Simple Plotter Version 1.5 Nov 3,1993 Application Summary: This application is a simple plotter for quick and easy generation of X/Y plots from files of numerical data. It runs only on an OS/2 machine and operates from a graphical user interface. I find myself opening multiple instances of simple plotter within my c++ development environment. Features: * Support multiple plots. * Supports cut and paste of plots between and within instances of simple plotter. * Reads arbitrary ascii and binary files of data. * Uses separate threads for plotting and file operations. * Uses dynamic memory for unlimited plot sizes. * Scale adjustments for X and Y. * Scrolling of data and zoom feature. Latest Changes: Version 1.90 releases the first effort at a usable X and Y axis with zoom and scrolling. The axis may be moved, and are implemented as separate windows. Much work has been done on organizing the internel message passing between threads, and the groundwork opens the way for more interesting features in the months ahead. However, user's will see obvious improvements in data handling that have not been made. I intend to fix the obvious over the next few weeks, generating vesions 1.91,1.92, ... Operating instructions: 1) UNZIP the file using the standard unzip utility. The command is: unzip myplot 2) Then run the application by typing: myplot 3) When the application comes up on the screen, use the menu bar and click on the help button. The file comes complete with a sample data file so the user should be able to bring up a simple plot immediately by clicking on Files, then on Open in the files sub menu. Select Myplot.dat for a test file. No DLL should be necessary. Future Versions: Obviously much more work will go into version 1.X, but all concerned with user interface and usability. Versions 2.x: Versions 2.x will support REXX utilities that can manipulate columns. This will be the mechanism for customizing the simple plotter for support of specific applications and will allow users to incorporate custom data routines by installing them as REXX commands. I am looking for a mathematical library to incorporate into a REXX based signal analysis tool. Notify me of any ideas. Versions 2.x will support the Open Doc standard for linking to other applications, at some point. The major difference with this product is that the scales will become major control objects as versions 2.X proceed. We will be able to link scale objects across different instances of simple plotter for related scrolling and scale mapping. Rexx math functions can be attached to the scales for special mappings. ANd other features not yet invented. I have not yet put together an installation script, but mainly there is only the myplot.hlp which, if not installed properly yields an "Unable to init help" message. Please direct questions to: Matt Young 408 741 1944 or Or Write to: Zounds 2420 Sand Hill Rd Suite 101 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Additional Advertisements: ZOUNDS, a company dealing in signal processing. Our previous voice compression products have been combined with products from VoiceWaves. The Zounds focus remains visualization shareware.