Barney Doom 3D, The Wrath of the Purple Lizard I created Barney using 3D Studio then rendered all the various angles and positions so that you can now blow away Barney from every angle! Simply type "BARNEY3D" to install Barney, and "UNBARNEY" to replace the original graphics. Barney seems a bit grey, if anyone has any idea why this is, or if you have any comments... please mail me, David Lobser, at If you would like the .3ds file I made Barney from I'd be happy to mail you one. You need DMGRAPH in order to install Barney, which I did not include, but you can get it at and lotsa other places. Call the Demon Box! (303) 933-9185 Barney Doom 3D version 2.0! I took David's pictures and made Barney purlpe and gave him a green stomach. I also fixed his movements and added some Barney sounds that I swiped from another Barney patch. (hope no one minds) I going to include dmgraph and dmaud in this zip too. Just unzip this into your Doom directory and type "BARNEYGO" to install the patch, and "BSTOP" to remove it. I've also included a Barney story that was with the Barney Wolfenstein patch because it's neet! If you have any comments for me write me at or on Compuserve at 73144,120. Aaron Blackwell