The game: vga, sound card, mouse/keyboard. Special sound card effect: f1,f4,f6,f9,f10. Always have a habit of savings F3 or F5 the game under different games about every 5-10min. When you go to a new screen always eyeon everything and try to touch & take anythings. Game score 993 of _____. Icon: man=walk, hand=touch, hand (take) with red triangle=to take something, eye=see/look at, talk=talk, zipper=open. To quit= ctrl-q menu=mouse to top of screen click a button, rmb=right mouse button, lmb=left mouse button, click on right mouse button to change icon or click an item in inventory shown in bottom of screen. NOTE: some scene in this game may be x-rated....not suitable for kids. Start of the game: Gammie - at the La Costa Lotta Hotel lobby you start at the la costa lotta hotel lobby, eye & touch/take everything, talk girl, talk to her a lot, when you get score of 5 exit out of the close up picture of the girl. Make sure you get your hotel key before you leave the hotel lobby screen. Walk left from lobby, eye/hand at each door, when reach end of walk way, walk right back to lobby & repeat what you just did but this time instead walk left of lobby you walk right of lobby. At end return to lobby screen. Keep track of what door is what. SAVE. Walk to stair right of the receiptionist, eye & touch everything, click on the key to the door to enter your hotel room (it is right of the ice machine score now is 10). Eye & touch/take everything (pick up blue card & rose at desk). Eye on phone, pink & blue card on table, (phone # are: 8=long distance, 9=local call, 0=front desk, 71=room service, 72=bell desk, 73=concierge, 74= excursion desk, 75=housekeeping, 76=building maintenance) exit out phone list or blue card after reading it. SAVE game, hand on chair to sit and on phone to use it, dial all the phone # you read from the pink card on the table. hand on rose located right of phone to take it. Score now = 27. Hand on door located upper right of screen to enter the bathroom, eye/touch around hand on sink look at brown water hand on sink to close faucet. Hand on door to exit bathroom then to chair to sit and on phone to use it dial 76 to call a plummer, hand on door lower right of screen (right of bathroom) to open it eye to look at closet. You may see at times a girl swinging by the window, try to eye /talk to her. Walk front of screen to exit room. MAID CART & PLUMMER: Walk down stair & back up, you now should see a maid cart, eye/take all possible item in cart (soap, towel, lotion, bathroom tissue) then exit out. Score now 37. Key to your room and enter again, hand on bathroom door to enter you now should see a plummer fixing your sink. Eye/talk on him take plier & file from him (take icon click on plummer twice) then hand on door to exit bathroom and walk front of screen to exit hotel room. Score now 69 walk 1 screen left of lobby, hand on door (right of rose bush) enter spa, eye/touch everything take card right of table. Walk front of spa to exit. While inside spa if larry say I need to go to the bathroom then after exit spa walk 1 screen right to lobby, up the stair key click on your hotel room hand click on bathroom door zipper on toilet seat press F6 key if you have a sound card. hand on toilet seat to flush leave the hotel room (hand on bathroom door & walk to front of screen at hotel room). Score 73. Walk down stair 2 screen left of lobby hand on door between the 2 picture to knock the door (score 74). Walk 1 screen left (screen show 3 doors) hand on each door to knock it a few times. DINING ROOM:is 1 screen right of lobby desk. eye/hand click on door to enter dining room (left of rose bush), eye/take everything, hand on double door on right to enter kitchen, eye/touch everything inside kitchen, you should look & take lard from garbage can. Hand towel from inventory click it on faucet hand on refrigerator door to open it, click the wet towel to the open refrigerator close the refrigerator open the door. walk out of kitchen & back in hand icon on refrigerator door and take out towel. Eye & Hand on salid bar to get orange (score 95). Leave kitchen for lobby. Go to lobby look & take box left of receiptionist get 2nd key (score 105). Go to spa, talk to man, sign guest book take towel walk to door right most of screen click towel on door to enter room, this is the Cellulite Drainage Salon you are looking for eye/touch everything. Take from inventory the lard click it on the piston shaft (wheel on left most of screen) score now 114. Walk froont of screen to exit and again toexit spa. Walk right all the way to tree, walk up to pool eye/talk/touch everything. Walk to door right of pool enter it. This is AROBIC ROOM. Eye/hand everything especially on blue door on lower left of screen to enter WEIGHT ROOM. WEIGHT ROOM: eye/hand/talk to everything. If go left of weight room is the mud bath. Right of weight room is arobic room. If bun shaker is being used talk to body builder & thunderbird (girl) exit out weight room & enter back in, take belt off bun builder. 