****CMPQwk 1.4M UPDATE**** If you have the new sound files (dated 1/29/94) you do not need to procure new sounds. IMPORTANT!: If you've enabled SOUND in your copy of 1.4 (the voice that tells you how much mail you have) you MUST download the updated CMPSOUND.ZIP file from the support sites. DISABLE sound until you do so, or you'll have many problems. We have changed the sound logic and the quality of the sound files. DISABLE UseVoice=yes or get the new sound files. IMPORTANT!: the internal packer in CMPQwk 1.4k is only PKZIP 2.x compatible. Support for 1.x requires that you keep a copy of SHRINK.EXE (shipped in this archive). You must change the line UseOldPacker=NO to YES to retain PKZIP 1.1 packing compatibility. But you will lose the speed and superior compression of the new packer if you do. You will NOT be able to attach outbound files with the old packer. You must use the internal packer to get outbound file attachments. Note: to use this update you need a REGISTERED working copy of 1.3 (or later). If you have an earlier version, procure the upgrade files for 1.31 and install them BEFORE trying to use this update. IT WILL NOT WORK on versions earlier than 1.30! Don't try it! You'll be unhappy if you do. If you downloaded CMPSOUND.ZIP: Copy all the new files into the home directory, and delete the old \SOUND\*.wav files and replace them with the new files from the updated CMPSOUND.ZIP file posted on the support sites. Then either run UPDATE.EXE (it will not copy DUNZIP.DLL that file is shipped for use in a future option, you should not have to install it unless you have to go back to a prior Alpha---some users may require it. Leave it out and only install it if you get a message: CAN'T FIND DUNZIP.DLL. If you are using 1.3x and you DO NOT run UPDATE.EXE your personal dictionary will not get converted. If you are using 1.4x (any flavor) your personal dictionary is in the current format and will work fine. ---Manual update instructions--- 1.4 Users: If you are using a 1.4 beta, you need only copy the new files into the home directory and you're finished. 1.3 Users: You MUST run UPDATE.EXE or follow the manual directions below. Running UPDATE is the preferred method, but you can manually update your install. BEFORE running this version for the first time, you must delete the following files (if they exist on your system). Some files may not exist on all systems. If you beta-tested for us you may have them all. If you don't have a file, don't worry, because then you don't have to delete it. PRIVATE.DIC PRIVATE.BAK PERSONAL.DIC CMPDICT.* (all CMPDICT.any files) Contents of the \SAV directory. Contents (if any) of the \WORK directory Any DLL's numbered from 001-010 that may be in your \windows\system directory. Note: if you picked "QUICK EXIT" the last time you ran the program, you MUST re-start it (re-opening your last packet in the process) and select "EXIT" prior to running this release. Failure to do so will cause you much heartache, so go ahead and do that now...and then delete the contents of the \SAV directory. To update your copy, all you need do (after complying with the notes above) is copy the updated files to your \CMPQWK home directory. Make sure the program IS NOT RUNNING when you do this. Notes: You must have a working copy of 1.30 or 1.31 to use this update. Please see the documentation for ways to reach us via various networks, CIS, etc. Please note that Grant Willey, sysop of The Dataphile BBS has requested that users calling there wishing to download updates must log on. You can't use the anonymous CMPQWK USER account on The Dataphile, you must sign-on as a new user to call Grant's system. No fees are involved, you must just enter your real name and phone numbers. The Patchbay BBS still has the "faceless" account (instructions in the prelog screen when you call), and registration is not required to download updates from that system. Neither BBS accepts "handles" if you want to register as a user. You must use your real name. We apologize for any inconvenience this change causes for you. Derek Backus Todd Henschell CMPQwk Development Team ------------end of 1.4M update readme.txt-------------