1-INSTRUCTIONS: The file name 'INSTOS2.INF' included in this download should be placed on your install disk. It will allow you to get around the problem of installing Realizer on OS/2 machines which have the Service Pack installed. This new 'INSTOS2.INF' will install everything on your computer. It will no longer let you select which options you want to install. The problem occurs with the items which can be optionally installed. Development is looking into this problem and we will let you know when it is fixed in the installer. These are changes that were made: ORIGINAL LINES: "0","CDIA46","0","RO","REALIZER.EXE","","CA-Realizer 2.0 for OS/2","Files required for CA-Realizer","3500" "3","CD270","N","C1","ARROW02.BMP","","ClipArt Library","ClipArt Library","475" "3","CD255","C","DA","CIRCUIT.RLZ","Demos/Samples","Demos/Samples","","1700" "4","CD26","NN","OHC","ipfc.exe","Help Compiler","Help Compiler","OS/2 IPF Help Compiler", "760" "4","CD46","Y","CRO1","caret.exe","CA-RET for OS/2","CA-RET for OS/2","CA-RET Visual Report Writer","2500" CHANGES: "0","CRIA46","0","RO","REALIZER.EXE","","CA-Realizer 2.0 for OS/2","Files required for CA-Realizer","3500" "3","CR270","N","C1","ARROW02.BMP","","ClipArt Library","ClipArt Library","475" "3","CR255","C","DA","CIRCUIT.RLZ","Demos/Samples","Demos/Samples","","1700" "4","CR26","NN","OHC","ipfc.exe","Help Compiler","Help Compiler","OS/2 IPF Help Compiler", "760" "4","CR46","Y","CRO1","caret.exe","CA-RET for OS/2","CA-RET for OS/2","CA-RET Visual Report Writer","2500" If you have any additional questions you can call Tech Support at (609) 273-3440 or contact Tech Support through The Compuserve Forum.ort Writer","2500" CHANGES: "0","CRIA46","0","RO","REALIZER.EXE","","CA-Realize-w-Bik68BDIK/168/IK A-RET Visual Report Writer","2500" If you have any additional questions you can call Tech Support at (609) 273-3440 ArialTech Support through The Compuserve Forum.