124 walk left to mud bath, eye/touch everything & talk to everyone. Charlotte dnacey is there. Hand on plant under video camera to move it, from inventory wrench on the video camera to move it. Score=141. Walk right of screen, hand on right door in weight room to exit, hand on door in lower right of arobic room to exit out (blue door under the lower 2 white long light). Walk left 1 screen left of lobby to health spa eye/hand on door hand on pink door on right from inventory click belt on broken yellow vacuum tube score=148. SAVE game. Walk to filter tank (right of blue square) eye to look wrench at middle gray strip score=153. Hand on red tank to open take open area to take filter score=157. Walk to front of screen to leave cellulite salon. Walk to front of screen to exit spa. Walk 2 screen left to dining room. Hand on door to enter dining room and to the kitchen. Click on filter to sink (left of screen) SAVE score=167. Leave kitchen return to cellulite salon click clean filter to machine, hand on cover to close it, wrench on filter tank to tight screw. SAVE. Hand on suck/off level get message 'in working order'. Hand on machine to shut it off. Score=184. Walk leave to lobby talk to Gammie. Walk back to cellulite salon. Hand on desk gammie is lying down in. Score=191. Hand on level to start the suck/off machine. Click on orange from inventory and click it to Gammie. Talk Gammie score 197. Click wash clothes from inventory to Gammie if she say it is wet. Walk to kitchen (1 screen right of lobby) hand on refrigerator door to open, click wash clothes into refrigerator, hand on door to close, leave kitchen and enter again. Hand on refrigerator door to open, take wash clothes out, hand on door to close it. Return to Cellulite salon. Click on washclothes to Gammie score=203. She will ask for mineral water. Walk 3 screen from lobby eye/take mineral on tray at floor. Score=209. Return to Gammie, click water to Gammie 215. After Gammie leaves. Click lamp from inventory to drainage faucet (long gray stand in middle of screen) 230. Walk out to blue bar (2 screen right of lobby) walk down stair, eye everything, take matches from left of bar table. Take matches. Score=234. Wait & read song until the end. Click zipper on match in inventory then quickly click the lighted match on lamp in inventory score=254 SAVE. THE END - GAMMIE. ROSE Exit blue bar & return to the health spa, hand on door left of front desk, eye/touch everything in locker room. Rose is there. Hand on lower locker near door to open it. Click from inventory the towel to larry, hand on locker door to close it. Score=264. Walk thru door to shower, eye/touch everything hand on larry towel & shower handle. After shower, hand on center door to open door. Hand on left door this is HIGH COLONIC TREATMENT ROOM. Eye/touch/take to everyone/everything. F3 save to same file name or F5 save to different file name. Talk to close view of Rose eye/touch her eye & take rose from inventory and click on Rose (271), Watch cartoon, at end Rose will give you an orchid score=286. Larry leaves the health spa thru the front of the screen. The end Rose. Girl: Burgundy - Blue Bar. From health spa go 2 screen right of lobby desk. Walk down stair eye, touch, take everything, F3 or F5 to save, walk & touch door left of bar to open and have some get kill, F7 to restore the game and continue. Hand on mic cable to unplug it score 296. Eye touch talk to her. Burgundy ask for beer score=298. Walk to front of screen to leave to mud bath. From stair walk right to enter pool. Walk/hand on green door & on blue door in arobic room.hand on empty blank box top left of screen to dance. When cartoon ends, eye/talk to arobic teacher at right side of the screen. Take her id badge & exit out. (Score=320). Hand on blue door on right to leave arobic room to pool walk right exit thru door to the end where you see tree. Click id on gray gate on the right of the screen. You now in the employee campground. Enter red tent. Take beer from barrel score=338. Walk back to Burgundy in blue bar, hand click to unplug wire. Eye/talk to Burgundy. When you see a closeup