1Technical Update --------------------------------------------------------------- Update #: 302P2.ZIP Description: Patch #2 for Bitfax Pro 3.02 3 files: PRINTFAX.EXE PR302P2.TXT (This file) BFTABLE.DLL Keywords: Bitfax, Pro, 3.02, Printfax ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 04/1/94 Subject: Patch for BFPRO 3.02 Printfax Error Message Product: Bitfax Pro for Windows Version: 3.02 prior to 04/01/93 Synopsis: 1.Printfax is unable to initialize and the following error message is displayed, "Table cache size too small" Please note that this bug will only occur if the video display supports a very high resolution such as 1600x1200. Fix: Replace the following files in your Bitfax Pro 3.02 directory with the files in this patch. PRINTFAX.EXE BFTABLE.DLL 2. Printfax print black scanlines problem on some color printer (e.g. HP DeskJet 550c). What the patches do: 1. The table maximum cache size was increased from 30000 to 40000 to fix this bug. The BFTABLE is also updated to output detail message Source Files Updated: BFWIN\PRINTFAX\printfax.c WINSHARE\BFTABLE\table05.c 2. This patch fixes the When calling function CreateCompatibleDC(), hDC parameter must be printer HDC, otherwise, there may be some problems in color printers. Source Files Updated: BFWIN\PRINTFAX\bmprot.c Please notify your Bit Software Representative if this fix fails. Tel: 510-490-2928 Fax: 510-290-9490 s increased from 30000 to 40000 to fix this bug. The BFTABLE is also updated to output detaiw&/` && y*` `@`E E0f`F`f`P`N`F`&&d`/f`//`&_,a.Gaoq799^`  Obdf||~  "$?[]_579|  "$?[]_579| Arial