PRODUCT SUPPLIES 1 Can Form-It per 2' display 1 Bottle Clean-It 1 Can Set-It GENERAL SUPPLIES 1 Spray bottle water Adhesive tape Scissors Serrated knife Wire cufters Plastic for work surface 1 Pencil 1, 1 in. Flat Pain Brush 1 Cup for water 1 Pair Latex gloves (optional) 1 Apron (optional) DECORATIVE SUPPLIES Ceraminc Houses 1 Pc. Masonite, plywood or canvas board of desired size 12" Mirror tile or broken mirror pcs. for lake, puddles 1 Jar Snow Tech 1 Small container Irredescent Glitter 1 Bottle dark brown craft paint 1 Bottle Medium grey craft paint Artificial grass, trees Decorative figures WINTER WONDERLAND DIRECTIONS 1. Construct frame of 1/4" plywood, masonite, or canvas board in whatever size you wish your completed scene to be for easy moving and storage. For small scenes up to 4', work on a fiat piece of thick plywood. A frame isn 't necessary. FOR CENTERPIECE, USE 12 " MIRROR TllE AS A BASE. 2. For a snow scene, mound up newspaper balls and tape wherever you want a hill or mountain. Place a piece of mirror wherever you want a lake or skating pond. 3. Where you wish to place your houses, roads, walks, or train bed, mark off the areas and outline. Do not foam these areas. 4. Apply Form-It sparringly over the newspaper for hills, mountains, and around the mirror for lakes, leaving an irregular shape. 5. For snow scene, cover the surface of the board with Form-It in various thicknesses, being sure fo let foam dry between layers, avoiding outlined areas for houses, walks, roads, etc. 6. Break up a mirror tile (or old mriror on hand) into small pieces and press into wet Form-IT for puddles and lakes. 7. When dry,(24 hours), trim off sides of mountains to create rocky terrain. Paint exposed rock faces with a blend of deep brown, blue, white and grey. Paint Form-IT with Snow Tech, shading snowy areas with blue/grey, creating shadows for effect. Paint road beds, and track bases dark brown. Dry. 8. Spray Set-It over snowy areas. Wait one minute and sprinkle irridescent glitter lightly over snow to create ice crystals. Add more glitter in some spots for heavier ice effect. 9. When partly dry, protect rest of board with a light cover of plastic wrap. Spray Set-IT on train bed or road, wait one minute and cover with hobby sand. 10. Add minature houses with double faced tape for easy removal for storage. 11. Add train track, if you wish, to display a train set with your miniature houses, christmas villages, farm scene, etc. 12. In addition to ceramic houses, place trees, animals, shrubs and figures on snowscape for effect. 13. The same principle is used for other seasons, just changing colors and finishes used FORM-IT GENERAL DIRECTIONS 1. Profect work surface with plastic or large trash bag. 2. Use at room temperature. 3. FORM-IT dispenses like aerosol whipped cream or shaving cream. 4. Dispense a small amount of Form-It at a time. It expands approximately 3 times dispensed amount. 5. FORM-IT is a permanent adhesive and will stick to itself andeverything, except certain types of plastic; such as plastic trash bags and plastic film. 6. For reuse of can - remove extender tip. Clean tip and valve thoroughly by squirting Clean-IT into it. Turn can upside down on paper towel to remove Clean-It. 7 Allow Form-lt to dry 24 hours. 8. Wear plastic gloves to protect fingernail polish.