3302 d TAG DOS Multi-net, RPG's, etc. Roach Coach OS/2,The..343-0942 f Maximus OS2 USR DS V.32t Fidonet OS2Net Road Kill Cafe,The....370-7004 c TAG DOS Adult 17 and up, SRE,BRE,HM,GW Rob's Place...........466-8887 d TBBS DOS Matchmaker,Chat,Ads,Employment Rocnrol BBS...........496-7415 d Wildcat DOS Adult,Windows,Games,Programing Roost, The............482-7080 c Wildcat! DOS GUNS SURVIVAL SDN FIDONET Round Table, The......922-1393 b Maximus DOS BBS for eclectics,GC MENSA RSS-BBS Support Center859-8253 b Wildcat! DOS Support 4 Ramsoft S.N.A.F.U.............482-2292 e TAG DOS Online games:Tw2002,BRE-SRE,PIT S.S.P.C...............485-2127 c PCBoard DOS Files, messages 2400-9600bps St.Lawrence BBS 486...530-0717 e SuperBBS DOS 2.0 GB/CD-ROM/19.2 BPS/Adult Sands ProBoard........961-1604 e PCBoard DOS General Sag's Sack BBS........343-0091 b TriBBS DOS On-Line Games & Message Bases Satellite Of Love.....463-7314 d RemAcess DOS Windows/DOS, Fido, CD-ROM Satellite TV Board....623-4899 c Spitfire DOS Sat Tv Info - RIME Houston Hub Shadows Of Nights.....354-6406 d TAG DOS Files,Fidonet,Podnet and Doors Shark Waters..........890-0025 b TAG DOS 31 doors Shelly's Web..........523-3446 d Renegade DOS FILES, GAMES AND MESSAGES Sherwood Forest BBS...879-6073 d RemAcess DOS TONS of message areas! 8+Nets! Shire, The............453-6211 b Renegade DOS Writers,Creative Arts,Fantasy Shooting Gallery,The..473-7505 d TAG DOS Adult Doors,Messages,Fideo Net Shop-Net Online!......530-7365 f RoboBoardOS2 Online Shopping, Cyber-Ads Shop-Stop, The........558-8989 f RoboBoardDOS Great Deals & CD-ROM ONLINE Short Circuit.........495-8156 c Wildcat! DOS Silent M”bius.........353-7286 d Powerbrd DOS ANIME, CDrom, ADULT Silver Bullet, The....988-1846 b Renegade DOS Ultimate in .MOD Doors & Files SilverCOrp............261-5418 b FoRoem DOS A Small Business Forum Small Town Spitfire 1.359-1393 d Spitfire DOS *CD-Rom:2.6gigs;RIP;New Users* Small Town Spitfire 2.359-1494 b Spitfire DOS *CircuitNet;Doors;Free Access* Snake Pit.............466-3022 d TAG DOS USR DS;FidoNet Echos;Files;GIFS Social Distortion.....353-5012 g Oblivion DOS ares/elite/ newuser pw: incest Software Expressions..541-3910 c Maximus DOS ASP,Files,Online games, SDN HUB Solace BBS............337-1053 b TAG DOS Play D&D! Its On-Line! Solar Realm Node 1,The855-1665 d Telegard DOS Home of SR-Games! Solar Realm Node 2,The855-1687 d Renegade OS2 Home of SR-Games/Gaming System Solutions.............438-1219 g Maximus DOS Investment/RealEstate/Watkins Sound Off!! Node 1....392-7286 e TAG DOS One Line at 16.8 Sound Off!! Node 2....392-7385 b RoboBoardDOS EGA/VGA Graphics+mouse support Sound Off!! Node 3....392-7280 e RoboBoardDOS *SVGA*View gifs ONLINE*all14.4 SouthWest Tower BBS...772-8461 d RemAcess DOS WINDOWS ONLY!!! Spasm.................568-3534 d K-RAD DOS SpasticNet Specific Solutions....522-1104 d GT Power DOS Windows CICA cdrom archive Squeak! BBS, The......485-0321 b TAG DOS FidoNet, some doors, programs Stage of Dreams.......488-3264 d RemAcess DOS FidoNet;RPGs;Doors;Files Stained Glass Windows.445-3963 c PCBoard DOS Windows Files/Free Access Star Crusier's Flites.455-2409 b Maximus DOS Files Starshine.............998-2282 g Wildcat! DOS files,cd rom Strike Force..........643-6143 d Unknown DOS Games & Adult GIF'S Shareware Super Collider........973-8034 g ExcaliburDOS Games,gifs,wavs,mods,jokes,fun Sweat Shop, The.......894-8266 d Maximus OS2 OS2 STUFF, ADULT Synergy BBS Node 1....495-2844 f Wildcat! DOS NEW WAVE COMPUTERS SUPPORT Synergy BBS Node 2....495-8259 f Wildcat DOS NEW WAVE COMPUTERS SUPPORT Tales of the Crypt713-251-1961 d TriBBS DOS LD Doors Galore! Talk Channel Houston..476-5196 d DLX DOS ADULT SOCIAL/CHAT 32 LINES Tarkin's