OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: pointred.zip Program Description: Pointer Editor v0.01 Operating System: OS/2 2.x Program Source: Author: Archimedes Trajano Replaces: Your name: Archimedes Trajano Your email address: cs932070@ariel.cs.york.ca Proposed directory for placement: os2/2_x/sysutils === This program basically changes the OS/2 system pointer to something else. It was writen in VX-REXX and modified some code from SetPtr from TRICKS4.INF Documenation and other things are quite bad right now. (Give me a break, I only did this bloody thing in an hour or two) :) One way to look at this program is that it is something like mousey10 It may not have all the features that mousey has, but hey, at least this is free. (I also assume that it would remain that way for the rest of its life, unless I get greedy ;) Well send me any comments and/or suggestions, I'll see if I can add them. (Remember I am only using VX-REXX v1.01, I do not have the dough to get the newer version) :(