Dungeon7.txt - Walkthrough of Eagle's Tower Notice: Only important, hard, or puzzle rooms discussed. Must have map to clearly understand some instructions. Rooms listed below are explained in order you most likely will encounter them. Items on map that are easy to obtain are not discussed. Stone Slab: "The riddle is solved when the pillars fall!" means that You have to use the Steel Ball to topple the 4 towers on the second floor to beat the dungeon. I have included an inlarged section of the map so you know where to go and when to throw the ball. 1) The first obstacle would be the pegs that are constantly in your way. There are very few Crystal Switches, so you may have to make your way through the dungeon several times before you can easily make your way to the end. 4) Remember, to get to the chests on the border of the first floor, you must fall from the VERY edge of the second floor. 5) In the room where the Steel Ball is, sometimes it seems too hard to pull the handle to open the blocks, pick up the ball, then go through the space. Well, try this. When the blocks are together, pick up the ball, position yourself paralell to the left exit, then face right. Toss the ball. It will bounce over the blocks so you can make a speedy exit when you pull the handle! 6) To find all of the four towers, look on the map. When the Steel Ball falls into a pit, it will regenerate in the room where you first found it. To get to some towers, you must intentionally throw the ball into a pit so you can move it somewhere else in the dungeon. 7) To topple the lower right tower, you must toss it over the gap one room below the tower. Use the map to see how to get to the others, and be creative! 8) In room 2B, you may find it is difficult to get through the room with the pegs blocking your way. Remember, you can walk ON the pegs in the up posisiton if you fall on them (as opposed to jumping on them). 9) Kirby (the little white puffy thing) seems to have grown a taste for young adventurers! Don't worry if you get swallowed, he will spit you out after a while. To defeat Kirby, just let some bombs explode near him. 10) With the Mirror Shield, you can reflect the lazer beams fired from the rotating eyes. 11) If you haven't figured it out by now, jumping on Goombas (the mushy blobs with eyes and feet) is not only legal, it's fun too! 12) Once you have destroyed all the towers, the fourth floor will fall and crush the four center rooms of the third floor, making the Nightmare accessable. 13) You may be confused with the fourth floor on the walkthru map. The fourth floor is inaccessable, and when it is, it replaces the center four rooms on the third floor! After you have destroyed the towers, you can cut out the fourth floor and place it over the center of the third floor. Now it is easy to figure out where to go. 14) Don't forget, if you can land both Knights "heads up" something good is bound to happen! 15) The map may say you are in the Nightmare Room, but there is no nightmare to be found! Well, you have to use the hookshot to rocket across the gap to get to the right side of the room. Then go down a room and to the right and go up the stairs. 16) To defeat the Nightmare, you must hit the giant Buzzard 11 times without falling from the tower. If you fall, all previous damage done to the Buzzard will not count. So if you want to kill him, you have to do everything you can to avoid falling off the tower. This is my method. The Buzzard has three attacks; a horizontal swoop, a feather shooting attack, and a hover-dive. Place your sheild in one button and hold it out ALWAYS. If you do this, you will take no damage from the Buzzard and it's feathers. Now that you have made yourself invulnerable to the bird, you have to find out how to attack without being blown off. The bird's feather attack is the only one that can blow you off the tower. What you must do is stand at the center of the tower and watch carefully where the Buzzard appears from. When he appears, and looks as if he is going to shoot feathers at you, quickly approach him. If you are close enough, he will use his hover-dive attack instead of his feather attack. And if you have your sheild out, when he dives at you, you will not suffer any damage! So, basically, just stand in the center, attack if he swoops at you, and move close to him if he hovers. If he does blow at you, just walk in the wind and most likely you will not be blown off. If he dives at you, you can still attack. And remember, you can attack while your sheild is out, so keep it out at ALL times!