We will now use the demo development programs to make a photonic transistor Boolean logic device. In this case, a rather versatile NOT or signal inverter. That is, when a digitally switched light beam enters the device, the output of the device turns off. And when that modulated input beam is off, the output is on. The first program creates an example image called IMAGE1 using the program PIMAGE.COM. Then we will view the image created. The syntax is: PIMAGE IMAGE1 (spaces not permitted on end) Please be patient, it takes a couple of minuets on a 16 mhz machine to make this complex image, even though it is an image that results from the light from a single point landing upon a standardized 320 by 320 pixel square. The numbers you will see flash by are the instantaneous light phases that occur at the top of each column of pixels. Notice how they change from positive to negative as calculation proceeds. the hologram production program will take advantage of this later.