CatNET(sm) User Rules and Regulations ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Effective: Sunday 12 April 1992 CatNET(sm) is a Network of Bulletin Board Services that share common message conferences, which are echoed between these Bulletin Boards via the Hub. This Network is a voluntary service provided by participating System Operators, their respective Bulletin Board Systems, and the CatNET(sm) Hub. Here are the current rules and regulation concerning user participation in all Network conferences and Network messages. 1. Flaming or similar personal attacks on this Network are prohibited. Derogatory racial, ethnic, or other such remarks are not allowed. 2. No abusive or offensive language is allowed; and no abusive, offensive or lewd graphics are allowed. 3. Real names must be used. No ALIASES or HANDLES are allowed in any Network Conferences, except the "Channel 1" conference. 4. No illegal activities will be tolerated, including but not limited to PIRACY, PHREAKING, or other CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES. 5. Messages on this network are PUBLIC and accessible to every user on every node of this network. PRIVATE messages are available only in the USER-USER conference. While every effort is made by the network software to correctly route and protect such private messages, the Network disclaims all responsibility should these measures fail. Network Sysops have the ability to monitor ALL messages routed through their nodes. 6. Messages may be of any length if the matter contained within the message warrants it. Excessive quoting is not permitted. 7. Messages should be contained within suitable conferences that address the subject thread. 8. The use of ANSI color signatures is permitted in all Network conferences provided they do not take up the bulk of a message. ANSI BBS advertisements are allowed in the BBS_Ads conference. All other ANSI screens are allowed ONLY in the ANSI/Graphics conference. 9. Any user found to be in violation of any Network rule will be issued a warning, and/or on the judgement of the CatNET(sm) Administrator, be prevented from accessing any or all Network conferences from ALL Network nodes. 10. No warranties expressed or implied, are made by the Network or by any participating nodes regarding the contents or subject matter contained within Network messages. 11. Posting of items for sale is allowed in the BUY/SELL/SWAP conference and only by those persons acting as individuals, selling items they own and not as a commercial entity. Businesses or those persons posting in the capacity of agent, or on behalf of a commercial entity are prohibited from advertising items for sale on CatNET(sm). A commercial enterprise is defined for these purposes as one which is established solely for the sale or resale of items to the public. þ Harris Lam, Network Supervisor þ