SB DX @ ARL $ARLD039 ARLD039 DX news ZCZC AE37 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 39 ARLD039 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT July 7, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD039 ARLD039 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Dave, VE2ZP/VE9CB, John, WB2K, Warren, NF1J, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and the Contest Corral column from the pages of QST. Thanks. NORTHERN COOK ISLANDS. Ken, ZL2HU, is planning a six week SSB operation as ZK1KH, though no date has been mentioned. He will favor 21177 and 28490 kHz. Meanwhile, Steve, AA6LF, has wrapped up his ZK1ALF stint. Plans were for him to be on from Western Samoa through July 12, but he has yet to show on local PacketCluster nodes. A July 13 to 18 stop at Tokelau and July 18 to 25 stay on Wallis are on his itinerary. GREENLAND. Dave, WJ20, will be on the air as OX3/WJ2O July 9 through 13. He will be active on all bands as a mixed mode entry in the IARU HF Contest over the weekend. Check the WARC bands after the contest. QSL via WJ2O. SINGAPORE. 9V1ARU of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society will be on during the upcoming IARU contest under the HQ category, an official IARU region 3 member organization. Operators include 9V1YC, 9V1ZB and JE1JKL. This will be the very first Singapore multi-op station in an international contest. CANADA. Four Canadian HQ stations will be on the air during the IARU HF Contest. They are VA2RAC on 20 meters, VA3RAC on 80 and 10 meters, VE4RAC on 160 and 40 meters, and either VA7RAC or VE7CFD on 15 meters. The member society abbreviation portion of their exchange will be RAC signifying Radio Amateurs of Canada. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The popular IARU HF Contest runs from 1200z Saturday to 1200z Sunday. Contact as many amateurs world wide, especially IARU HQ stations, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, CW and/or SSB. The exchange is signal report and ITU zone. IARU HQ stations will send signal report and their member society abbreviation. Complete rules for this popular event appear on page 122 of April QST. The QRP ARCI QRP Summer Homebrew Sprint, sponsored by QRP ARC International, is from 2000z to 2400z July 10. Exchange signal report, state/province/country and ARCI number, if you are an ARCI member. If not, send power output instead of ARCI number. For more information check page 118 in June QST. The CQ World Wide VHF WPX Contest, sponsored by CQ Magazine, starts at 1800z July 9 until 2100z July 10 on all authorized bands from 50 MHz up. Exchange call sign and four digit grid square. Details are on page 118 in June QST. NNNN /EX