view of her, click beer to her. Score=344. Cartoon of watching her drink beer. Talk to her again if she ignore you, get 2nd set of beer repeat previous step on how to get beer. F3 save game, after get 2nd set of beer give it to her and she will tell you to meet her in sauna room. Score=355 f3 or f5 to save game. Blue room to sauna (go to spa, 1 room left of lobby. Enter spa) hand on 2nd door from left. Change clothes take a shower, hand on door to enter. You are now in mud bath eye/touch everything hand on 3rd door from left this is SAUNA ROOM. Score=368. F5 or f3 to save game. Inside sauna talk girl many times & watch the cartoon, At end eye/take grey bracelet score=380. Walk to front of screen to exit. The end of Burgundy. Girl: Shablee Leave sauna room, shower,, exit to front of screen. Change clothes (hand on locker towel on yourself) go to make up class room walk left 1 screen after exit spa walk stair eye on girl in green (lower right) score 385. SAVE eye/talk close up view of girl, eixt out after she ask for dress. Exit makeup room return to Blue bar (2 screen right of lobby) walk right & down stair hand on curtain (front of screen) walk open area between curtain & flower to go back stage. Eye on everything when dress is shown close up take the dress. Exit out 402 leave blue bar walk left & 2 screen after lobby walk stair. Return to make up class eye on Shablee to get close up view of her. Talk to her then click dress on her.416 exit out. SAVE walk right in hall to lobby & up stair to your room. Eye on card in table. Call 75 on the phone to order a surprise. Leave to lobby 427 & return to your room. Eye on bed take item on bed. 431. Cartoon will lead you back to beach SAVE hand/talk on girl a few times, from inventory click condom on girl 444. Automatically cartoon (x). Walk to toilet hand on it press f6. Exit bathroom return to beach (at lobby hallway, walk left all the way to the end until you see tree go thru the open door). At the park walk to stair to return to the beach, eye/take wine. Leave for hotel hallway. Score 450. The end Shablee Girl: Charlotte Daney From beach walk front of screen, at park walk right to hotel hallway SAVE. Go to blue bar to get a matches (at left of bar counter). Walk 1 screen left talk Art the tram driver, give him matches score=456 eye & touch everything, wrench on motor (left of screen) exit out, hand on ART to get close to you talk 477 Hand click on flashlight to get battery 497. Walk left to make up room (2 screen left of lobby) eye/take cord on floor 503 leave go to guard station, eye/take his hand cuff off his belt. 518 SAVE walk right 2 screen enter pool, hand on green door right to enter arobic room, hand on blue door to weight room hand on left door to mud bath eye everything stand near electro-shock door (1st door on the right) from inventory take electric cord score=530, SAVE click electric cord to ac outlet on wall left of door. Score537. F3 or F5 to SAVE. Hand on door to enter eye/touch & take everything inside. Walk front of screen exit out door eye/talk on girl; & at close up view give her battery. SAVE 564. Cartoon. After girl zap you with electricity you return to your hotel room, Go back to elect-shock room eye/take on ear ring under the tanning bed 589. The end for charlotte. Girl: Thunderbird From electro-shock room return to hotel lobby. 2 screen the left SAVE go to weight room, walk 2 screen right of lobby enter pool hand on door to right of pool to enter arobic room, hand on door on lower left to enter weight room. Look at thunderbird (girl at chair) to get close up view of her. Talk to her then click handcuff on her. SAVE go to lobby walk 3 screen left hand on middle door to Thunderbird room. She'll give you a dog collar with a diamond. Self run (x) cartoon, at end of cartoon you will be in your room. Eye/hand on your diamon in your collar in your inventory bag. Score 644. The end Thunderbird. Girl: Cav From hotel lobby go to arobic classroom. (2 screen to right of lobby). Enter open door to pool, hand click on door at right. SAVE. Walk upper left start dancing to interrup class, talk cav and eye her a few times. After talk a few time eye on her id badge take it. Badge will give access to employee campground to get beer for Burgundy. CAV & Burgandy will work together & play in 1 scene. Girl: Merrily Hand on sunglasses a few times. Go to pool, walk to right of ladder eye/take brown beaver float, leave pool to dinning room (1 screen left of pool) enter kitchen (kitchen is thru double door inside dining room 1 screen right of lobby), click eye