Rift.........799-1518 e RBBS DOS Specializes in EchoMail Tek-Nique.............473-7546 b TAG DOS Door games Texas Computer Sales..489-1051 d GT Power DOS Computer Sales,Tech Support Texas Gold Mine.......983-4690 d PCBoard DOS Online games and files Texas online..........660-7020 d TAG DOS Adult Gifs galore Texas Safety Assoc....265-7872 d TBBS DOS Business and Personal Safety This List Copyrighted.530-8875 d TBBS DOS (c) 1994 by David Wachenschwanz tlhInganwutlh.........723-8713 b Renegade DOS Wakky messages, ST, Klingon Tomz Toyz.............462-5215 e PCBoard DOS Adult CD-ROMS online Toon-Town BBS II......332-0809 d RBBS DOS 600 meg cdrom/door gamews etc Top, The..............729-7701 d ProDoor DOS BRE, SRE, TW Town Square...........477-2681 e RemAcess DOS 5 Gig of Files/Tons of Games Town Talk Houston.....530-7600 c DLX DOS HST, Chat, on line trivia Town Talk Houston.....495-6500 b DLX DOS Chat, on line trivia Track Hound, The......331-4106 d Maximus DOS Racing Greyhound Info/FIDO Traders *BBS*, The....991-3325 d ExecHost DOS Coming soon: 6 CDROMS online Tranquility Base......893-9124 d GT Power DOS Star Trek, BBS Chess, CD-ROM TribalSoftware BBS....474-9178 d RBBS DOS Distributes Windows Shareware Uncle Wally's Place...493-2501 d TAG DOS Assoc. of Shareware Prof. BBS Under Construction....931-0600 d PCBoard DOS Underground, The......722-7580 d Maximus DOS Adult,celebrity,files,doors Untamed Wilderness....480-8403 d PCBoard OS2 250+ Fido Conf. 18000+ files Up All-Nite BBS.......477-3708 d Renegade DOS Adult, Game Files,Msg. !USS Enterprise!......466-0778 d TAG DOS MODs;GIFs;WAVs;StarTrek Info U.S.S.Enterprise 1701.870-9025 d WWIV DOS Files/games/messages USS Pegasus...........777-0821 g Maximus DOS USR VFC/DS,HAM,RPG,CDROM,2.6Gb Valley Soft BBS.......893-2851 d WWIV DOS WWIVnet/FidoNet Vanity Vanity Publishg722-0934 b PCBoard DOS "Not Just For Writers" VeriTech..............578-0308 d Renegade DOS FidoNet VIS BBS...............894-2069 b Wildcat! DOS Basic Programming Voyager BBS.......713-259-0715 d PowerBBS DOS LD Space related files & forums Wally World BBS.......894-9633 d Maximus OS2 Files, Messages, Adult Area Walrus Street Jrnl,The270-7372 d Wildcat! DOS CD Rom, Files and Doors FREE!! War Games BBS.........489-0677 b GT Power DOS Games, GTPN Netmail Warehouse, The........473-7623 d TriBBS DOS Massive MODs,CD-ROM,D&D,3-D VR WCSCNet...............568-6401 c Opus DOS FidoNet Westgate BBS..........690-5055 g Wildcat! DOS Over 450 meg s/w updated month Wheel, The............341-5573 b Maximus DOS FidoNet Windows Mania BBS.....558-8707 b Wildcat! DOS WINDOWS ONLY! Windwraith BBS........872-8560 b Image CMD PwrNet, Msg Bases, 46MgXfer,OLG Wings.................852-3753 b Wildcat! DOS Wizard's Realm, The...946-7315 b TAG DOS Message based BBS+fish/pet SIG Wizards Workshop, The.992-2526 b Ivory CMD Wooden Shoe, The......474-9657 c TAG DOS Games/Files/Messages/Fido X, The................728-2199 c RBBS DOS Libertarian activist base Yankee Clipper, The...975-1323 d Wildcat! DOS REG>>BRE..SRE..FREE..FRIENDLY Ye Olde Bailey I......520-1569 e PCBoard DOS Usenet & Smartnet Hub Ye Olde Bailey II.....520-9566 g PCBoard DOS Hayes v.FC 28.8 compliant modem Ye Olde Inn III.......331-3056 e TBBS DOS We *ONLY* Do Messages Yoda's Lair...........933-3076 c TAG DOS Zachary*Net...........933-7353 c NoChange DOS Zippa's Bored.........941-8030 d TAG DOS Adult Only-Home of Holly Hurst Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CONNECT! Magazine (c) and The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Copyright 1994 by 1994 David E. Wachenschwanz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Unauthorized reproduction or use is prohibited ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