----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE UNCOMPRESS FAILS WITH OPTIMIZER ERROR 101 (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4605 (03-24-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND UNCOMPRESS must run the Stacker Optimizer before uncompressing your drive. If you receive error 101 while optimizing, your system does not have enough memory to run the SDEFRAG utility. You must increase the conventional memory available on your system, and/or reduce SDEFRAG's memory requirements. These requirements will change based upon the cluster size your drive is using, and how full it is. Please note that SDEFRAG runs in conventional DOS memory (the first 640K), and does not make use of Extended or Expanded memory. The Optimizer's memory requirements are approximately as follows: Cluster Size (K) Memory Required (K) Stacker Drive Size ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------- 4 503 256MB 8 534 512MB 16 560 1GB 32 642 2GB Where K=1024 SOLUTION - Increase conventional memory available. - Reduce SDEFRAG's memory requirements. - Run UNCOMP immediately after Optimization. Increase conventional memory available There are two methods of increasing your conventional memory, automatic or manual. Third party memory managers such as QEMM, 386MAX, NETROOM, or MS-DOS's MEMMAKER are examples of programs which will automate the memory management process. Running a program such as these often will increase available conventional memory to the point where the Optimizer will run successfully. If an automated memory manager is not available, or it does not provide sufficient conventional memory, you may try using a simple memory configuration by manually editing your CONFIG.SYS file. This procedure will require DOS 5 or above. Note that if you have DOS 6 or above, you may press the F8 key when you get the message "Starting MS-DOS." This will allow you to select which lines of the CONFIG.SYS to run. 1. From the STACKER directory DOS prompt, type ED /C 2. Remark out (make inactive) every line in your CONFIG.SYS by typing REM at the beginning of each line, except for the following lines: DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\\EMM386.EXE Where is DOS or WINDOWS (Note: For Dos 6 or greater use the DPMS and STACHIGH lines below) DEVICE=C:\STACKER\DPMS.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\STACKER\STACHIGH.SYS (Note: For other versions of DOS use the Stacker lines that will appear something like these) DEVICEHIGH=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM (this line may not appear) 4. Save the file and restart the computer. 5. Run the Stacker Optimizer from the DOS prompt. Go to the STACKER directory and type: SDEFRAG drive: /H where drive: is the drive you wish to uncompress. 6. If SDEFRAG runs successfully, IMMEDIATELY run UNCOMP. Type: UNCOMP drive: . Reduce SDEFRAG's memory requirements If the procedures above still do not allow the Optimizer to run, you may lower its memory requirements. This is especially useful if you have compressed a large drive i.e. the Stacker drive is larger than 512MB. You may run SDEFRAG with a special option. This option affects speed, but allows it to run in less memory. From the DOS prompt, type: SDEFRAG /buffer=# /F /H where # is a value between 256 and 4096, inclusive. The following examples show how much memory is saved with various values: SDEFRAG /buffer=3072 21K memory saved SDEFRAG /buffer=2048 42K memory saved SDEFRAG /buffer=256 78.75K memory saved By default, SDEFRAG normally runs at /buffer=4096. Run UNCOMP immediately after Optimization IMMEDIATELY after successfully running the Optimizer, run UNCOMP. Do not restart your system, copy files to the disk, or do any other disk activity. From the DOS prompt type: UNCOMP drive: where drive: is the Stacker drive you wish to uncompress. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics