I am inclined to do this as ID has not released the reg 1.5 patch. (John Romero romero@idcube.idsoftware.com YOUR old and your slow!!!!!) Being that I am not only a DOOM GOD but a C programming god. I will let you experiment with this wad. It will allow file loading and negative frags for 1.5 doom.exe and the reg 1.2 wad. By only loading this file it will add those things that are in the 1.5 shareware wad into the REG 1.2 WAD that will allow you to run deathmatch using neg frags. so to load a file put "doom -file 151.wad your.wad" PS I put the dmxgus.ini file from 1.5 shareware With the addition of the fix.bat that I have included you may even get deathmatch 2.0 working. REMEMBER copy your doom.wad from reg version 1.2 into the dir where the 1.5 doom.exe is located. Run fix.bat to replace the ifoga0 -ifoge0 ppms. These make the regeneration graphics for the objects. Then hexedit using pctools the name BAL3A0 to IFOGA0 BAL3B0 to IFOGB0 BAL3C0 to IFOGC0 BAL3D0 to IFOGD0 BALDE0 to IFOGE0 Ok my first posting on recycling the doom 12 reg wad would only allow single player file loading. This pwad will allow the use of the 12 wad and deathmatch with the negative frags. Deathmatch 2.0 is also possible. I been playing the deathmatch with neg frags and it seems to work. I recorded a lmp in ledges.wad with altdeath enabled just run VIEWLMP.BAT to see after you do all the above. You ask yourself how I did this? You as yourself am I the DOOM GOD. You ask yourself do I have a GOD complex. Again I am GOD, Doom GOD Well lets say since I TA a high level CPSC C programming course and suffice to say I am Excellent as well the source code is available for DEU. PS. Romero didn't play me I alloted june 18 or 19th and he didn't play me so I let for vacation. I am telneting to my account. Eric "Pook-Gai" Leung. July 14th version one of hack. Email me for help eyleung@unixg.ubc.ca