This file contains directions on saving your old MARK II ADV files and the utilities contained in C:\MARK2\MK2UTILS that came with previous verisions of the MARK II software and how to delete the old Mark II software from your hard disk prior to installing the new software: Step 1. MAKE A NEW DIRECTORY TO COPY THE OLD ADV FILES TO: From the C:\ dos prompt, type md c:\oldadv and press the Enter key. Step 2. COPY THE OLD ADV FILES TO THE ABOVE DIRECTORY: From the C:\ dos prompt, type copy c:\mark2\programs\*.adv c:\oldadv and press the Enter key. Step 3. MAKE A NEW DIRECTORY TO COPY THE OLD MK2UTILS FILES TO: From the C:\ dos prompt, type md c:\oldutils and press the Enter key. Step 4. COPY THE OLD MK2UTILS FILES TO THE ABOVE DIRECTORY: From the C:\ dos prompt, type copy c:\mark2\mk2utils\*.* c:\oldutils and press the enter key. Step 5. DELETE THE REMAINING OLD MARK II SOFTWARE FROM YOUR HARD DRIVE: a. From the C:\ dos prompt, type del c:\mark2\mk2utils\*.* and press the Enter key. b. From the C:\ dos prompt, type del c:\mark2\remap\*.* and press the Enter key. c. From the C:\ dos prompt, type del c:\mark2\programs\*.* and press the Enter key. d. From the C:\ dos prompt, type del c:\mark2 and press the Enter key. e. From the C:\ dos prompt, type rd c:\mark2\mk2utils and press the Enter key. f. From the C:\ dos prompt, type rd c:\mark2\remap and press the Enter key. g. From the C:\ dos prompt, type rd c:\mark2\programs and press the Enter key. h. From the C:\ dos prompt, type rd c:\mark2 and press the Enter key. That's it now you are ready to install: Put the install disk in your floppy disk drive and type the name of the drive (i.e a: or b:) and press the Enter key to switch to the drive the install disk is in. Now type at the A:\ or B:\ dos prompt, install and press the Enter key. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation. Happy ThrustMastering !!!!