Dungeon2.txt - Walkthrough of Bottle Grotto Notice: Only important, hard, or puzzle rooms discussed. Must have map to clearly understand some instructions. Rooms listed below are explained in order you most likely will encounter them. Items on map that are easy to obtain are not discussed. Stone Slab: "First, defeat the imprisoned Pols Voice, Last, Stalfos..." means in the room with a bunny in a "cage", a bat, and a skeleton in a robe, kill the bunny first, then the bat, last the skeleton. 1) Don't worry about that chest in the entrance. You will be able to get to it once you have the Power Bracelet. 2) To light the lamps in the dark rooms, sprinkle powder on them. When all are lighted, something good will happen! 3) The crystal switches (small spheres), when struck, will change fallen squares to standing pegs and vice versa. 4) To defeat the ShyGuys (enemies wearing masks that do the oppisite of you), look away from them, power up your sword, stand behind them, and release, using your spinning blade technique to kill the ShyGuy. 5) In rooms with movable blocks, try pushing them, and if you push them the right direction, something good will happen! 6) In the room with the "suction eye" jump across the gap and hit it before you land to destroy it. 7) To defeat the Pols Voice, throw a pot at it. 8) When you are in the tunnel with the sinking platforms, hold a pot over your head to sink the second one. 9) To beat the Genie, avoid its fireballs and when the bottle jumps at you, hit it once, pick it up, and throw it at a wall. If you do this three times, the bottle will break, and then you have to kill the Genie with your sword.