WHY, oh WHY ? ------------- Question: WHY SHOULD I USE WCL? --------------------- ANSWERS ------- WCL is a command line processor for Windows. It provides the following advantages : 1. It is far better than Program Manager's "File, Run" menu - in that it does EVERYTHING that you can do with "File, Run", and then MUCH MORE. 2. It can either COMPLEMENT or REPLACE Program Manager as an application launcher - meaning; [a] It can do EVERYTHING that Program Manager can do with respect to launching applications, and more [b] It can act as your Windows "shell", in place of Program Manager [c] It can execute the programs on your "RUN=" and "LOAD=" lines in WIN.INI, when you start Windows [d] In addition to [c] above, it can run programs in the "STARTUP=" lines in its own file WCL.INI, when you start Windows [e] It can run a special "AUTOEXEC" batch file when you start Windows [f] It can shut down Windows itself [g] It can shut down any Windows program that is currently running [h] It can change the name of the main window of any active Windows program [i] It gives you a scroll back buffer, and command line history - things lacking in Program Manager. [j] It can run the COMMAND.COM versions of DOS internal commands (with the SPAWN command - in a separate DOS session), as well as WCL's native Windows implementations of these internal commands. 3. It is a better than opening the MS-DOS prompt; [a] WCL is a FULL Windows program - the MS-DOS prompt is NOT. [b] WCL takes full advantage of the Windows environment - the MS-DOS prompt does not [c] Depending on your PIF settings, each copy of the MS-DOS can prompt requires at least 650kb of Windows' memory - the first copy of WCL requires less than 100kb (the first copy of BIGWCL requires 175kb); and each subsequent copy requires only about 25kb [d] Thus, in a typical setup, you will need about 20 copies of WCL, RUNNING AT THE SAME TIME, to use the same amount of Windows memory as ONE copy of the MS-DOS prompt!!! [e] WCL can execute DOS programs - so can the MS-DOS prompt - but WCL can also execute Windows programs - which the MS-DOS prompt CANNOT [f] WCL can even spawn a copy of the MS-DOS prompt itself [g] WCL can run practically all the internal DOS commands, through built-in technology, and Windows API calls - but it also contains several internal commands of its own, which neither DOS nor the MS-DOS prompt can match or even imitate. [h] WCL can run practically all the external DOS commands that are safe to run from the MS-DOS prompt [i] WCL (the big version) gives you a scroll back buffer in its main window - something which the MS-DOS prompt lacks [j] In addition to being able to match the most useful features of DOS, WCL has a lot of its own goodies, which you cannot get anywhere else. It even allows you to start copies of the MS-DOS prompt should you want to do so. For example, WCL allows you to use your PC and your line printer like an electric type-writer. It can also save the exact state of your Windows desktop when you exit Windows, and restore it when next you start Windows. These are just two out of the zillions of features. 4. WCL gives you both FILE MANAGEMENT features, and APPLICATION EXECUTION features in one package, plus several SYSTEM services. Most things that can be achieved in the File Manager can also be achieved in WCL, by simply typing a command. Yet you can do many things in WCL that cannot be done with File Manager. 5. WCL is compatible with OS/2 version 2.1 and Windows NT 3.1 6. WCL is cheap. At œ18 or ($26 US) it costs less than the cost of a night out. 7. WCL is being constantly updated, and the author is very responsive to suggestions by registered users. 8. WCL increases your Windows productivity no little. It is a MUST for every Windows user. -------------------------------------------- Dr. A. Olowofoyeku 268 Horwood, Newcastle, Staffs ST5 5BG ENGLAND. Internet: laa12@keele.ac.uk chief@mep.com -------------------------------------------