@ME.FORMAT           Personal From the editor, SPOTLIGHT As our front page lead story tells you, your eyes have not been deceiving you. A massive movement of military vehicles has been going on in this country--and some of the vehicles are of pre-collapse Soviet Union make. Added to that, some are painted white and carry the legend "UN." They are the same type of armored vehicles we have all seen in television reports from places like Somalia and Bosnia. Rumors have been circulating--many via computer bulletin boards and newsletters--of strange military type activities. In the past it has been impossible to confirm these assertions. But now, we have incontrovertible proof that at least some of the rumors have been based on solid evidence. There are a number of military vehicles being moved and/or stored in various places here in the U.S. The question, of course, is: What are they doing in the United States? Why would our military need vehicles from the ex-Soviet Union and/or its satellites? If our military needs vehicles, shouldn't they be American-made? And why the UN vehicles? Particularly, why this particular type of vehicle, often used for crowd control? Does the U.S. government think armored vehicles will be needed for crowd control here? If they are not for use in America, why are they in America? These are questions that should have been answered by the federal government before any action was taken. Theoretically, "we the people" are in charge. Perhaps your federal representative and your senators could drop a note to the Pentagon or the White House and ask. We have the story. We have the photos. We have the eyewitness accounts from reliable sources. If the whole thing is innocent, why haven't there been stories in the Establishment media with at least the government's side? Is there something we aren't supposed to know? And if that's the case, it's long past time to clean house in Washington.