truck, click brown beaver float to front truck tire to inflate it. Leave for pool. If you have no swimsuit see 3> & 4> below before going to pool. Walk front of tree, click from inventory swimsuit (made by clicking dental floss to paper gotten from back of maid cart outside your room) to change larry to his swimsuit. Hand on water to enter pool click from inventory brown beaver float to larry. Swim to floating boat. eye/talk to girl sitting at boat.667 if no one is sitting at floating pool, walk left of lifeguard & enter back to pool. If you don't have a swimsuit return to your hotel room, outside left of ice machine should be a maid cart. Eye/take all things, walk to back of it eye/take all things.671..(get tracing paper, dental floss) then click in inventory dental floss to paper to make swimsuit. Exit out close up view of maid cart. leave for pool, click dental floss to sunglasses a few times before making swimsuit. walk to front of screen to darken color of tree, click swimsuit to larry, click brown beaver float on larry, hand on water to enter pool, walk to swim to girl sitting at floating boat eye/talk to her a few times. Hand on middle water of boat to order drink. You should be in close up view of floating boat. Eye/talk a few time to girl sitting right of you. Click your id gotten from Cav to bar girl. 732 at close up view of merrily eye/touch many times until she say she want unlimitted access to bungie/dive tower. 734 exit out 2 times. Hand on pool ladder to exit pool, walk to lifeguard eye/talk to him to get key for bungie dive tower. 740. Click key on diver door. At next screen, top of diving board, eye on the 3 key in inventory, from inventory, click on file to diving tower key to make a duplicate copy of it by clicking the diving tower key to soap in inventory a few time...eye on all key to make sure you have 1 original diving tower key, 1 dup diving tower key & 1 room key. Walk to front of jumping platform (toward back of screen) 750 SAVE GAME hand on water to dive, hand on pool rail to leave pool walk to rail to exit walk to lifeguard, eye on all key in inventory click the original diving tower key to lifeguard to return it to him. Enter pool again hand click on water, click brown beaver float on larry, swim (walk) to floating boat, eye/talk girl a few time, at close up view click the duplicate diving tower key to merrily. 785. Night time comes, follow Merrily up to diving tower talk/zipper/hand on Merrily & larry a few times, an automatically cartoon will run, at end of cartoon will leave larry at hotel room. Eye/take/touch on white paper in inventory. SAVE. Go to the bathroom use toilet, leave for labby. The end of Merrily. Girl: Shamara (last girl to play in this game) Go from lobby to penhouse. To get there: Go to dining room (1 screen right of lobby) enter to kitchen, hand on door to enter dining room & to the double door to enter kitchen. Eye/hand on control next to dumwaiter (right back of screen) hand touch box left of refrigerator hand on lower red button, arrive to penhouse SAVE eye/touch/take everything. Walk left corner of room to balcony eye/talk/touch/take everything & girl (Shamara). SAVE. At close up view of girl, from inventory give her: orchid (838), diamond (858), pearl (878), silver bracelet (898), word of wisdom (918), champain (if ice is melted return to ice machine next to your room and click champain on ice machine to get ice then return to penhouse & give girl the champain). SAVE. While at the ice machine, go into your room with your room key, enter bathroom, click toilet seat to toilet, click toilet paper to larry f6 f4 score=932 do this before getting ice for champaine. If you need ice, get it and return to penhouse, eye on girl to get close up view, give her champaine, give her the gold sculpture 953 give her the burning lamp 993. A long self running cartoon that ends the game the end. Summary of inventory collection: GAMMIE in hotel: lobby: get 2 key (1 from receiptionist, 1 from tray left of receiptionist). upstair/maid cart: (front of cart)lotion, soap, toilet tissue, wash clothes, (back of cart) dental floss, tracing paper. Larry's room: rose, read 3 card (red, pink, blue), plier & wrench in bathroom, use phone, use sink & toilet both with & without toilet seat. Weight room: belt. Dining room: orange, lard, towel to refrigerator & dumwaiter to go to penhouse. Service tray: mineral water. Arobic room: belt. Mud bath: camera beach: lamp Girl: Gammie is in hotel lobby. Thunderbird is in arobic room. Game by Sierra: Leisure Suit Larry 6 - A detailed walk-thru 1