Ultimate Universe help file 3.b ADVANCED GAME NOTES Taakian empire artifacts Detection of Taakian empire planets As in all planets found in Ultimate Universe, Taakian planets are hidden from view by cloaking energy. This amount of energy that needs to be overcome before being able to visualize the planet, is dependent on the actual game age of the Ultimate Universe playing environment. The older the game, the more anti-cloaking energy is needed. A good amount of anti-cloak to start at is about 200,000 with at least 1 anti-cloaking enhancer. Device 370 works well and can be Paan'd. Also turns out that in order to obtain an artifact from any of the Taakian planets, one must have in possession, the Taakian Coordinator which can be purchased from the Procurator for 150,000,000 credits. Landing on a Taakian planet without the Coordinator on board, the planet's device bay will be empty. With the Coordinator on board, landing on the planet, the artifact if present will request to be picked up. I've done this twice, found the Meanderer landed without the Coordinator and found nothing. Then I went to the Procurator to buy the Coordinator to see who had it, and found that it told me that it was still on the planet. Went back and lo and behold, the device requested to be picked up. Taakian planet Taakian Artifact Meanderer the Activator Watcher the Librarian Destroyer the Augmentor Procurator the Taakian Coordinator In some games, the Practice mode is activated. (Sys-op configurable.) Be aware that being resurrected will result in player not being allowed to become LOC (Lord of Creation), and that the planets, Watcher and Destroyer will not allow player to land unopposed (although I think that these two planets will always oppose a landing until someone has successfully invaded and toggled the oppose landing to off). The Watcher and Destroyer if they oppose your landing will have to be taken. Make sure you have the firepower necessary to take the planet. Spend a few days building up drones, you need millions of them to survive a forced landing on the Taakian planets. Just thought I'd mention it so players could be aware of possible problems. Once all the devices are locked on-line on board your ship, the countdown commences. Countdown begins from 4. I don't know what determines when it increments down, have tried waiting in the game and monitoring the countdown, nothing. Think it has to do with calender days. Also tried moving from Taakian planet to planet (between the two planets I had found the locations of), again nothing.