This is a sample flyer given to all Pong Kombatants. It's mostly for silliness value, but it may have hidden secrets in it... - Team Pong -=- WELCOME TO THE PONG LAO CULT KOMBAT TOURNAMENT AND SWAP MEET! This convention kit should give you all the information you'll need to participate in all the fun and games. However, before you proceed, you must sign this statement and turn it in to the registration paddle in the front lobby of our Bilton Hotel and Luxury Resort. Please have this turned in no later than Monday by 3 PM. --------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby waive all opportunities at legal action against the organization herein known as the Pong Lao cult, denying myself any medical claims or accident lawsuits. I understand that if I get bruised, beaten, cut open, or ripped into fifteen segments of equal size that it was my own damn fault and no one else's. This statement also acknowledges that I cannot take legal action against Bilton Hotel and Luxury Resorts Incorporated, or their parent corporation, Wacky Products Incorporated. This statement entitles me to other benefits, such as a free Pong Kombat keychain and a t-shirt reading 'I Disemboweled Monolith and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt'. _______________________ Your Color --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you! Here is the schedule of events. All kombatants are expected to leave the Bilton Hotel and Luxury Resort by saturday, since they require the rooms for a Dentist's Convention. This schedule has been personalized for your fight list. Please do not lose this schedule! MONDAY 10AM - 5PM Socialization and Blood Enemy Obtaining NOTE - YOUR WAIVERS ARE DUE BY THREE! 5PM - 9PM Introduction to Kombat 101 in the Green Room TUESDAY 10AM - 3PM The Bi-Annual Swap Meet. NOTE - You must bring three objects of fifty dollar value to be admitted. Please, no internal organs! 3PM - 4PM Good Luck Charm Auction 5PM - 10PM Talent Show Scheduled to Appear : Yellow Paddle - Balloon Animals and Math Equations Green Paddle - Jazz Singing and Apple-off-the-Head Arrow Competition Kano - Transformations for your Amusement Shifter - Magic Show Also, Johnny Cage will be on hand to sign autographs, and a few representatives of the Multicolored Ninja Clones will be selling cute dolls which say 'GET OVER HERE!' when you pull the string. WEDNESDAY KOMBAT BEGINS - YOUR FIGHT LIST 10AM Blue Paddle, at The Portal 2PM Green Paddle, at The Pit 5PM Red Paddle, at Toxic River NOTE - Schedule may change if you die or challenge one of our alternate fighters, Monolith or Shifter. THURSDAY 10AM Purple Paddle, at the White Zone NOTE - For vehicle loading and unloading only. No parking. 2PM Yellow Paddle, at Happy Gardens 5PM White Paddle, at the Throne Room NOTE - This is assuming you survive this long. FRIDAY 10AM Closing Ceremonies and Awards NOON Bi-Annual next of kin notification for losers 5PM Last Chance Spam BBQ Meanwhile, while waiting for the kombat to ensue enjoy the lovely facilities of the Bilton Hotel and Luxury Resort! TOXIC RIVER Fine sunbathing and the healthiest waters this side of the fountain of youth... lose pounds of excess weight in mere seconds! Sunblock also available. Official government 'Change of Name' forms available for paddles that tan too much. THE PORTAL From 10AM to 9PM every day, enjoy bungee jumping into the vortex of energy and power with your professional bungee instructor, Zeke Thunderclutch. Ask about our souvenir jumbo yo- yos! HAPPY GARDENS Take a leisurely stroll through our well-maintained flower patches. The perfect place to achieve inner peace and harmony before tearing the nuts off of your opponents. Avoid the paddle eating flowers, please. THE WHITE ZONE For our kombatants that need to get home in a hurry (for any reason... death in the family, emergency situation at home, or a paddle wanting blood revenge on you) our mini-airport facilities are the finest in the land. Please do not walk on the runways. THE THRONE ROOMS One for gents, one for ladies. Freshen up and see a man about a horse. Please avoid bringing spam into the lavatories! MONOLITH'S LAIR If for some reason you lose you will to live, come on down to Monolith's lair below the laundry room. He'll be happy to take care of your masochistic needs. Thank you, and enjoy the tournament!