BUGS (Updated 23/03/94) Of course there are absolutely no bugs in this program, however, there may be an anomaly or two that slipped by us. ;-) KNOWN ANOMALIES --------------- VIDEO 1. Don't try and run your 1MB or greater Video card in 24-bit mode because this program will not work. This program was created to work on most systems so we limited the amount of colours to just 16. To fix the problem just tone down your video card to 256 colours. 2. Some elements will not be lined up exactly right if your system is using LARGE FONTS. Change Video resolution in Windows Setup to SMALL FONTS. (We prefer 800 x 600 when playing, but do as you wish.) FILES 3. Make sure the program VBRUN300.DLL gets installed either in the current directory or somewhere adhering to the Path statement in your autoexec.bat. If Windows can't find it, this program will not run. 4. Also make sure VBRUN300.DLL is a READ ONLY file. You can check this by loading FILE MANAGER and clicking the menu item FILE-PROPERTIES for this specific file. Ignore ARCHIVE, HIDDEN and SYSTEM. UNKNOWN ANOMALIES ----------------- If you find some problem that makes the program crap out BIG-TIME, WE want to know about it. We have TESTED, TESTED and TESTED this release but we haven't TESTED, TESTED, TESTED and TESTED it. Even for little stuff like, "You don't think the Star Date is right!", send us info on why and we will fix it! That should be it. We look forward to hearing from you. AXIS SOFTWARE