TIPS ON SPEEDING UP OPERATIONS Microsoft's WINDOWS comes with two files that may speed up operations. They are HIMEM.SYS and SMARTDRV.SYS. They assist in memory and hard drive management and are described in the WINDOWS User's Guide. Consult it for more information. If you own WINDOWS, check your CONFIG.SYS file and the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the C:\ Directory to be sure that they contain lines dealing with HIMMEM.SYS or SMARTDRV.SYS. If not, you may want to install or re-install WINDOWS so that they will be available for speeding up operations. To see the CONFIG.SYS file, type and enter: type c:\config.sys To see the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, type and enter: type c:\autoexec.bat The EZ Business system can use up to 64K of Expanded Memory Specification if it is available. If you get a conflict with programs such as WINDOWS 386, or DESQview running on an 80386 based computer, type and enter the following command at the DOS prompt before you start the EZ-Business system: SET QSEMS=0