Dungeon4.txt - Walkthrough of Angler's Tunnel Notice: Only important, hard, or puzzle rooms discussed. Must have map to clearly understand some instructions. Rooms listed above are explained in order you most likely will encounter them. Items on map that are easy to obtain are not discussed. Stone Slab: "The glint of the tile will be your guide..." means that in room D3, where there are 5 tiles, step on the one that has a glint in it, and when you do, another lights up. Remember the order that they sparkled for another room with identical tiles... 1) To destroy the rocks with cracks, bomb it. 2) Don't worry about the deep water, you'll have the Flippers soon enough. 3) In the room F5, where there is a hole separating the 4 ways you can go, with expert dash-jumping, you can do a 90 degree turn and change directions (example: going right, change direction to down)! 4) To get chests that are on a higher level, you have to get there via tunnel. 5) In E4, the key fell into a hole! Oh no! Don't worry, when you get the Flippers you can retrieve it. 6) To defeat the giant octopus, you have to hit either its side or its behind. 7) You got in the room, but the blocks sealed it off! Just pull the handle by the top of the room to pull them apart. And don't worry, you can't be crushed... 8) To defeat the creatures with white masks (I will call them the Masked Crawlers) hit their rear end. 9) The fish is the second easiest boss to defeat. Just whack its face and try to avoid its rams and falling objects. It's fairly easy to defeat him without losing a heart by just whacking it.