Dungeon6.txt - Walkthrough of Face Shrine Notice: Only important, hard, or puzzle rooms discussed. Must have map to clearly understand some instructions. Rooms listed below are explained in order you most likely will encounter them. Items on map that are easy to obtain are not discussed. Stone Slab: "Enter the space where the eyes have walls..." means where the eyes on the map are, there are really invisible rooms there. One of the eyes has a tunnel that leads to the level 2 Power Bracelet! 1) To defeat the guys in hats that fire boomerang-type energy beams (Wizzrobes), plant a bomb or hit them with arrows. 2) You will need the second Power Bracelet to lift the Elephant Statues. 3) Remember, when you strike the Crystal Switch, EVERY peg in the dungeon reverses position. Also, arrows can go through raised pegs, so that makes it easy to hit a switch behind a row of them. Bombs also make a good time delay for getting where you want to be, then having the pegs change. 4) When you get the map, you can see that the room C5 doesn't exist! It's just your everyday distortion of the space-time continum, so don't worry (there is a room there, however). 5) Hmmm...In some rooms, it appears that no matter what you do, the door won't open. Are there Knights (horse heads - Knights from the game of chess) in the room? If so, toss them and if they both land "heads", the door will open! If they don't land heads up, try again (and again, and again...) until it works. 6) Oh, no! It's the tiles from heck! The door will open when all of the tiles have been destroyed. 7) To get the chest in G7, go down a room. Go up the stairs on the left side (make sure you can get to them), then fall off onto the raised peg. Go up one peg, jump across to the peg on the right, then go up the stairs! Ta-da! 8) The chest in G3 can only be opened by throwing a pot at it. 9) The cute little mid boss in F5 wants to play fetch. Get its ball and throw it at the little dude. After a few hits it will explode. 10) Don't even try to kill the rotating eyes that fire lazers. They are invincible. 11) You can also kill the Pols Voice with bombs as well as pots. 12) To get the Nightmare Key in G3, get to the room G5. 13) To defeat the Face Boss, first wait until all of the pots and tiles are destroyed, then stand on the face. Keep planting bombs until it explodes.