The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Walkthrough You should have these files: Begin.txt - What to do before you get to the first dungeon Between.txt - What to do and where to go between dungeons Dungeons.bmp - Map of all dungeons, includes chests and items Dungeon1.txt - Walkthrough of Tail Cave Dungeon2.txt - Walkthrough of Bottle Grotto Dungeon3.txt - Walkthrough of Key Cavern Dungeon4.txt - Walkthrough of Angler's Tunnel Dungeon5.txt - Walkthrough of Catfish's Maw Dungeon6.txt - Walkthrough of Face Shrine Dungeon7.txt - Walkthrough of Eagle's Tower Dungeon8.txt - Walkthrough of Turtle Rock Egg.txt - Walkthrough of Wind Fish's Egg Koholint.bmp - Map of Koholint Island, shows where everything important is Readme.txt - What you are reading Trade.txt - List of items you must trade on Koholint Island Tricks.txt - Some tricks and techniques you can do in the game If, at some point, you still get stuck in the game, please write to me and I will try to help you. Write to: Bruce A. Johnson, 73113,105 via mail or post a message in The Gamers' Forum, Section 8 (Cartrige Games).