Armadillo Software P.O. Box 2249 Portales, NM 88130 (505) 683-5302 Product Name: PMSysLvl.EXE Product Version: 1.1 Product Release Date: 3/15/94 Operating System: OS/2 2.x Product History: First release - No history Second release - Dialogs re-created to allow use with SVGA & XGA displays Product Abstract: PMSysLvl provides a Presentation Manager interface to the IBM OS/2 SysLevel command. By displaying the data in a notebook format, the data is easier to use. To Run: PMSysLvl To Install: Copy the PMSysLvl files to the directory of your choice, and then run the PMSLInst.CMD to create the desktop object. Product Registration: Individual users: $5.00 per license Small Business (<40 employees): $5.00 per license 1 lic. for every 2 employees ex: 10 emp. = 5 licenses x $5.00 per lic. = $25.00 Other Business, University, etc: $100.00 per site To register, please refer to the file Register.Doc Technical Support: For registered users, technical support can be obtained via the following: Armadilo CForum on IBM OS/2 BBS (800) 547-1283 (US) Internet: CIS: 70612,1446 or from the address/phone listed above. Disclaimer: IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This software may be freely copied and used by anyone as long as the following conditions are met: 1. These functions may not be used by any program for which a fee is charged unless the owner of the program has written permission from Wm. Eric Brunsen. 2. If you transmit a copy of this software to another party you must give them the complete unaltered contents of the PMSYSLVL.ZIP file. 3. If this program is used for more than the thirty day trial period, then the software must be registered.