EDOS support procedures are being upgraded. As of about Sep-20-93, EDOS will has a dedicated BBS number which is NOT shared with other users. Wait times to get onto the board should be much shorter. At the same time use of the BBS is being slightly tightened to provide better support to registered users. In general, if you are not a registered user of EDOS, you will only be able to download a few select files including the latest shareware version of EDOS. The development of the shareware version of EDOS is being frozen. This means that there will be no changes or improvements in the shareware version before 1994 at the earliest. The registered version will continue to be developed and you should expect the shareware version to be at least one to several months behind. The only exception to this might be some very slight fixes for any problems detected in the installation phase of EDOS. Technical support will only be provided to registered users. If you encounter a problem installing EDOS, we would prefer to be notified as installation problems often affect all users of EDOS and we are inclined to fix such problems regardless of whether you have registered or not. However, such tech support for installation problems will be provided strictly on the basis that we have support personel available and they are not otherwise occuppied. Tech support is rapidly being abandoned by the major software publishers for their inexpensive products(under $100). We are inclined to buck that trend if possible. But, since we have the best support in the business and can usually identify problems you may have using DOS applications under Windows, we may start offering tech support on a fee paid per call basis. Firefly Software is a small software publisher, any service that we provide costs money to provide, even the BBS. If users register their copies of EDOS this provides funds to support additional services. Resources are not infinite and we will channel support to those areas that generate income. In todays harsh cost environment there is no other choice. The policies outlined here reflect those realities. If you are not a registered user please do not expect tech support. If you call or write and IF I have time, then I will be happy to answer your questions. But if you are not registered, you will be at the back of the line, so don't be suprised if you fail to get a response. I take suggestions from registered users and sometimes act upon them. It's nothing personal but I rarely have time and have had plenty examples of unregistered users wasting my time, such that if you tell me things that aren't true, or start telling me how to write software, or otherwise go out of your way to aggravate me, you may not get a response. I take kindly to honest suggestions, offered in a kindly way. With the next release of the registered version, a password will be required to obtain most of the optional files in the EDOS forum. I have plans to put up quite a bit more material. We plan to make the EDOS BBS the place to go to find out how to solve ANY problem with DOS under Windows. Improvements in the new version of EDOS, include a configuration utility, improved support for disabling DOS commands, a new HighResText switch to enable support for certain high resolution text modes in oversize DOS sessions. More diagnostics. Any file that requires a password to download is a so called optional file. In the case of DRDOS6 command.com, a password is NOT required. Jan 3,1994 Mike Maurice Firefly Software Systems Corp. Tech Support 503-694-2221