NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release For Further Information: Karen Crowther 707 937-3320 Congressman Lantos Calls for Boycott of U.S. Software In a move condemned by U.S. software publishers, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Cal) told the Congressional Telecommunications Subcommittee chairman, Edward Markey (D- Mass) during the June 29 hearings on the Sega TV channel, that he is prepared to take steps to block U.S. software publishers from the market via a nationwide boycott. He added that "We will take whatever kind of legal steps, whatever kind of commercial pressure, and whatever kind of embarrassing exposure is necessary." Congressman Lantos has been pushing for rating of video games which he describes as "filthy and disgusting". He wants the U.S. publishers to use an expensive ratings system sponsored by the Japanese corporation, Nintendo. The U.S. publishers have proposed the American Game Labeling System. According to U.S. Software Industry spokeswoman, Karen Crowther, "The Japanese system is a thinly disguised plan to put Nintendo's small U.S. competition out of business." She asserts that under the Nintendo system, one of her member's $39 CDROM discs of games will cost 1.5 million dollars to rate. Crowther says the Japanese system is primarily aimed at Nintendo/Sega cartridge games whereas the American system can be used for all types of electronic games, including those on the "Information Highway". Under the American Game Labeling System, computer games will be rated on content in the categories of Violence, Sex/Nudity and Language. "The systems give similar information but the Japanese system, designed by a billion dollar company, is too expensive for the smaller U.S. competition", states Crowther. "We have nothing to be embarrassed about, however Lantos should be embarrassed to be helping Nintendo block U.S. companies from market." In the same hearing, it was asserted that Nintendo's sales account for 10% of the U.S. trade deficit with Japan. ### Please duplicate and send out to your local newspapers, radio and TV stations and magazines --- your help is essential in getting this press release out!