QAZ Sound Player 1.0 This program should include two (2) files: QSNDPLY1.EXE README.TXT NOTE: This program reguires VBRUN300.DLL, not included. This program is fairly simple to use. In the Pragram Manager properties, under Command Line place the command line for QAZ Sound Player, then a space, then the sound file (including the path). If no sound file is specified the about dialog will appear. Example: C:\QAZ\QSNDPLY1.EXE C:\WINDOWS\TADA.WAV If you want you can set the path to the QAZ Sound Player directory, or the sound file, I don't believe it will make a difference. I take no responcibility of any unwanted effects this program make cause. I have programed it to the best of my ability, it shouldn't do anything weird, but I take no responsibility. Freeware, use at your own risk! Justin Ronco 3/5/94