Course: Southern Hills Country Club Location:Tulsa, Oklahoma Architect:Perry Maxwell JNSE Design:Steve Holden Southern Hills has been rated in the top 10 course's in the country and currently ranks in the top 30.It will also be the host of the 1994 PGA Championship. My source for the overhead and layout was the 1994 Viewers Guide to Professional Golf.The elevations may vary slightly from the actual course but are as close as I could read them.A characteristic of Southern Hills is the rolling fairways which will affect your shots causing them to carry right or left at times so if you take notes on course's and how they play this will help immeasurably on your approaches. I took some liberties that JNSE allows us with the objects putting more color on the course than there actually is and the BG has nothing to do with Southern Hills.The actual BG is simply trees with the city of Tulsa in the far distance.I opted instead for mountains so I hope you enjoy the diversion. Credits: John Kunyik for his JNSE Designer Toolbox Bob Polin for 5 of his bushes from Lava Island Craig Scott for his yellow bush from Willow Tree GC The rest of the objects are original for this course except for a few I had made for previous course's. A very special thanks to my playtester's Russell Beckner aka Tumbleweed and Mark Finney aka as Feebee.Their feedback was invaluable in making this a better course. This course design is freeware, not to be sold or gratuity accepted for copying.This design is not associated with Southern Hills CC.You may make any changes you like for personal use but please leave as is for U/L to BBS's.You may use these objects or the background for other course's.I've seen my objects on many course's and usually I'm referred to as "The other designer I can't remember'.The use of a person's objects on another course is a compliment.If you use the object remember the designer, it's a simple courtesy. Steve Holden aka Sundance Remember, swing easy and keep your head down!