PM Control Center ----------------- Thank you for trying PM Control Center. Contents of this package are: PMCtlCtr.txt - This. PMCtlCtr.exe - The PM Control Center executable. PMCtlCtr.hlp - The online help for PM Control Center. PMCtlCtr.reg - The registration form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Step1 - Copy PMCtlCtr.exe to a directory that you use to store programs or to it's own directory. Step2 - Copy PMCtlCtr.hlp to a directory that is listed in the HELP variable in your CONFIG.SYS or add the new directory for PM Control Center to your CONFIG.SYS HELP var. Step3 - Add a program entry to any of your folders for PMCtlCtr.exe. The only required program setting is the Path and file name field for PMCtlCtr.exe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting started tips: The first time you run PM Control Center, the "Utility" and "Browser" icon bars will be initialized with some basic OS/2 programs. To add your own programs, go to the "Settings" menu item under the "Files" menu. If you find yourself looking at an icon on one of the icon bars and can't remember what it is, click it with the right mouse button. The title of the main window will momentarily change to the title of the clicked program. Set the font from the print dialog the first time you print. Go into settings and set the font for the system area to Helv 8 to reduce the size of the system area while maintaining readability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- De-Installation: Step1 - Run PMCtlCtr.exe with "remove_pmcc_now" (without the quotes) as a parameter. This will remove the references to PM Control Center from your OS/2 INI file. Step2 - Delete PMCtlCtr.* from the directory you installed it in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== SUPPORT SHAREWARE ===================================== Coolware hopes you find PM Control Center useful, but (DISCLAIMER) is in no way responsible for any damages the use of PMCtlCtr.exe may cause. You are free to use PM Control Center at your own risk with no obligation to Coolware for only a short period of time. If, after 30 days, you find PM Control Center useful, you should register it. The registration fee for individuals is $25 (US). The registered version does away with the initial "Hello" window. See PMCtlCtr.reg or the Registration section in the online help for registration detail. Comments, suggestions and bug reports may be submitted through CIS Mail ID 76500,2557 or through the address listed in Register.doc. These will be answered on a "best effort" basis. Feel free to distribute this demo version. ================== REVISION HISTORY ====================================== Version 1.1 - 3/17/94 * Fixed problem found on systems without a printer. Version 1.0 - 2/23/94 Initial release. Version 0.0 - 11/21/93 Initial beta release.