DOOM GOLD 1.0 - Alternate sounds and music for commercial DOOM 1.2 NOTE: DOOM GOLD IS FREE! SHAME ON THOSE GREEDY ASSHOLES THAT CREATE ALTERNATE SOUND, PWAD OR GRAPHICS LIBRARIES FOR DOOM, THEN TRY TO SELL THEM! IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF DOOM, GO GET A JOB WITH Id SOFTWARE! EITHER THAT, OR GET OFF YOUR DEAD BUTT AND WRITE YOUR OWN YIPPY-SKIP GAME AND CHARGE $$ FOR YOUR OWN WORK! To those of you who write DOOM editors and charge money for your work, why not? What you're doing is original programming and more power to you! Keep up the good work!!! **Soapbox Mode Disabled** Welcome to DOOM GOLD! I know you'd rather play than read, so let's get to it! Here's the skinny, short & sweet! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: To use DOOM GOLD, you'll need a computer capable of playing DOOM. You'll also need a Sound Blaster sound card (SB, SBPro, SB16) or compatible. Lastly you'll require about 11 megabytes of room on your DOOM hard drive, since the DOOM GOLD program makes a copy of your DOOM.WAD then modifies the copy so you original WAD is not subject to damage in any way. You MUST have a copy of ANSI.SYS running at bootup. Your DOS manual will tell you how to do this. One more thing: If you're running a cheap VGA adapter with a weird chipset, like an OAK for instance, don't even bother trying to run DOOM GOLD. The DG loader will malfunction with unpredictable results. HOW TO INSTALL: Just unpack this archive (DMGOLD10.*) in your DOOM directory, type GINSTALL and follow the program prompts. DOOM GOLD is a big program and may take some time to install, depending on your machine speed. After you install the program, it may be a good idea to de-fragment your drive in order to speed up game play! WARNING***WARNING: READ THIS OR DON'T BLAME ME IF THINGS GO WRONG! Before installing DOOM GOLD, make sure your DOOM.WAD file is clean...that is, free of all user installed PWADS, GRAPHICS or MUSIC. If you don't you will need to reload DOOM from scratch in order to get back to game defaults. Once installed, you can modify the DOOM GOLD .WAD if you wish with new maps and levels, so long as said additions don't change graphics, sounds or the music tracks (I don't know what'll happen if you ignore this last bit, but I wouldn't try to find out if I were you!). RUNNING DOOM GOLD: After install, merely type DOOMGOLD to play. You'll be presented with a menu and you should select the "Read about this program" option first. After this is done, follow other options to load, unload or de-install DOOM GOLD. I think you'll find DOOM GOLD sound effects to be a great addition to the game! If the music bugs you, simply turn it down or off - but I really suggest you try with the music enabled at least once, we have some pretty nice tracks! Lastly, be sure to give a copy of DOOM GOLD (in the original archive only, please) to every DOOM player you know! Upload it to any BBS that'll take it and put it all over the Internet too! BLANKET THE WORLD! DISCLAIMER: Whatever happens, I DIDN'T DO IT! :) ENJOY! E-13, 1994