BC4P01.RTP Patch: BC 4.0 to Harvard BC4U01.RTP Unpatch: Harvard -> BC 4.0 BC4P02.RTP Patch: Harvard to Com file support BC4U02.RTP Unpatch: Com file support to Harvard BC4P03.RTP Patch: Harvard -> Fugitive BC4U03.RTP Unpatch: Fugitive -> Harvard TA4P01.RTP Patch: Tasm Patch to latest TASM TA4U01.RTP Unpatch: Restore to original Tasm 4.0 TA4C01.RTP Patch: Chicago M5 patch TA4N01.RTP Patch: Remove Chicago M5 patch for NT compatibility To run: Copy Patch.exe and the rtp files to your BC4 directory that you want to apply the patch to. Then type: PATCH .rtp Where filename is one of the rpt files listed above.