/\________ _______/\ ______ ________/\ ________/\ ________ | . | | | | | | \ | | | : |______| --- | - ---| _____\ | _.___| | | | | :GFX> | :| : | | --- | - ---| |DLST |______||______|____ |______|__________|__________|______| /\___________ ________ ________ __________/\ | . \ | | || \ | : || | || _____ _ | | | || | || | | : || . || _____ _ | | . || || | DUELiST |______________/ \_______________/ |_____________/ SLiVER! This bbs ad could be saying something funny or cool.. or k-rad... But its not.. it could be telling you how cool & fast the dUb is.. but its not. Or mabye how the three nodes of blazing speed is faster than a bpm of over 135. ...but its not... ...its just sitting there... L I K E Y O U