Dungeon5.txt - Walkthrough of Catfish's Maw Notice: Only important, hard, or puzzle rooms discussed. Must have map to clearly understand some instructions. Rooms listed below are explained in order you most likely will encounter them. Items on map that are easy to obtain are not discussed. Stone Slab: "Dive under where torchlight beams do cross..." means to get to the passage in F3, dive where the torches intersect to get the Nightmare Key. 1) Don't worry about the chests that are out of reach. You can get to them when you get the Hookshot. 2) By now you might have encountered a room with tiles that form a skull. The mid boss moves around to each of these 4 rooms. To defeat him, hit him and place a bomb in the pile of bones he becomes. You must go to these rooms in this order to fight him: F5, H4, F1, B1. 3) In the room with narrow ledges and gaps with spiked-sliders, use the hookshot to fly across unharmed. 4) In G4, the passageways are separated by a block! Even worse, when you push it to get to the others, it seals of one of the passageways! To get around, push it, go over to whatever passage you can, then come back and the block is back where it started. Now you can go to the previously sealed passage. 5) In rooms with a little square of sticks, use the hookshot from the side with the hook to create a bridge. 6) When you get the hookshot, you can yank the masks of the masked crawlers. 7) To defeat the two giant spiders, shoot the Hookshot in their eyes when they are open. 8) To defeat the Nightmare, when it pops its head out of a hole, use the hookshot to yank it out. Its tail will fall in the hole. Now whack the flashing section of its neck repeatedly to defeat it.