Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: TARTANS.TIL Subject: Scottish Clan Tartans Created by: Jean Hoffman Date: July 20, 1994 Description: Growing up a McClintock, I was quite intrigued with things Scottish, and became very fond of the tartan plaids. When I studied weaving, I developed an even greater appreciation of them. Though I have never woven tartans, I have seen incredibly well done ones locally. In this tile set I have still maintained a little of the suit concept. I have chosen to stress reds in No. 1 - 10, green in 11 - 20, yellow or yellow and white in 21 - 30 and blue in 31 - 34. The remaining tiles are of very different, mostly black and white plaids. I have tried to maintain the appearance of the woven plaid, but the setts (patterns) are often much too large for a tile and I have chosen smaller parts of the pattern for their visual effect and color dominance. For a more traditional tartan set, see TARTAN.TIL/TXT in MJTIL130.ZIP (on the Xevious BBS) created by Barbara Beckham, Ph.D. The tiles represent the tartans of the following clans as illustrated in SCOTTISH CLANS & TARTANS by Ian Grimble, 1973. 1. MacNab 11. MacMillan (hunting) 21. MacMillan (dress) 2. Cunningham 12. Cameron 22. Barclay 3. Erskine 13. Menzies (hunting) 23. MacLeod of Lewis 4. Ramsay 14. MacLean 24. Buchanan 5. Innes 15. MacInnes 25. Kennedy 6. Matheson 16. MacCallum 26. Thomson 7. MacBean 17. Mackay 27. Royal Stewart 8. Fraser 18. More 28. Dress Stewart 9. Drummond 19. Gow 29. Malcolm 10.Logan 20. Duncan 30. Hay 31. Elliot 32. MacDonnel of Keppoch 33. Johnston 34. Clarke 35 - 38. Black and white Menzies 39 - 40. Napier.