CMPQwk 1.401 Interim Release The file CMP1401.ZIP contains only this file (README.TXT) and an updated CMPQWK.EXE. It addresses several minor problems discovered in very wide release of 1.40. These problems are: 1) The CTRL+C copy key did not work properly in the Read window. That's fixed. 2) The Select All Edit menu item did not work properly in the Read window. Note that you must first click ONCE with the left button in the Read window to get Select All to work. 3) Text import was very sloooooow in the 1.4 release. That's been sped up quite a bit in this build, however there is a limit to the size of the file you can import (figure ten pages or so). We have added a variable for NT users to try. If you use NT you must change the UsingNT=no to yes and then use the command-line switches to force the program to use its INI and CFG files. See the documentation for the release 1.4 for further information regarding that feature. Please report any further problems you encounter to Derek Backus in Conference 14 on The Patchbay BBS (818) 441-3965 or contact us through the various means described in the documentation. Derek Backus Todd Henschell CMPQwk Development Team